A Class shift A Structure Shift A Unit Shift An Intra-system Shift

Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2.1.5 Shifts in Translation

Catford 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15 classified the translation shift into two major types of shift are identified: ‘Level Shift’ and ‘Category shift’.

A. Level Shift

Level shift occurs when an SL item has a TL translation equivalent at a different linguistic level from its own Grammatical, lexical, etc. For example, source text word play achieved at the phonological level may be translated by exploiting the possibilities of the lexical level in the target language Catford 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15.

B. Category Shift

Category shift is a generic term referring to shifts involving any of the four categories of class, structure, system and unit e.g. ST adjectival phrase becomes an adverbial phrase in TT. Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. The category shifts may involve: A Class shift

A ‘class shift’, when an SL item is translated by means of a TL item belonging to a different grammatical class: e.g. the adjective in medical student becomes an adverbial phrase in the French equivalent ‘student in medicine’ Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010. A Structure Shift

A ‘structure shift’ involving a change in grammatical structure between ST and target text TT: e.g. Jhon loves Mary becomes ‘is love at Jhon on Mary’ in Gaelic; Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. A Unit Shift

A ‘unit shift’ where a strict rank-for-rank correspondence between SL and TL sentences, clauses, groups, words and morphemes is not observed: e.g. the English definite article translated by a change in word order in Russian; Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. An Intra-system Shift

An ‘intra-system shift’ which occurs when translation involves selection of a non- correspond formally: e.g. an SL ‘singular’ becomes a TL ‘plural’ Catford, 1965: 80 in Batil Hasim 2001:15. Novie Andriani Kesuma : The Morphemic Shifts In Translation Of Jhon Shors Beneath A Marble Sky Into Taj Mahal By Meithya Rose, 2010.

2.2 The Description of Morpheme

This Thesis talks about the morphemic shift in a translation from English to Bahasa Indonesia, so the writer wants to explain about the morpheme in brief first.

2.2.1 The Definition of Morpheme

There are many theorists describe what morpheme is. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful elements into which words can be analyzed Sibarani, 2002:3. It means that morpheme is the smallest meaningful element which can be analyzed. Morphemes are the minimal meaningful units of which the language is composed Nida, 1967:6. In this case, that the morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language. The traditional term for the most elemental unit of grammatical form is morpheme Fromkin, 1998:69. It means that morphemes are an unit of grammatical form. The morpheme is the smallest difference in the shape of a word that correlates with the smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure Katamba,1988:24. It means that morpheme is the smallest difference in shape of word in grammatical structure. Morpheme is Linguistics a speech element having a meaning or grammatical Function that cannot be subdivided into furthers such elements http:www.thefreedictionary.com which access on 26 November 2009.