Perang Tiongkok-Jepang Sino-Japanese War dan Traktat Shimonoseki

Yaeyama County Yaeyama Islands group Art. 2 Imperial Decree: In the event that the boundaries or names of the counties need to be changed, they shall be decided by the Home Minister.” 10 Masa kemajuan tempat tinggal di pulau-pulau tersebut sampai pada tahun 1909, di mana 99 keluarga terdiri dari 148 orang hidup di pulau tersebut. 11 Di samping itu, pada tahun 1879 Kepulauan Senkaku menjadi agenda dari restorasi Meiji, yang mana Jepang memiliki keinginan untuk memperluas wilayahnya sampai Kepulauan Senkaku. 12

1.3. Perang Tiongkok-Jepang Sino-Japanese War dan Traktat Shimonoseki

Pada tahun 1895, terjadi perang antara Tiongkok dan Jepang, dengan kekalahan dari pihak Tiongkok. Akhir dari perang tersebut, maka disepakati mengenai perjanjian perdamaian yang dituangkan dalam Traktat Shimonoseki yang disahkan pada 17 April 1895, yang mulai berlaku pada tanggal 8 Mei 1895. Traktat tersebut berisikan penyerahan beberapa pulau; kerjasama perekonomian; dan pembayaran denda dari Tiongkok kepada Jepang. Inti dari permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penyerahan beberapa pulau yang diserahkan dari Tiongkok kepada Jepang, terdapat dalam Article 2, sebagaimana tertulis: 10 “Kanpo Bureau of the Cabinet,” Horei Zensho, Vol. 29-3,1979, dikutip dalam: Han-yi Shaw, ”Its History and an analysis of the ownership Claims of The P.R.C., R.O.C. and Japan”, No. 3 Occasional Papers, 1999, h. 101, dalam Ibid., h. 68. 11 Ibid., h. 70. In 1896, he Tatsuhiro Koga obtained the rights from the Japanese government to use four of the islands islets Uotsuri, Huangwei dao, Bei Xiaodao and Nan Xiaodao for thirty years. Investing considerable money on the islands he set up devices so that his some thirty subordinates could make a living on the islands. He built houses, wharves, reservoirs, drainage and sanitary facilities. His goal was to collect feathers and guano of albatrosses, which could be exported to European hat makers and which were useful fertilizer in the agriculture. The islands’ climax in terms of habitation was achieved in 1909 when some 99 families consisting of 148 people lived on the islands. 12 Ibid., h. 59. China cedes to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty the following territories, together with all fortifications, arsenals, and public property thereon:— a The southern portion of the province of Fêngtien within the following boundaries : The line of demarcation begins at the mouth of the River Yalu and ascends that stream to the mouth of the River An-ping, from thence the line runs to Fêng-huang, from thence to Hai-cheng, from thence to Ying-kow, forming a line which describes the southern portion of the territory. The places above named are included in the ceded territory. When the line reaches the River Liao at Ying-kow, it follows the course of the stream to its mouth, where it terminates. The mid-channel of the River Liao shall be taken as the line of demarcation. This cession also includes all islands appertaining or belonging to the province of Fêngtien situated in the eastern portion of the Bay of Liao-tung and the northern portion of the Yellow Sea. b The island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa. c The Pescadores Group, that is to say, all islands lying between the 119th and 120th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and the 23rd and 24th degrees of north latitude.

2. Keadaan Kepulauan Senkaku Pasca Perang Dunia Kedua 1945-sekarang