Conceptual Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

39 about how many times the cycle must be performed since the number of cycles depends on the researchers own satisfaction, but preferably not less than two cycles. Model research class in general can be described as follows: Pere Figure 2. Class Action Research Model Arikunto, 2014: 16

C. Subject and Object of Research

The Subject of this research is Class XI AK 4 Students of SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo Academic Year 20162017, which consist of 32 students. The Object of this research is Accounting Learning Activities of Class XI AK 4 Students of SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo Academic Year 20162017.

D. Operational Definition

1. Accounting Learning Activities

Accounting learning activities are conducted by students and teachers in the classroom when teaching and learning of subjects in accounting. Planning Reflection Observation Action CYCLE I Planning Reflection Observation Action CYCLE II ? 40 Learning activities aim to make students more active in learning so that it will obtain maximum learning result. Accounting learning activities rated from 8 indicators are taken from 3 different types of learning activities visual activity, oral activity, and writing activity. Visual activity consists of activity watched teachers explain and read the subject matter. Oral activity consists of activities to ask about material that is not yet familiar to teachers and friends when the learning process and discussion, answering questions asked teachers and friends while learning and discussion, and suggested. Writing activity consists of activities exercised quiz independently, done task group, and noted the subject matter described individually and in group in the form of mind map.

2. Cooperative Learning Model Type STAD with Mind Map

Cooperative learning model Type STAD emphasized on the division of the student group into 4-6 students in one group. Students will be divided into several groups according to the value of financial accounting subjects in semester one. The primary function of the Division is to ensure that all groups of students really learn so it has a mature preparation to do the quiz. After divided into several groups, then the teacher will explain the purpose of learning. Next students will work on pre-test to measure ability early, then the teacher will convey the material in accordance with RPP Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran , followed by group activities with work on a matter of discussion, after which the students work on post-test and the results improved pre-test to the post-test will be the 41 calculation of the score students progress. Last activity students make note in the form of mind map in a group to summarize the material have been learned. Teacher announce team categories after the results of the pre-test and post-test earned.

E. Research Procedures

This research was conducted for two cycles. In this research, researcher acting as teacher. Here are the stages of research that will be done. 1. Cycle 1 a. Planning At this stage the researcher prepares a variety of things as follows: 1 Devised a plan of Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran RPP of the learning material Bond Payable by application of the Cooperative Learning Model of type Student Team Achievement Divisions STAD with Mind Map. 2 Preparing the subject matter that will be taught in the form of handout and power point. 3 Made the observation sheets for assessing student learning activities and observation guidelines. 4 Compose the student worksheets, question of discussion, quizzes questions question of pre-test and post-test along with a key to the answer. 5 Prepare a blank paper and color pencils to create a mind map.