Main Product Revision Queseions in “Its time to write” 17.

The second suggestion was to change the phrase “Don’t Stop Now” into a positive phrase. The writer interviewed some people consisted of learners and instructors on whether negative commands tend to stimulate the learners to do the opposite things. Most of them agreed with that statement, so the writer decided to accept the suggestion. Therefore, in the revised version, the phrase for section B is changed into “Pripari Yoursilf” The third suggestion was numbering each activity to make the learning activities systematic. The writer decided to accept the suggestion because the writer agreed that the learners would be confused when doing more than one exercise if there was no clear division to indicate their learning progress. Therefore, in the revised version, each activity is numbered. The fourth suggestion was completing the lesson plans by including the teaching and learning media, evaluation and references. The writer accepted the suggestion because it was considered important to make the lesson plans as applicable as possible and give clear picture on how to implement the materials, including the necessary tools. Therefore, in the revised version, the lesson plans are completed by listing the teaching and learning media, evaluation as well as references. The fifth suggestion was stating explicitly the aim of “It’s Timi to Writi” in the overview of the materials. The writer decided to accept the suggestion so that the users of the materials would know the benefits of doing the “It’s Time to Write” section instead of considering it merely as homework. In conclusion, the designed materials was revised by conducting five things: adding instructions in every section of the unit, changing the phrase “Don’t Stop Now” into “Pripari Yoursilf”, numbering each activity contained in each section, adding the teaching and learning media, evaluation and references, and stating explicitly the aim of “It’s Timi to Writi” in the overview of the materials. B. The Presentation of the English Instructional Speaking Materials for Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta After doing some revisions based on the suggestions from the participants of preliminary field testing, the final version of the set of English instructional materials for the staff of Bank Mandiri was finally finished. The final version of the designed materials produced as the result of this study was presented in Appendix E. The materials consisted of two books: the Teacher’s Guide and the Students’ Book. The Teacher’s Guide would be the handbook for the teachers. It contained the overview of the materials, how to use the materials, the syllabus and the lesson plans, the photocopiable task materials, the task instructions, and the answer keys to the exercises. The Students’ Book consisted of eight units in which each of them represented the eight topics that were arranged according to the level of difficulty. The first topic was greetings and introduction, continued with numbers, telephoning conversation, making appointments, describing location, introducing new services, explaining bank facilities and the last topic was handling complaints. There would be five sections in each unit as the adaptation of Willis’s framework of task-based learning. The first section, Do You Remember?, was designed to introduce the learners with the context and to relate learners’ personal experience to the topic. This section serves as the pre-task phase in Willis’ task based learning framework whose aim was to prepare learners for the main task. The second section, Prepare Yourself, provided useful expressions, vocabulary and exercises to prepare learners for key language items to do the main tasks. This section serves as the extension of the pre-task phase in Willis’ task based learning framework. Can You Do These?, the third section, gave learners opportunities to produce and learn the language while accomplishing the tasks. Similar with the Willis’ task-cycle phase, this section served as the main tasks of the lesson. The fourth, Let’s Learn, provided the recommended grammatical aspects related to the topic that would be necessary for the learners to understand. This section resembled Willis’ language focus phase. Finally, It’s Time to Write encouraged learners to reflect their learning experience in a journal. This additional section served as a home assignment encouraging learners to think, reflect, and evaluate what they had learned. 80


This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions. In the first part, the writer concludes the summary of the study. Meanwhile, in the second part, suggestions following up this completed study are provided.

A. Conclusions

This study was conducted to answer the two research questions: a how English instructional speaking materials using task-based learning for the staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta are designed, and b what the designed English instructional speaking materials using task-based learning for the staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta look like. To answer the first research question, the researcher adopted R D cycle as the framework to decide the ideal order for Kemp’s eight steps: 1. Research and Information Collecting. It comprises Kemp’s steps of identifying learners’ characteristics, conducting pre-assessment, and finding out the available support services.

2. Planning. It includes Kemp’s steps of considering goals, listing topics, stating the

general purposes for each topic, specifying the learning objectives and listing as well as organizing the subject contents. 3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product. It consists of Kemp’s step of selecting teachinglearning activities and instructional resources. 4. Preliminary Field Testing. It adapts the Kemp’s step of evaluation. 5. Main Product Revision. It adapts Kemp’s step of revision. To answer the second research question, the researcher conducted expert validation and user validation step by distributing evaluative questionnaire to two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program and also to two English instructors of Global Lingua Yogyakarta. The outcome implied that the materials were ready to be implemented for the staff of Bank Mandiri, indicated by the range of mean of 3.25 up to 4.00. Despite obtaining positive comments such as the materials were seriously developed, attractive, applicable, well-arranged, motivating, the various and interesting learning activities, and also that the materials were really suitable for adult learners, the materials had been improved by adding instructions in every section of the unit, changing the phrase “Don’t Stop Now” into “Prepare Yourself”, numbering each activity contained in each section, adding the teaching and learning media, evaluation and references, and stating explicitly the aim of “It’s Time to Write” in the overview of the materials. The final version of the designed materials produced as the result of this study is presented in the appendices. The arrangement of the materials is displayed in Table 5.1.