VI.1. Kesimpulan

Dari hasil penelitian pada 100 serum penderita Demam Dengue dan Demam Berdarah Dengue yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa Rumah Sakit di Kota Medan yaitu Rumah Sakit Pirngadi, Rumah Sakit H. Adam Malik, dan Rumah Sakit Herna, Setelah diekstraksi dan di RT-PCR tidak ada dijumpai negatif serum yang mengandung virus serotipe 3 DEN 3.

VI.2 Saran

Berdasarkan kesimpulan yang telah diuraikan, maka dapat diusulkan saran- saran sebagai berikut: 1. Perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendeteksi virus Dengue lainnya seperti DEN 1, DEN 2, dan DEN 4. 2. Perlu penentuan virus Dengue dalam manajemen pasien Demam DengueDemam Beradarah Dengue untuk mempermudah pencapaian program pemberantasan penyakit Deman DengueDeman Berdarah Dengue. p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara DAFTAR PUSTAKA Chow, V. T, Chan, Y. C, Yong, R. et al, 1998. Monitoring of Dengue Viruses in Field Cought Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus by A Type-Specific PCR and Cycle Squencing, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 585: 578-586. Darmowandowo,W. 2006. Kuliah Infeksi Virus Dengue. Naskah lengkap disajikan dalam Continuing Education Ilmu Kesehatan Anak XXXVI. Fakultas Kedokteran Unair. Surabaya. 29–30 Juli 2006. Hadinegoro, S et al, 2006. Tata Laksana Demam Berdarah Dengue di Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta. Hal. 2 – 19. Halstead, S. B. Deen, J. 1969. The Future of Dengue Vaccines. Lancet 360, 1243- 1245. Handrawan N, 2007. Cara Mudah Mengalahkan Demam Berdarah. Kompas. Jakarta. Hal. 17-18. Hariadhi, S, Soegijanto, S. 2004. Pola Distribusi Serotipe Virus Dengue pada Beberapa Daerah Endemik di Jawa Timur dengan Kondisi Geografis Berbeda, Hal. 11-19. Harris, E; Robert, T. G; Smith, L; Selle, J et al. 1998. Typing of Dengue Viruses in Clinical Specimen and Mosquitoes by Single-Tube Multiplex Reverse Transcriptase PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Sept. 1998. p. 2634 – 9. Kristina,Isminah,Wulandari L. 2004 Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue DBD di Indonesia. Wahono TD Ed. Buletin Harian. Tim Penanggulangan DBD Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2004. Kusumawati, Lia. 2005 Teori Sequential Infection dari Halstead online. Massi, M. N; Sabran, A. 2006. Teknik Identifikasi Serotipe Virus Dengue DEN 1 - 4 dengan Uji Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin. p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara Miagostovich, al, 2001. Genetic characterization of Dengue virus type 3 isolate in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Brazillian journal of medical and Biological Research 2002 35 : 869-872. Nisalak A, Endy TP, Nimmannitya S, Kalayanarooy S, Thisayakorn U, Scott RM, Burke DS, Hoke CH, InnisBL, Vaughn DW, 2003, Serotype-spesific Dengue Virus Circulation and Dengue Disease in Bangkok, Thailand from 1973 to 1999. Am J Trop Med Hyg; 68 2 : 191-202. Setya, B. 2007. Profil Serologis Infeksi Primer dan Sekunder Virus Dengue dari Berbagai Daerah di Jawa Timur. Post Graduate Airlangga University E- mail:; Singh Kamaljit, et al, 2006. A prospective Clinical study on the use of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for the early diagnosis of Dengue Fever, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. Vol 6 No 5. Siregar, A. F, 2004. Epidemiologi dan Pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Indonesia. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara. Sopian, T, 2006. Aplikasi Teknologi PCR mendeteksi Flu Burung http:, 17 Mei 2008. Suroso, 1999. Epidemiological situation of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever and its Control Indonesia. Proceeding InternationalSeminar on Dengue Fever Dengue Haemorrhagic. TDC- Airlangga University, Surabaya.p. 11-4. Sudjadi, 2008. Bioteknologi Kesehatan. Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta. Hal. 94 – 99 dan 131 - 43. World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia, 1997. Management of Dengue Epidemic. Report of A Technical Meeting, SEARO, New Delhi, 28 – 30 November 1996. Yulfi. H, 2006. Persistency of Transsovarian Dengue Virus in Aedes Aegypti on line http : loadfkpdf. Yuwono, D. 2001. Hubungan Antara Genotup Virus Dengue dengan Severity Penyakit Berdasarkan Respon Imun Selularnya. Pusat Penelitian Penyakit Menular, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Departemen Kesehatan RI. Jakarta. p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 1. Contoh Formulir Data Pasien Formulir Pemeriksaan Kasus DDDBD

I. Informasi Umum

Nama Lengkap : Umur : Jenis Kelamin : pria wanita Alamat : Pekerjaan :

II. Hasil Laboratorium

1. Laboratorium Rutin - Leukosit 5.000 selml 3 ya tidak - Trombosit 100.000 sel ya tidak - Hemokonsentrasi 20 ya tidak 2. Laboratorium Penunjang - Rapid Test IgM ya tidak IgG ya tidak p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 2. Deteksi dan penentuan virus Dengue serotipe 3 dari spesimen klinik di Rumah Sakit Kota Medan dengan menggunakan Metode RT-PCR SAMPEL RUMAH SAKIT UMUR JNS KEL DEN 3 + DEN 3 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS HAM RS HAM RS H RS H RS PR RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS PR RS PR RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS H RS H RS H RS H RS PR RS H RS PR 6 11 9 8 11 18 58 18 14 16 17 20 20 15 12 38 1,5 24 29 45 11 9 13 5 9 21 44 23 22 39 17 9 18 19 21 25 28 LK PR LK PR PR LK LK LK LK PR LK LK PR LK LK PR LK PR PR PR LK LK PR PR PR PR LK PR PR LK LK PR PR PR LK LK LK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS H RS H RS PR RS PR RS PR RS PR RS H RS HAM RS H RS PR RS H RS H RS PR RS PR RS PR RS HAM RS PR RS PR RS H RS H RS H RS PR RS PR RS PR RS H RS HAM RS H RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS H RS HAM 32 25 19 29 31 41 21 49 21 21 30 41 3 14 15 40 9 16 19 30 9 30 41 9 21 21 22 11 44 12 44 16 6 10 8 4 6 5 43 25 16 7 LK LK LK LK LK PR PR LK PR PR PR LK PR LK PR LK PR PR LK PR PR LK LK PR PR PR PR LK PR PR PR LK PR PR LK LK PR LK LK LK LK LK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS H RS PR RS H RS H RS H RS PR RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM RS HAM 8 11 6 44 82 29 24 44 39 10 21 10 11 12 16 17 20 23 17 30 11 LK LK PR LK LK LK PR LK PR PR PR LK LK PR PR PR LK LK LK PR LK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara Lampiran 3. Rencana Kegiatan Penelitian September Oktober Nopember Desember Januari No Kegiatan I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 1 Pengumpulan Serum penderita. 2 Ekstraksi. 3 RT-PCR dengan menggunakan PrimersDEN 3. 4 Elektroforesis dan Visualisasi. p d f Machine A pdf w rit er t hat produces qualit y PDF files w it h ease Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original docum ents. Com patible across nearly all Windows platform s, sim ply open the docum ent you want to convert, click “print”, select the “ Broadgun pdfMachine printer” and that’s it Get yours now Universitas Sumatera Utara

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