Learning Motivation Theoretical Review



A. Theoretical Review

1. Learning Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation Motivation comes from the Latin word movere which is push or move. Basically motivation is a conscious effort to move, steer and maintain a persons behavior that he was compelled to act to do something so as to achieve a particular result or goal. According to Hamzah B. Uno 2013: 1 Motivation is basic impulse that drives a person to behave in. Motivation is the force, both from within and outside that encourages a person to achieve specific objectives that have been set previously. Or in other words, the motivation can be defined as a mental boost against individuals or the people as members of society. b. Learning Motivation According Sardiman AM 2012: 73 learning motivation is a psychological factor that is non-intellectual. Typical role is in terms of the growth of passion, happy and eager to learn. Someone must have the learning motivation in himself in order to obtain a desired result. According Oemar Hamalik 2011: 158 motivation is the energy change in a person who is characterized by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve it. From the definition of the learning motivation, basically contain the same meaning, the motivation to learn is the overall driving force of psychic in students that lead to learning activities and provide direction and learning activities, so that children is not only learn but also enjoy learning c. Motivation Indicators The nature of learning motivation is internal and external encouragement to students who are learning to get a change in behavior, generally aligned with some indicators or elements that support the success in learning. Some things that can affect the size of ones motivation by Hamzah B. Uno 2009: 31 include: 1 there is a passion and desire to succeed, the motive to succeed in performing a task and the desire to get perfection results in a task, 2 the drive and the need to learn, could be due to a boost from the inside or the encouragement of outsiders, 3 there is hope and ideals of the future, someone who has clear goals and focus on those goals will be more motivated to learn, 4 the existence of an award in the study, a person completing a task or learning is not due achievement motive, but as encouragement to avoid failures that stem from the fear of failure, 5 there are interesting in learning activities, students love to learn because they see things that are interesting in learning itself, 6 the existence of a conducive learning environment, an environment that can create a comfortable atmosphere for learning will also increase the motivation to learn and not easily bored. d. Motivation Fuction Oemar Hamalik 2011:75 mentioned the 3 functions of the learning motivation in students: 1 Encourages the onset of behavior or conduct. Without motivation will not arise activities such as learning, 2 As referrer, that directs the deeds to the achievement of the desired goals, 3 as the driving force, he serves as the engine for the car. Big nothingness of motivation will determine the quick or the slowness of a job. Hamzah b. Uno 2013:23 mentions about the factors that affect the motivation of learning: The motivation of learning can arise due to intrinsic factors, such as the passion and desire of successful learning, hope and encouragement would be ideals. Whereas extrinsic factor is a tribute, a conducive learning environment, and learning activities. But keep in mind, both of these factors caused by certain stimuli, so that someone who wishes to undertake a more active learning activities and spirit. From the explanation above, the conclusion can be drawn that the motivation of learning is an impetus that arise from ones self for doing certain actions so that achieve results. The most important is how teachers can afford to give encouragement and learn how to develop and drive the motivation so that students can achieve the desired learning outcomes. By using the new learning techniques and creative, then facilitate teachers in presenting material to students so that students are motivated to learn independently and have good learning results.

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