Pre-Assessment Research and Information Collecting

Table 4.8: Difficulties in Communicating Using English Difficulties Number Percentage 1. The participants do not know what English vocabulary to produce 2. The participants do not know how to say the words that they want to say 3. The participants do not know the meaning of the sentences spoken by the foreign customers 4. The participants cannot produce correct English sentences 5. The participants cannot respond correctly to certain expressions 12 1 14 5 15 80 6,7 93,3 33,3 100 The data showed that all of the staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta found difficulties in communicating using English. The first difficulty was that they did not know how to respond correctly to certain expressions. They knew what they wanted to say, but they could not find the English word. The second difficulty was that they did not know the meaning of the sentences spoken by the foreign customers. They did not know what the foreigners were asking or saying because they were not familiar with the words used by the foreigners. The first and the second difficulties were strongly influenced by the third difficulty where the participants did not know what English vocabulary to produce. They were lack of vocabulary related to their working world, and that was why they could not understand and respond correctly to what the foreign customers said. The participants also stated that they could not produce correct English sentences. The last difficulty was that they did not know how to say the words that they wanted to say.

c. Support Services

There were three main facilities that enabled teaching learning activities: a whiteboard as the main media; a set of portable speakers and a VCD-MP3 player which would be useful for the listening activities. There were also other supporting facilities such as seven personal computers, a television, an LCD projector, a photocopying machine as well as free Wi-Fi internet access. To sum up, the writer concluded that the necessary support services to implement the task-based materials were available.

2. Planning

Obtaining the necessary data, the writer then developed the framework of the materials to be designed, which consisted of stating goals, topics and general purposes, specifying learning indicators and organizing subject contents.

a. Stating Goals, Topics and General Purposes

In the Research and Information Collection step, all of the participants had chosen Speaking as the skill that they wanted to learn most. Therefore, the designed materials would be focusing on speaking skill. Although the purpose of the materials was to learn speaking, it did not mean that speaking is the only skill that was developed in the materials. The writer combined the other skills for the exposure because it was one of the essential factors of successful language learning. The most important aspect of planning a research-based educational product is the statement of the specific objectives to be achieved by the product. Objectives also provide the best basis for developing an instructional program,