Sugiyono’s Model ADDIE Model

b. Election of media. Match the media and the learning objectives. c. Selection Format. This selection of this format can be done by examining the previous format. d. Initial Design. Initial design is the coclusion of this step result of the product to be developed. 3. Development step, it consist of expert validation and development test. 4. Disseminate step, in this step productdevice have been launched on a broader scale. There are two step, namely packaging, and distribution and adoption. Packaging is when researcher package the learning media to improve the interest of student. Deployment and adoption of measures to disseminate the learning media products that made and applied to the students.

b. Sugiyono’s Model

The model that developed by Sugiyono 2012: 409-426 has eight step of development, such as: 1. Identification of the potenty and problem 2. Gather the information 3. Product design 4. Development product 5. Validation of the product 6. Product revision 7. Testing Product 8. Analysis and revision of the final product.

c. ADDIE Model

ADDIE model developed by Dicky and Carry 1996 aims to design a learning media Endang, 2011: 200. ADDIE has five step of development, such as: 1. Analysis step. Researcher analyzing the needs of problem and characteristic of students and ability of the students. Then, analyze the competence and instructional content will be on a media that allows presented in the form of learning media. 2. Design step. After the result of the analysis appears, is the next stage of design is designing the learning media. 3. Development step. At this stage the researcher make learning media that has been designed. 4. Implementation step. At this stage the media tested to the students. 5. Evaluation step. After learning media are applied, then researcher doing evaluation to give the feedback on the learning media. The result of the evaluation are used to provide feed back from students, media experts, material experts, and teacher to the learning media. Revision were made in accordance with the results of the evaluatin of learning media.

B. Relevant Research

1. Weni Rintya Aryantari 2014 in a research titled “Pengembangan Mobile Edukasi Berbasis Android sebagai Media Pembelajaran Akuntansi untuk Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA”. The result of this research is the average score of media feasibility of Accounting learning is 4,81 so the conclusion is this media is very feasible to be used as an Accounting learning media for SMA class XI IPS students. The similarity of this research conducted by Weni is same model and research development, the used of research model is ADDIE too, learning media is developed based on Android. While the difference is related to the material that Weni presented is ordinary but in this research present the material in a mind-map. 2. Fitri Astuti 2013 in a research titled “Pengembangan Media Mind- Map Art untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa Kelas X SMA”. The result of this research by the experts is 75 shows that media is feasible to use. The similarity of this research and Fitri’s media is the presented in a mind-map. The difference is in the form based on computer while this research is based on android. 3. Septian Endro Laksono 2012 with the research entitled “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Game Interaktif untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA pada Mata