Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals: the study of equivalence, readability, and method applied.



ASMARA, FEBRIAN KUSUMA. Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Manuals: the Study of Equivalence, Readability, and Method Applied. Yogyakara: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

This thesis analyzed the translation on the aircraft safety manuals for Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. This study deals with the equivalence, readability, and translation methods. The translation quality in terms of its equivalence, readability, and translation method are important aspects of how the language is translated. They help the readers to understand the message of aircraft safety manuals.

There were three research objectives that were analyzed in this thesis. The first was to find out the equivalence of Indonesian translation in the safety manuals in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. The second was to discover the readability of the translation of the aircraft safety manuals. The third was to look for the method applied in translating the safety manuals of three different aircrafts.

This undergraduate study applied the library research, explicatory research, and survey research. In order to find the ranking of the readability of Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600 safety manuals, the researcher used questionnaire. The questionnaire picked 20 respondents who ever boarded a plane and minimum age is seventeen.

The result of this research showed that from 30 Indonesian translations of aircraft safety manuals, 23 translations met formal equivalence. This result overwhelmed 9 translations in Airbus A320-200, 7 translations in Boeing 737-500, and 7 translations in ATR 72/500-600. Moreover, there were 7 translations met dynamic equivalence. This result overwhelmed a translation in Airbus A320-200, 3 translations in Boeing 737-500, and 3 translations in ATR 72/500-600. Most of those translations were translated using transposition and addition semantic method. In Airbus A320-200, there were 7 translations that used transposition and 1 translation that used addition semantic. In Boeing 737-500, there were 4 translations that used transposition and 6 translations used addition semantic. In ATR 72/500-600, there were 4 translations that used transposition and 5 translations that used addition semantic. Based on respondents perspective through the questionnaire and the support of applying the type of equivalence and translation method in translating aircraft safety manuals, the researcher found that aircraft safety manuals in Boeing 737-500 is more readable than those of Airbus A320-200 and ATR 72/500-600.



ASMARA, FEBRIAN KUSUMA. Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Manuals: the Study of Equivalence, Readability, and Method Applied. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang terjemahan dalam panduan keselatam pesawat yang terdapat pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, dan ATR 72/500-600. Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan kesepadanan, keterbacaan, dan metode penerjemahan. Kualitas terjemahan dalam kesepadanan, keterbacaan, dan metode penerjemahan merupakan aspek penting bagaimana bahasa itu diterjemahkan. Hal ini juga membantu pembaca untuk mengerti pesan yang terdapat pada panduan keselamatan pesawat.

Terdapat tiga tujuan penelitian yang dianalisa dalam skripsi ini. Pertama untuk menemukan kesepadanan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia pada panduan keselamatan yang terdapat pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, dan ATR 72/500-600. Kedua untuk menemukan keterbacaan pada panduan keselamatan pesawat. Ketiga mencari metode yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan panduan keselamatan pada tiga jenis pesawat yang berbeda.

Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka, explicatory research, dan studi penelitian. Untuk menemukan tingkatan keterbacaan pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600, peneliti menggunakan kuisioner. Kuisioner tersebut diisi oleh 20 responden yang pernah menaiki pesawat dan berumur minimal tujuh belas tahun.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 30 terjemahan panduan keselamatan pesawat ke Bahasa Indonesia, terdapat 23 terjemahan kesepadanan formal. Hasil ini meliputi 9 terjemahan pada Airbus A320-200, 7 terjemahan pada Boeing 737-500, dan 7 terjemahan pada ATR 72/500-600. Selanjutnya, 7 terjemahan termasuk kesepadanan dinamis. Hasil ini meliputi 1 terjemahan pada Airbus A320-200, 3 terjemahan pada Boeing 737-500, dan 3 terjemahan pada ATR 72/500-600. Sebagian besar, terjemahan panduan keselamatan pesawat tersebut diterjemahkan menggunakan metode transposisi dan penambahan semantik. Pada Airbus A320-200, terdapat 7 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 1 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantik. Pada Boeing 737-500, terdapat 4 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 6 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantic. Pada ATR 72/500-600, terdapat 4 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 5 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantic. Berdasarkan perspektif pembaca melalui kuesioner dan penerapan jenis kesepadanan dan metode penerjemahan pada panduan keselamatan pesawat, peneliti menemukan bahwa panduan keselamatan pesawat Boeing 737-500 lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami dibandingkan Airbus A320-200 dan ATR 72/500-600.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Febrian Kusuma Asmara Student Number: 124214046










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Febrian Kusuma Asmara Student Number: 124214046










I walk slowly,

but I never walk




This page is dedicated for

Christian kusuma





First of all, I would like to thank God for all blessing during and after the process of writing this thesis.

