RIFQI IMANDA F34101103 Rifqi Imanda. F34101103. The Study on the Effect of Temperature and



2007 FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR BOGOR KAJIAN PENGARUH SUHU DAN WAKTU PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MUTU PRODUK SIRUP GULA INVERT DARI GULA PALMA SKRIPSI Sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar SARJANA TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN pada Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor Oleh : M. RIFQI IMANDA F34101103 2007 FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR BOGOR INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN KAJIAN PENGARUH SUHU DAN WAKTU PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MUTU PRODUK SIRUP GULA INVERT DARI GULA PALMA SKRIPSI Sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar SARJANA TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN pada Departemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor Oleh : M. RIFQI IMANDA F34101103 Dilahirkan di Lhokseumawe, pada tanggal 27 April 1983 Tanggal Lulus : 20 Juli 2007 Disetujui, Bogor, Agustus 2007 Ir. Muslich, MSi Dr. Ir. Titi Candra Sunarti, MSi Dosen Pembimbing I Dosen Pembimbing II ii

M. Rifqi Imanda. F34101103. The Study on the Effect of Temperature and

Storage Time to the Quality Characteristics of Invert Palm Sugar Syrup. Supervised by Muslich and Titi Candra Sunarti. 2007 SUMMARY Sugar that has been produced from palm are now already widespread be used as sweetener beside cane sugar. This sweetener that called as brown sugar, has specific taste and aroma that often used as main choice to make various foods. In practice, the usage of brown sugar has to be remelted and filtered. Palm sugar modification into syrup form was a breakthrough that can increase the added value of product so it will be much more efficient when used. This research investigated the change of quality characteristics of invert sugar syrup during storage with different temperature and time of storage. Firstly, the research was began by characterized the quality of palm sugar as raw material for invert sugar syrup production. The next step was production of invert sugar syrup by using acid hydrolysis with 0.1 of HCl. Characterization of invert sugar syrup were analized the sucrose and reducing sugar content, total plate count TPC, pH, crystallization level, moisture, ash contents, viscosity, density and total soluble solid TSS. The products were kept on 25, 37, 50 o C for 8 weeks, and investigated the changes of sucrose and reducing sugar contents, TPC, pH and crystallization level every two weeks. The results showed that the invert sugar syrups containing: moisture content 32.1–33.36, ash 2.39–2.91 db, density 1.3382–1.3468 gml, insoluble material 0.42–0.52 db, viscosity 130.67–291.49 cP and TSS 67.18–69.23 o Brix. Invert sugar syrup from coconut sugar during storage containing: reducing sugar were ranged 4.5–15.7 db, sucrose 46.5–60 db, pH 4.9–5.2, crystallization level 0.63–0.77 db and TPC 3.8x10–2.2x10 2 coloniesml. However, invert sugar syrup from arenga palm sugar during storage containing: reducing sugar were ranged 2–7.4 db, sucrose 55.7–63.9 db, pH 5.3–5.6, crystallization level 0.97–1.59 db and TPC 1.3x10 2 –6.2x10 2 coloniesml. Inversion of sucrose was still continuing during the storage. This could be seen from the increasing of reducing sugar content during the storage, while the sucrose content of invert syrups was decreasing during storage. The pH value was decreasing during storage for all temperatures that have been used. TPC value is not showing a trend but the value was still fulfilled the specification of SNI 01-3544-1994. Storage temperature also had significant effect on the inversion process whereas the higher the storage temperature makes the inversion process getting higher. Sucrose of invert sugar syrup is still being crystallized during storage. The sucrose crystallization was relatively low 0.63–1.59 and increasing slowly during storage, so it could be concluded that the content of invert sugar plays an important role as ‘doctor sugar’ to prevent the sucrose crystallization. iii

M. Rifqi Imanda F34101103. Kajian Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Penyimpanan