Development of Preliminary Form of Product Preliminary Field Testing

According to Educational Seminar held by The Department of National Education in 2008, expert validation is an evaluation process that requires review by experts. In this study, expert validation was conducted through distributing evaluative questionnaire to two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. User validation is an evaluation process that requires review by future users of the product. In this study, user validation was conducted through distributing evaluative questionnaire as well to two English instructors of Global Lingua, Yogyakarta. After the weaknesses had been detected, they were used to improve and to revise the materials.

5. Main Product Revision

The feedback obtained from the preliminary field testing was then used to revise and improve the designed materials. This step was conducted to obtain some information needed to make some improvement on the designed materials Borg Gall, 1983. In this step, the writer revised the design based on the results of the expert validation and the user validation step. It is hoped that the revised materials will be more applicable and ready to use. The result of the main product revision was specified as follows: Product Specification: Name : English Instructional Speaking Materials Using Task Based Learning for the Staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta User : the staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta Purpose : Developing and improving the learners’ ability in speaking. Teaching- Learning Approach: Task-Based Learning. Syllabus type : Theme based syllabus. Materials : Speaking by using various activities. Type of product : Printed and recorded materials. Time allocations : Eight units in 8 x 90’ total meetings. Media : Recorded listening passage, books. Facilities : DVD player, MP3 player, screen or TV, sound speakers, CD. Activities : Predicting, cooperating, personalizing, conversational pattern, listing and sorting, using context, diagramming, jigsaw tasks, information gap, ordering, decision-making, comparing, problem-solving and creative tasks Evaluation tools : Group presentation, individual oral test. To summarize all of the five steps of the RD above, the writer presented the chart of the adopted RD model cycle collaborated with Kemp’s adapted model in Figure 3.1. 41