Secondly, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S,. M.Hum., for guiding and supporting me in finishing my thesis

Thirdly, I would also thank my co-advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd, M.A., for helping me by giving guidance and correction in the process of writing this thesis.

Fourthly, I would thank my parents, my older and younger brother, my girlfriend, Alexandra Fenetta and her parents, for all of their support so I can finish my thesis.

Next, I would also thank Eki, for her help by giving me some pictures of aircraft safety manuals, Sony, Dhanny, who always ask me not to delay my thesis, Dwigo, who always accompanies me in playing dota when I am down, and all respondents of Sanata Dharma University who helped me by giving their time to answer my questionnaire.

And finally, I would like thank all of my friends in English Letters of 2012 for the encouragement so that I manage to finish this thesis.





APPROVAL ... iii




MOTTO PAGE ... vii






ABSTRACT ... xvii

ABSTRAK ... xviii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Definition of Terms ... 5


A. Review of Related Studies ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 9

1. Theory of Translation ... 9

2. Translation Method ... 9

3. Theory of Equivalence... 15

4. Theory of Readability ... 17




A. Areas of Research ... 18

B. Object of the Study ... 18

C. Method of the Study ... 19

D. Research Procedure ... 19

1. Types of Data ... 19

a. Objective Data ... 19

b. Affective Data... 20

2. Data Collection ... 20

3. Population and Sample ... 22

4. Data Analysis ... 22


A. The Equivalence of Aircraft Safety Manuals ... 25

1. The Proportion of Formal and Dynamic Equivalence Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts ... 26

2. Airbus A32-200 ... 27

a. Formal Equivalence ... 28

b. Dynamic Equivalence ... 28

3. Boeing 737-800 ... 29

a. Formal Equivalence ... 30

b. Dynamic Equivalence ... 31

4. ATR 72/500-600 ... 31

a. Formal Equivalence ... 33



B. The Readability of Aircraft Safety Manuals ... 34

1. The Readability Proportion of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts ... 34

2. Airbus A32-200 ... 35

3. Boeing 737-800 ... 36

4. ATR 72/500-600 ... 38

C. The Translation Method of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircraft ... 39

1. The Proportion of Formal and Dynamic Equivalence Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts ... 40

2. Airbus A32-200 ... 41

a. Transliteration and Naturalization (Borrowing) ... 41

b. Transposition ... 42

c. Addition Semantic ... 42

d. Subtraction ... 43

3. Boeing 737-800 ... 44

a. Addition Semantic ... 43

b. Transposition ... 44

4. ATR 72/500-600 ... 45

a. Subtraction ... 45

b. Addition Semantic ... 45

c. Transposition ... 46




Appendix 1: Data of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Airbus A320-200 ... 53

Appendix 2: Data of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Boeing 737-800 ... 54

Appendix 3: Data of Aircraft Safety Manuals in ATR 72/500-600 ... 55


xiii Appendix 5: The Result of Airbus A320-200‟s

Equivalence and Translation Method ... 58 Appendix 6: The Result of Boeing 737-800‟s

Equivalence and Translation Method ... 59 Appendix 7: The Result of ATR 72/500-600‟s

Equivalence and Translation Method ... 60 Appendix 8: The Result of Readability‟s Questionnaire ... 61 Appendix 9: The Picture of Aircraft Safety Manuals ... 62



Table 1. Example of Transliteration and Naturalization ... 12

Table 2. Example of the data coding ... 20

Table 3. The Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Instructions ... 21

Table 4. The Type of Equivalence in Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Instructions ... 22

Table 5. Example of Questionnaire ... 23

Table 6. The Method in Translating Aircraft Safety Instruction ... 24

Table 7. The Results of Equivalence in Airbus A320-200... 27

Table 8. The Results of Equivalence in Boeing 737-500 ... 29

Table 9. The Results of Equivalence in ATR 72/500-600 ... 32

Table 10. The Result of Readability‟s Questionnaire ... 37

Table 11. The Readable Indonesian Translations in Airbus A320-200 ... 35

Table 12. The Readable Indonesian Translations in Boeing 737-500 ... 37

Table 13. The Readable Indonesian Translations in ATR 72/500-600 ... 38

Table 14. The Example of Transliteration and Naturalization in Airbus A320-200 ... 41

