Problem of Analysis Objective of Analysis Scope of Analysis Significances of Analysis Research Method

Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2. Shift from morpheme to phrase:

Un + popular → Unpopular SL Yang tak TL Despite the unpopular taxes, p.238 l.22 Selain pajak yang tak merakyat, p.333 l.7 The bound morpeheme un- are translated into yang tak The bound morpheme –un in unpopular is translated into the word yang tak merakyat. It shows there has been morphemic shift. So, the word unsure becomes one word in English and becomes the phrase in Bahasa Indonesia. Based on the explanation above, I am interested to analyze the morphemic shift in the translation in Jhon Shors’s novel entitled Beneath a Marble Sky into Taj Mahal by Meithya Rose.

1.2 Problem of Analysis

In analyzing this thesis, the problems of analysis are: 1. What the morpheme are found in Jhon Shors Beneath a Marble sky into Taj Mahal by Meithya Rose? 2. How are the morphemic shifts in translation of this novel? Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. 3. Which morphemic shifts are the most dominant used in the novel of Beneath a Marble Sky and into Taj Mahal by Meithya Rose?

1.3 Objective of Analysis

In analyzing this thesis, the objectives of analysis are: 1. To find out the morphemes used in the novel of Beneath a Marble Sky by Jhon Shors and its translation. 2. To analyze the morphemic shift in the novel of Beneath a Marble Sky by Jhon Shors and its translation. 3. To find out the most dominant of morphemic shifts used in the novel of Beneath a Marble Sky by Jhon Shors

1.4 Scope of Analysis

The scope of this analysis is focused on morphemic shifts that consists of shifts from morpheme to word and shifts from morpheme to phrase. In this analysis, I limit the analysis on the morpheme which added to the prefixes and suffixes.

1.5 Significances of Analysis

This analysis has some significance both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this analysis is useful for increasing the knowledge about translation between two different languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia. Practically this analysis Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. will be useful for teaching and training of translation. Further, this analysis is expected to be useful as references for those who are interested in translation.

1.6 Review of Related Literature

In this analysis, this thesis used some theories which are relevant to the basic principle of translation which support the framework of the analysis. Some theories are as follow: J.C. Catford 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15 classified the translation shift into two major types of shift are identified: ‘Level Shift’ and ‘Category shift’. Level shift occurs when an SL item has a TL translation equivalent at a different linguistic level from its own Grammatical, lexical, etc. For example, source text word play achieved at the phonological level may be translated by exploiting the possibilities of the lexical level in the target language. Category shift is a generic term referring to shifts involving any of the four categories of class, structure, system and unit e.g. ST adjectival phrase becomes an adverbial phrase in TT. The category shifts may involve: 1. A ‘class shift’, when an SL item is translated by means of a TL item belonging to a different grammatical class: e.g. the adjective in medical student becomes an adverbial phrase in the French equivalent ‘student in medicine’; 2. A ‘structure shift’ involving a change in grammatical structure between ST and target text TT: e.g. Jhon loves Mary becomes ‘is love at Jhon on Mary’ in Gaelic; Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. 3. A ‘unit shift’ where a strict rank-for-rank correspondence between SL and TL sentences, clauses, groups, words and morphemes is not observed: e.g. the English definite article translated by a change in word order in Russian; 4. An ‘intra-system shift’ which occurs when translation involves selection of a non- correspond formally: e.g. an SL ‘singular’ becomes a TL ‘plural’ Morpheme is the smallest meaningful elements into which words can be analyzed. Sibarani, 2002:3,23. In this case, Robert Sibarani also classified the morpheme into free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morphemes are linguistic forms which can be used on its own or which can exist as independent word, for example Betty, horse, red, write, love, and drive while bound morphemes are linguistic forms which are never used alone but must be used with another morpheme, e.g. as an affix. For example, the English suffix – ing must be used with a verb stem, e.g. write + ing → writing, love + ing → loving and drive + ing → driving. Morfem adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang mengandung makna. Junaiy`ah, 2009:2,3 they also classified the morpheme into Free morpheme and bound morpheme. Morfem bebas adalah morfem yang dapat berdiri sendiri, seperti jual, beli, duduk, dan tidur. Morfem terikat adalah morfem yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri yang di sebut dengan imbuhan seperti men + sapu → menyapu, me + tulis → menulis, me + jual → menjual. In analyzing this thesis, I also use some previous studies that disccuss about shifts in translation. they are: Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Sri Rahmadani Siregar 2008:55-56 in The Translation of Morphemic Shift in Sidney Sheldon’s Bloodline into Garis Darah by Threes Susilawati presents about shifts in morpheme, she concludes that morphemic shift in translation have different word classes in target text: they can be noun, adjective and adverb phrase. Morphemic shifts occur to make the readers easily in understanding the text translated. Zahara Hijriani Rahmi 2004:54 in Dynamic Equivalence in the English Translation of Sura Al-Waqi’ah of the holy Qur’an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali present about Shifts from word in SL become phrase in TL despite that shift does not change the concept of original meaning of word in TL. From those explanations above, it can be concluded that a translator makes shift to adjust the structure of source language to the appropriate structure in target language and also to produce a natural translation Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.


