Advantages of Mind Map

34 STAD to improve accounting learning activities. The difference with this research is the subject and time of research and also the addition of the use of the mind map in learning. 3. Re search conducted by Jatu Arifa Fahmi 2013 entitled Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Student Teams Achievement Divisions STAD untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Akuntansi Kelas XI IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Jetis Bantul Tahun Ajaran 20122013 . The results of this research showed increased liveliness student from the cycle I to cycle II. Pay attention to teacher indicators increased by 6,82 from the cycle I with the percentage of 86,36 to 93,18 in cycle II. Indicator of noting or encapsulates the subject matter increased by 20,46 from the cycle I with the percentage of 79,54 to 100 in cycle II. Indicator of asks teacher increased by 38,64 from the cycle I with the percentage of 45,45 to 84,09 in cycle II. Indicators of answer the questions from the teacher or a friend increased by 22,73 from the cycle I with the percentage of 54,54 to 77,27 in cycle II. Indicators of discussion along with group members in solving problems increased by 13,64 from the cycle I with the percentage of 81,81 to 95,45 in cycle II. Indicators of help fellow group members in understanding the subject matter increased by 29,55 from the cycle I with the percentage of 56,81 to 86,36 in cycle II. Indicators of doing the task given teacher increased by 15,91 from the cycle I with the percentage of 77,27 to 93,18 in cycle II. Indicators of work on the quiz 35 individually increased by 61,37 from the cycle I with the percentage of 38,63 to 100 in cycle II. The similarity with this research is equally examine regarding implementation of the cooperative learning model of type Student Team Achievement Divisions STAD. The difference with this research is in the variables examined, the subject of the research, research time, and use of the mind map in learning.

C. Conceptual Framework

Education focuses on the process of learning to realize the purpose of education itself that is growing aspects of cognitive knowledge, affective attitude, and psychomotor skills. Education is an investment that will be very useful to learners for the future. The learning process is one of the most important with the passage of an education. Learning activities are a major aspect of the learning process. Learning activities are influenced by internal and external factors. The internal factor is the factor that comes from the inside of the learners, while external factor is the factor that comes from the outside. Students always should be encouraged to engage actively in the learning process so that the results of his studies are also the maximum. Based on observations during PPL Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan in the grade XI AK 4 of SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo, obtained some of the information related to the learning process. Teacher are still using conventional methods in teaching students in the class. In addition the media used the teacher in the learning process has not been varied, teacher using the