Identification of the Problems Limitation of the Problem

2. Practical Benefits a. For Researchers 1 Improve knowledge about teaching and learning process. 2 Enrich experience in applying knowledge that have been got in campuss. b. For Teachers Enrich strategy and a more variety of learning model to improve the quality of learning. c. For Students Improve knowledge and skills in using edmodo for learning. d. For School Improve the quality of students through the implementation of strategies and learning models are more varied. 10


A. Literature Review 1. Accounting Learning Motivation

a. Definitions of Accounting Learning Motivation 1 Definition of Motivation

The word of motivation derived from the Latin is movere, which means the move. Motivation explains what makes people do things, makes them anyway, and assists them in completing tasks. According Santrock, motivation is a process of encouragement, direction, and behavior persistence. In other word, Thus, the behavior is a behavior motivated energetic, effective, and sustainable Santrock, 2011: 510. According to Shcunk, Pintrich and Meece 2009: 4 there are three main terms related to the definition of motivation. First is process, motivation is a process rather than a product that may be inferred by action not verbalization. Second, motivation involves goals. Goals provide impetus for action. Last, motivation requires activity both mentally and physically. Thus, motivation is mentally and physically thing that keep us do the activity to achieve specific goals. Sardiman A.M. 2011:75 says the motivation as a series of attempts to provide certain conditions, so that someone is willing to and wants to do something, and if one doesnt like it, then one will attempt to negate or avoids dislike feelings. Motivation is physiological and psychological conditions that are present in a person that encourage him to undertake certain activities in order to achieve a goal needs Djaali, 2012:101. From definitions above, it can be inferred that the motivation is the impetus arising from oneself either physiologically or psychologically to do an act in achieving specific objectives. 2 Definition of Learning According to psychologic definition, learning is a process of change i.e. change in behavior as the result of interaction with the environment in fulfilling the needs of his life. The behavior change will be evident in all aspects of behaviour Slameto 2010. Oemar Hamalik 2011:27-28 outlines some of the definition of the study as follows: a Belajar adalah modifikasi atau memperteguhkan kelakuan melalui pengalaman learning is defined as the modification or strengthening of behavior through experiencing. b Learning is a process of changing individual behavior through interaction with the environment. While according to Muhibbin Shah 2012:68 defines learning as the stages of change of individual behaviour throughout a