2 .1 The Description of Translation This Thesis talks about the morphemic shift in a translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia, so the writer wants to explain about the translation in brief first.

2.1.1 Definition of Translation

There are many theorists describe what translation is in different ways. They have their own explanation about translation. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language SL by equivalent textual material in another language TL Catford, in Machali 2000:5. it means that the translation is changing of the text material of the source language SL to the target language TL which in the target language the text has the equivalence in the source language. Translation means rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text Newmark, 1988:. it means that the translation to translate the meaning of the text to another language must be intended with the message of the author. Translation involves the rendering of a source language SL text into the target language TL so as to ensure that 1 the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and 2 the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted Basnett, 1980 : 2 Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Istilah translation mengacu pada pengalihan pesan tertulis dan istilah interpretation mengacu hanya pada pengalihan pesan lisan. [the term of translation refer to the transfer the meaning of the written message while the term of the interpretation refer to oral message]. Nababan,1997:12. It means that translation is transfer the meaning of written message while interpretation refers to oral message translation. Based on the definition above it can be conclude that the translation is process of transferring the meaning from the Source Language SL into the Target Language TL with focuses on the structure different language.

2.1.2 Function of Translation

In translation, the function of translation as an interlingua communication activity in developing country to get the information and technology. This statement is the same with Reiss arguments “interlingual translation translation between two different languages is a bilingual mediated process of communication, which usually aims at the production of a target language text that is functionally equivalent to source language text” Reiss in venutti, 2000:160. One clear statement is expressed by linguists. He states “... Translation is a process of communication: the objective of translating is to import the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader Levy in venutti, 2000:148. Based on the argument above we can conclude that the function of translation is not only to transfer a message from one language to another but as a communicative facilitates same as the languages function and we can differentiating both the original and translated text assess the differences and the similarities between the two languages. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2.1.3 Types of Translation

Many linguists make the divisions on translation. As Newmark, 1988:45 divides translation into eight; they are word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation and communicative translation. Furthermore, the brief description of these types of translation will be discussed below: Word-for-word Translation

This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the target language immediately below the source language words. The SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly Newmark, 1988:45. It means that each word or morpheme in source language is translated by a word or morpheme in target language by their most common meanings. For example: Source Language SL : His heart is in the right place. Target Language TL : Kepunyaanya hati adalah dalam itu benar tempat. In this case each word in the sentences is translated singly. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Literal Translation

Literal translation in which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly Newmark,1988:46. It means that Literal translation in which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly. For example: Source Language SL : His heart is in the right place. Target Language TL : Hatinya berada di tempat yang benar If we analyzed, the translation of target language is compatible with the English grammar. TL follows the form of SL Faithful translation

A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures Newmark,1988:46. It means that to transfers cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical abnormality in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text realization of the SL writer. For example: Source Language SL : Ben is to well aware that he is naughty. Target Language TL : Ben menyadari terlalu baik bahwa ia nakal. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. In this case the meaning of this translation is faith with SL in TL. Semantic translation

Semantic translation is differs from faithful translation only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthic value that is the beautiful and natural sound of the SL text, compromising on meaning where appropriate so that no assonance, word play or repetititon jars in the finished version Newmark, 1988:46. It means that in semantic translation it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral of functional terms but no by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concessions to readership. The distinction between faithful and semantic translation is that the first is uncompromising and dogmatic, while the second is more flexible and allows for the translator’s intuitive emphaty with the original. For example: Source Language SL : He is a book-worm. Target Language TL : Dia adalah seseorang yang suka sekali membaca. This translation is not difficult to understand though no culture equivalent but using the same idiom in TL. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Adaptation

This is the freest form of translation. It is used mainly for plays and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually reserved, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and text rewritten by an established dramatist or poet has produces many poor adaptations, bur other adaptation have rescued period plays Newmark,1988:46. Besides for plays and poetry, adaptation is used to translate the cultural utterance in different concept between SL and TL. For example: Source Language SL : Dear sir. Target Language TL : Dengan hormat. Dear Sir is translated into Bahasa Indonesia becomes dengan hormat by using adaptation, it is not translated becomes Tuan yang terhormat. Free translation

Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original Newmark, 1988:46. It means that the linguistic structure of the source language is ignored, and an equivalent is found based upon the meaning it conveys. For example: Source Language SL : His heart is in the right place. Target Language TL : Dia baik hati Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. In this case, this translation is often not to find equivalence of word or sentence but the translator has to able to catch meaning in SL, such as the example above. Idiomatic Translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original Newmark, 1988:47. In this case this translation reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring idioms where these do not exist in the original text. For example: Source Language SL : Be my guest. Target Language TL : Silahkan In this case this translation reproduces the message of the original from the source languages emphasizes for meaning with ignore the form of source language. Communicative translation

Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership Newmark, 1988:47. It means that to translate the text a translator must make the product of translation is clear and is easy to understand by the reader. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. For example: Source Language SL : Beware of the dog. Target Language TL : Awas anjing galak. SL sentence clearly shows that a dog is vicious without using the vicious word so that TL has been equivalence with the SL.

2.1.4 Process of Translation

To transfer the meaning from the Source Language SL into the Target Language TL, a translator must be able to concern with the text and the message of the text of the source language. To produce the good translation the translator can be passing the three step process of translation. They are: analyze the source text, transfer the meaning and re structurisation. Analyze the Source Text At the first time to analyze the text, as the translator must be able to analyze the source text to find or understand the meaning from the source text of source text which want to translated. To find or understand the meaning from the source language a translator can reading the source text carefully. With the reading the text carefully a translator can understand the meaning from the source text. Besides to understand the meaning from the source text a translator must be able a good understanding to the elements of linguistic and extra linguistic from the source text. The elements of linguistic may involve Structure from two different languages, phonology, morphology and etc which related with the linguistic Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. unit while the extra linguistic may involve concern with out of the linguistic element such as the element of the Socio-cultural text which want to translated. Transfer the Meaning After a translator can understand the meaning of the source text, so a translator transfer the messages from the source text into the target text, then to transfer that meaning a translator must be able find the equivalence of the word which want to translated into the target language. Restructurization In this case the translator focuses on the style of language to transfer the meaning which is appropriate with the type of the text which wants to translate. A translator must be able to require to pay attention to whom the product of translation in addressing. [Pict.1 The process of translation in Mildred L. Larson book] Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2.1.5 Shifts in Translation

Catford 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15 classified the translation shift into two major types of shift are identified: ‘Level Shift’ and ‘Category shift’.

A. Level Shift

Level shift occurs when an SL item has a TL translation equivalent at a different linguistic level from its own Grammatical, lexical, etc. For example, source text word play achieved at the phonological level may be translated by exploiting the possibilities of the lexical level in the target language Catford 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15.

B. Category Shift

Category shift is a generic term referring to shifts involving any of the four categories of class, structure, system and unit e.g. ST adjectival phrase becomes an adverbial phrase in TT. Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. The category shifts may involve: A Class shift

A ‘class shift’, when an SL item is translated by means of a TL item belonging to a different grammatical class: e.g. the adjective in medical student becomes an adverbial phrase in the French equivalent ‘student in medicine’ Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. A Structure Shift

A ‘structure shift’ involving a change in grammatical structure between ST and target text TT: e.g. Jhon loves Mary becomes ‘is love at Jhon on Mary’ in Gaelic; Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. A Unit Shift

A ‘unit shift’ where a strict rank-for-rank correspondence between SL and TL sentences, clauses, groups, words and morphemes is not observed: e.g. the English definite article translated by a change in word order in Russian; Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. An Intra-system Shift

An ‘intra-system shift’ which occurs when translation involves selection of a non- correspond formally: e.g. an SL ‘singular’ becomes a TL ‘plural’ Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2.2 The Description of Morpheme

This Thesis talks about the morphemic shift in a translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia, so the writer wants to explain about the morpheme in brief first.

