Data Analyzing Method To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience

33 making a conclusion of the research’s result. Huberman and Miles 1992 has a concept to collect the data of a research: Data collection, data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verifying. To make the writer easier in collecting data, he uses another instrument which is a recorder to record the dialogue of the samples in their daily work activities. Hamidi 2008:97 in his book “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif” has some steps to analyze the data: a.Membuat catatan lapangan. Maksud langkah ini adalah penelitian mencatat, merekam, atau memotret apa yang didengar dan dilihat dilapangan, sebagai hasil wa wancara mendalam, pengamatan dan a tau membaca dokumen. b. Membuat catatan penelitian. Dalam langkah ini peneliti menulis kembali semua yang diperoleh darilangkah pertam, sehingga menjadi catatan yang lebih rapih dan mudah dipahami, enak dibaca tetapi hanya berisi yang terkait dengan yang diperlukan. c. Mengelompokan data sejenis. Peneliti sudah bisa memulai untuk memilih atau mengelompokkan dta sejenis atau sublema atau tema dari kumpulan data tersebut. d. Melakukan interpretasi dan penguatan. Maksudnya adalah peneliti “meraba- raba” memberi arti terhadap deskripsi pasa responden kelompok data dalam menja wab permasalahan penelitian.

3.4 Data Analyzing Method

After all the data are collected and then transcribed into a good script, the next step is data analysis by using the following steps: Universitas Sumatera Utara 34 a. Coding the data based on the types, forms and the reasons of code switching and code mixing. The analysis uses the types of code switching according to Tom McArthur, and then uses the forms of code mixing according to Suwito. The writer also uses the reasons for code switching and code mixing according to Kim Eun Hee. b. Discussing and summary the findings. The writer divides how many types of code switching and forms of code mixing are found in the dialogues of the samples in staffs on duty. The writer shows how many reasons of code switching and mixing in it. Bungin 2001:188 states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data distribusi frekuensi ini dapat dlakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudian frekuensi ini dipersenkan”. Calculating data with distributive frequencyis calcuting the frequency of the data then the frequency is percentaged. From the statement above, the writer can get the dominant types of code switching and forms of code mixing through the following formula from Bungin 2005: 171 – 172: n = Fx x100 _________ N n = Total frequency of code switching or code mixing in percent Fx = Total types frequency of th sub-category N = Total types of categories Universitas Sumatera Utara 35


After doing the research in March up to August 2014, the writer records some conversations that can show the code switching and code mixing. The populations are the administration staffs of CaSEducation who allow their conversation be recorded and able to speak English. After transcribing the data, the writer only focuses on the conversations that shows the code switching and code mixing. Then the writer analyze it using theory as shown in chapter II, and now the writer presents the findings of the research and the analysis of the findings in this part by some samples that he gets. Based on the objectives of the analysis, the discussion in this part includes: 1. The types of the code switching and mixing using by the admin staffs of CaSEducation 2. The types of code switching and code mixing used dominantly by admin staffs of CaSEducation 3. The reason why the admin staffs of CaSEducation using code switching and code mixing. 4.1 The Types of Code Switching Used by Admin Staffs of CaSEducation in Daily Work Activities There are three types of code switching proposed by Tom McArthur. Each of the data has been analyzed to find out which of the three types can be found in the conversations between the samples. Before going to the explanation, the writer presents the table which contains the frequency of the occurrence of the types of code switching. Universitas Sumatera Utara 36 Table 4.1 Frequency of Occurrence Types of Code Switching in the Conversations Done by the Admin Staffs of CaSE NO Types of Code Switching Frequency Percentages 1 Intersentential Switching 13 56,5 2 Intra-Sentential Switching 9 39 3 Tag Switching 1 4,5 TOTAL 23 100 The table shows that intersentential switching occurs 13 times 56. Then for intrasentential, it happened 9 times 39. For the last one is tag switching, it happened 1 time 4,5. Universitas Sumatera Utara 37