2.2.1 The Definition of Morpheme

There are many theorists describe what morpheme is. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful elements into which words can be analyzed Sibarani, 2002:3. It means that morpheme is the smallest meaningful element which can be analyzed. Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units of which the language is composed Nida, 1967:6. In this case, that the morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language. The traditional term for the most elemental unit of grammatical form is morpheme Fromkin, 1998:69. It means that morphemes are an unit of grammatical form. The morpheme is the smallest difference in the shape of a word that correlates with the smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure Katamba,1988:24. It means that morpheme is the smallest difference in shape of word in grammatical structure. Morpheme is Linguistics a speech element having a meaning or grammatical Function that cannot be subdivided into furthers such elements which access on 26 November 2009. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Morfem adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang mengandung makna. [morphe is the smallest meaningful unit which has the meaning] Junaiy`ah, 2009:2. It means that morpheme is a linguistic unit which contains the meaning. Based on the definitions above it can be conclude that Morpheme is a meaningful of linguistic unit consisting of a word such as dog → is a word or a word element such as the -s at the end of dogs. The word dogs consists of the word dog + suffiks s → dogs that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. 2.2.2 The types of Morphemes in English and Indonesia English Morpheme In English morpheme, morpheme can be classified into free and bound morpheme. Free morphemes are linguistic forms which can be used on its own or which can exist as independent word Sibarani, 2002: 23. Root which are capable of standing independently are called free morpheme Katamba, 1988:41. Based on the argument above it can be concluded that free morpheme are a word can be nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, or adverbs which are capable standing independently. For example: Betty, horse, red, write, love and drive. Bound morphemes are linguistic forms which are never used alone but must be used with another morpheme. e.g Affix Sibarani, 2002:23. While only roots can be free morphemes, not all roots are free. Many roots are incapable of occurring in isolation. They always occur with some other word-building element attached to them. Such roots are called bound morphemes Katamba, 1988:42. Based on the argument above it can be Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. conclude that the bound morpheme are linguistic forms which are never used alone and must be used with another morpheme. For example write + ing → writing. in this case, the bound morphemes also recognized affixes. Affixes are the bound morphemes which are added to a word which change the meaningcategory or the grammatical function of the word Sibarani, 2002: 26. This argument also argument by theories which argument by Katamba says that “An affix is a morpheme which only occurs when attached to some other morpheme or morphemes such as a root or stem or base. Obviously, by definition affixes are bound morphemes” Katamba, 1988:44. Based on the definition above we can conclude that the affixes are the bound morpheme. In English morpheme, there are two types of affixes: Prefixes and Suffixes even though in many languages, Infixation the adding of infixes in word formation. Prefixes are the affixes which are added to the beginning of the word. While Suffixes are the affixes which are added to the end of a word, and infixes are the added within a word Sibarani, 2002:26. It means that prefixes are the bound morpheme which added in the beginning of word, suffixes are the bound morpheme which added in the end of the word and the infixes are the bound morpheme which added inserted into other morphemes. For example : Prefixes : Prefix -bi + free morpheme Polar → Bipolar Suffixes : Free morpheme linguist + Suffix s- → Linguists Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Morphemes of Bahasa Indonesia

In Indonesia morpheme, morpheme can be classified into morpheme bebas and morpheme terikat. Morfem bebas adalah morfem yang dapat berdiri sendiri sedangkan morfen terikat adalah morfem yang tak dapat berdiri sendiri. [free morpheme are the morpheme can stand alone while bound morpheme are the morpheme cannot stand alone]Junaiyah, 2009:2. It means that the morpheme in Indonesia can be classified into two. There are morfem bebas and morfem terikat when the morfem bebas are the morpheme can be stand alone and the morfem terikat is the morpheme which cannot stand alone. For example Morfem bebas : Jual Morfem terikat : Prefix Mem + free morpheme bantu → Membantu Same as the English morpheme, in Indonesia morpheme the bound morpheme also called affixes. “Imbuhan afiks adalah suatu bentuk morfem yang di lekatkan pada kata dasar. Sedangkan prosesnya sendiri di sebut afiksasi affixation.” [ Affixes is the form morpheme which added to the base form while the process of the affixes is called affixation] which accesses on 16 April 2009. It can be conclude that affixes are the form morpheme which added to the base form. Affixes can be classified into 4 four they are: Prefixes, suffixes, infiks and konfiks. Awalan Prefiks adalah imbuhan yang di lekatkan pada kata dasar. Infiks sisipan adalah imbuhan yang dilekatkan di tengah kata dasar, while Sufiks akhiran adalah imbuhan yang yang di lekatkan pada akhir kata dasar, and Konfiks imbuhan terbelah adalah imbuhan yang di lekatkan sekaligus pada awal dan akhir kata dasar Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. Junaiyah, 2009 : 6,7. It means that Prefiks are the bound morpheme which added in the beginning of the basic word, Infiks are the bound morpheme which added in the middle of the basic word, while Suffiks is the bound morpheme which added in the end of the basic word. and Konfiks are the bound morpheme which added in the beginning and in the end of the basic word. For example : Prefiks : Prefix –Ber + Free morpheme segi → Bersegi Infiks : Free morpheme Getar Indonesia morphemes + Infixes -el- → Geletar Suffiks : Free morpheme ambil + suffiks –kan → Ambilkan Konfiks : Prefix ke- + free morpheme mati + suffiks –an → Kematian Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.


3.1 Research Method

In this analysis, I use the library research to find theories dealing with this subject from various books and dictionary. According to Bungin 2004:46 Penelitian dapat pula di lakukan di perpustakaan, penelitian yang di lakukan di perpustakaan ini mengambil setting perpustakaan sebagai tempat penelitian dengan objek penelitiannya adalah bahan bahan kepustakaan [Research can be done by the library and the references as the object of the research]

3.2 Data and Data Source