4.1.1 Intersential Switching

This kind of code switching happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. Here are the sentences that belong to intersentential switching: Data 3: Kelana : “Kak Melon, yang course fee Tuesday Thursday udah sebagian ke telepon, sisanya nanti lagi ya. Aku mau lunch diluar.” Melon : “ Hah You always do that” Data 3: Melon : “Bawa pulang ice cream ya. Kelana :” Ok. Tenang aja” Melon : “but that doesn’t mean I will forget the calls” Data 4: Melon : “Yok laa kapan kita resign?” Elan : “hahaha as soon as I got my bachelor.” Data 5: Elan : “Loh kok gitu? Rugilah kita. Si Iain tahu?” Kelana : “Tahu, ntah itu dia bilang kata Ira it’s what Jakarta wants” Data 7: Melon :”Lan, you know what?” Elan : “apa kak?” Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 Melon : “Dauglas was here” Elan : “hahah ngapain dia?” Data 7: Melon : “Iya, masuk kelas kubilang.” Elan : “hahah I told you he likes me hahha..” Data 8: Elan : “Ah malas, weekly sama monthly ku aja belum siap-siap.” Kelana : “Iya yakan, si Iain gak tau kok. Biar aja lah dulu situ kak, let him find out himself.” Data 9: Melon : “Lan, tadi ada IOM student satang. Dia nanya soal regular class. Pas dibilangin pricenya merepet dia. Katanya too expensive for twice a week class. Data 11: Elan : “udah bayar course fee kak?” Melon : “Monalisa did, Fahri said would pay after Boston.” Data 14: Kelana : “yang mana?” Melon : “yang minta ganti schedule kemaren, siapa namanya, ohh I cant recall.” Universitas Sumatera Utara 39 Data 15: Melon : “Ntah heran awak. Sampe si Iain pun bila she’s very lunatic. Tapi mama nya fair fair a ja sebenarnya. Si ratu nya ini.” Data 18: Kelana : “Si Ira bilang terserah CaSE.” Elan : “Have you asked Iain?” Data 19: Kelana : “Jad lah. Tapi belum confirm dari Iain karena ga cocok pricenya.” Melon : “How much?”

4.1.2 Intrasentential Switching

This kind of code switching happens when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language. Here are the intrasentential switching that found in the conversations of CaSEducation admin staffs: Data 3: Kelana : “Kak Melon, yang course fee Tuesday Thursday udah sebagian ke telepon, sisanya nanti lagi ya. Aku mau lunch diluar.” Data 5: Elan : “Kelana, kabarin laa IOM, tolong scan RR form nya biar aku send invoice. ” Universitas Sumatera Utara 40 Data 7: Elan : “hahah pastilah as always kalau dia mah. Gak nyari aku dia kak?” Data 8: Elan : “Itu karena extensionnya .ods tu. Dia harus pake spreadsheet google drivenya. Nanti ada tu sebelah kiri tulisan create abis itu di optionnya pilih spreadsheet. Data 9: Melon : “Lan, tadi ada IOM student satang. Dia nanya soal regular class. Pas dibilangin pricenya merepet dia. Katanya too expensive for twice a week class. Data 9: Melon : “Gitu laa anak IOM ini. For years, no different.” Data 14: Melon : “Ehh Kelana, cemana hasil placement test semalam, udah disubmit?” Kelana : “Udah dia masih masuk basic level.” Data 14: Kelana : “ooh udah. dia gak bisa Tuesday Thursday. Dia minta Monday Friday Three oclock. Kata Iain bisa masuk Philadelphia. ” Universitas Sumatera Utara 41 Data 18: Elan : “Yaudah bilang aja langsung under twelve years old ga bisa ambil test lagi.” Kelana : “Ah udah laa itu, aku pun masi nunggu confirm email dari KNCV juga.”

4.1.3 Tag Switching

This kind of code switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions tag from different language at the end of hisher utterance. Here the samples below are taken from the dialogues done by the staffs: Data 3: Melon : “but that doesn’t mean I will forget the calls” Kelana : “ Iya laa. Alright...” 4.1.4 The Frequency of the Occurrence of the Types of Code Switching Found in the Conversation of the Admin Staffs in CaSEducation According to Table 4.1, the frequency of occurance of the types of code switching found in conversation done by admin staffs of CaSE is varies. From the three types, the low frequency found is tag switching. Tag switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions tag from different language at the end dof hisher utterance. The speakers ar the samples just want to give a short expression in different language at the end of the sentences. Intersentential switching and intra-sentential switching are the highest frequency in the conversations. Intrasentetial switching happens when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 language. All of the speaker or the samples switch their language to give a statement or to clarify their statement. It may because there are some English words that are familiar to the speakers or the samples so that they can use easily in their dialogues. And some words in English has became the terminology in English school that is always used by the staffs. For the most highest used by the staffs is intersentential. It happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. Most of the speakers or the samples usually switch their language in a sentence from when they speak or when they comment on another speaker sentences statement or question.

4.2 The Forms of Code Mixing Used by Admin Staffs in Daily Work Activities