Table 15. The Examples of Transposition in Airbus A320-200 ... 42

Table 16. The Example of Addition (Semantic) in Airbus A320-200 ... 42



Table 18. The Examples of Addition (Semantic) in Boeing 737-500 ... 43

Table 19. The Examples of Transposition in Boeing 737-500... 44

Table 20. The Example of Subtraction in ATR 72/500-600 ... 45

Table 21. The Examples of Addition (Semantic) in ATR 72/500-600 ... 45




ST : Source Text TT : Target Text Ab : Airbus A320-200 B : Boeing 737-500 A : ATR 72/500-600



ASMARA, FEBRIAN KUSUMA. Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Manuals: the Study of Equivalence, Readability, and Method Applied. Yogyakara: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

This thesis analyzed the translation on the aircraft safety manuals for Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. This study deals with the equivalence, readability, and translation methods. The translation quality in terms of its equivalence, readability, and translation method are important aspects of how the language is translated. They help the readers to understand the message of aircraft safety manuals.

There were three research objectives that were analyzed in this thesis. The first was to find out the equivalence of Indonesian translation in the safety manuals in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. The second was to discover the readability of the translation of the aircraft safety manuals. The third was to look for the method applied in translating the safety manuals of three different aircrafts.

This undergraduate study applied the library research, explicatory research, and survey research. In order to find the ranking of the readability of Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600 safety manuals, the researcher used questionnaire. The questionnaire picked 20 respondents who ever boarded a plane and minimum age is seventeen.

The result of this research showed that from 30 Indonesian translations of aircraft safety manuals, 23 translations met formal equivalence. This result overwhelmed 9 translations in Airbus A320-200, 7 translations in Boeing 737-500, and 7 translations in ATR 72/500-600. Moreover, there were 7 translations met dynamic equivalence. This result overwhelmed a translation in Airbus A320-200, 3 translations in Boeing 737-500, and 3 translations in ATR 72/500-600. Most of those translations were translated using transposition and addition semantic method. In Airbus A320-200, there were 7 translations that used transposition and 1 translation that used addition semantic. In Boeing 737-500, there were 4 translations that used transposition and 6 translations used addition semantic. In ATR 72/500-600, there were 4 translations that used transposition and 5 translations that used addition semantic. Based on respondents perspective through the questionnaire and the support of applying the type of equivalence and translation method in translating aircraft safety manuals, the researcher found that aircraft safety manuals in Boeing 737-500 is more readable than those of Airbus A320-200 and ATR 72/500-600.



ASMARA, FEBRIAN KUSUMA. Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Manuals: the Study of Equivalence, Readability, and Method Applied. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang terjemahan dalam panduan keselatam pesawat yang terdapat pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, dan ATR 72/500-600. Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan kesepadanan, keterbacaan, dan metode penerjemahan. Kualitas terjemahan dalam kesepadanan, keterbacaan, dan metode penerjemahan merupakan aspek penting bagaimana bahasa itu diterjemahkan. Hal ini juga membantu pembaca untuk mengerti pesan yang terdapat pada panduan keselamatan pesawat.

Terdapat tiga tujuan penelitian yang dianalisa dalam skripsi ini. Pertama untuk menemukan kesepadanan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia pada panduan keselamatan yang terdapat pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, dan ATR 72/500-600. Kedua untuk menemukan keterbacaan pada panduan keselamatan pesawat. Ketiga mencari metode yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan panduan keselamatan pada tiga jenis pesawat yang berbeda.

Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka, explicatory research, dan studi penelitian. Untuk menemukan tingkatan keterbacaan pada Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600, peneliti menggunakan kuisioner. Kuisioner tersebut diisi oleh 20 responden yang pernah menaiki pesawat dan berumur minimal tujuh belas tahun.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 30 terjemahan panduan keselamatan pesawat ke Bahasa Indonesia, terdapat 23 terjemahan kesepadanan formal. Hasil ini meliputi 9 terjemahan pada Airbus A320-200, 7 terjemahan pada Boeing 737-500, dan 7 terjemahan pada ATR 72/500-600. Selanjutnya, 7 terjemahan termasuk kesepadanan dinamis. Hasil ini meliputi 1 terjemahan pada Airbus A320-200, 3 terjemahan pada Boeing 737-500, dan 3 terjemahan pada ATR 72/500-600. Sebagian besar, terjemahan panduan keselamatan pesawat tersebut diterjemahkan menggunakan metode transposisi dan penambahan semantik. Pada Airbus A320-200, terdapat 7 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 1 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantic. Pada Boeing 737-500, terdapat 4 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 6 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantic. Pada ATR 72/500-600, terdapat 4 terjemahan menggunakan transposisi dan 5 terjemahan menggunakan penambahan semantic. Berdasarkan perspektif pembaca melalui kuesioner dan penerapan jenis kesepadanan dan metode penerjemahan pada panduan keselamatan pesawat, peneliti menemukan bahwa panduan keselamatan pesawat Boeing 737-500 lebih mudah dibaca dan dipahami dibandingkan Airbus A320-200 dan ATR 72/500-600.



A. Background of the study

Language takes an important role in communication. With language, humans are able to transfer a message from one to another. Language can trigger people to convey their ideas. It can create a rule to make people understand an utterance meaning of somebody.

The role of language develops in the human beings. The language does not only have a function to express the ideas, but also it has a function to deliver a message from one language to another language. The latter role is known as translation. Translation is important to communicate in different language. People are able to understand the message that is transferred in a language to another.

Catford argues “translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language” (1965: 20). Translation is the activity in transfering a message from source language (SL) to terget language (TL) by maintaining the origin meaning from SL to TL. Translation does not only change word by word, but also transfers a message that exists in the SL meaning. Moreover, translation is the replacement a text in two different languages.

In the translation process, the form of the TL can be different from the SL. In order to avoid the different meaning in translation, there are some strategies that are used to transfer a meaning properly. Bell states “the meaning of


equivalent is when the message of the SL text is equivalently transferred into the TL text.” (1991:6). This strategy does not focus in translating word by word, but it focuses in transferring a meaning from SL to TL. Besides transferring a meaning, the equivalence also considers the culture of SL and TL. It is important to avoid the ambiguity translation in target language. In short, translation does not have contradiction with TL form.

By considering equivalence in translating the aircraft safety manuals, the translator enables to transmit a message from SL to TL. The equivalence process helps the reader to avoid the ambiguity in the meaning. By considering several points that have been mentioned, the researcher tried to discuss the equivalence of Indonesian translation in safety aircraft manuals. The data were taken from three different types of aircraft. The first type is Airbus A320-200, the second type is Boeing 737-500, and the third type is ATR 72-500/600.

There are three reasons that made the researcher took those three types of aircraft. The first is Indonesia has contribution in developing of Boeing and Airbus. There is a company that makes a component of airplane that located in Bintan, Riau. The company is Honeywell Aerospace. Alex Pollaack, the directur of Honeywell Aerospace, said that there were 15% component of airplane that made from Indonesia and they were bought by Airbus and Boeing ( The second is Airbus A320-200 were chosen by PT Garuda Indonesia for Citilink. There are 50 Airbus A320-200 landed in Indonesia. Elisa Lumbantoruan, the Finance Directur of Garuda Indonesia, said


that all airplanes in Citilink used Airbus A320-200. PT Garuda Indonesia would buy five Airbus A320-200 in each year from 2011 to 2014. ( un.citilink).

The third is ATR aircraft suitable for Indonesia conditions. ATR aircraft is most used in Indonesia that has a small airport in remote city. The reason is the aircraft can reach small airport that has a runway less than 1600 meters, (

In each aircraft, there is a guideline for the passengers. Based on that fact, the researcher took aircraft safety manuals in order to know the way of communication that occurs in the airplane. Based on the standard corporation of aircraft safety manuals, there are two languages that are usually used. They are English as the international language and the origin language of the country. The researcher chooses three different types of the aircraft in order to see how the readability of the translation occurs in safety manuals in each type of aircraft.

There are some cases of the equivalence of Indonesian translation in aircraft safety manuals. The cases are described as follows:

1. SL: Emergency Light (ATR 72-500/600)

TL: Lampu Petunjuk Dalam Keadaan Darurat (ATR 72-500/600) 2. SL: Door Operation (Boeing 737-500)


There are two examples that occur in ATR 72-500/600 and Boeing 737 500 safety manuals. The first is light is translated into lampu petunjuk, the second is operation translated into cara membuka. The examples raise the researcher‟s curiosity in order to find the strategies that are used in translating the sentence.

This study is focused on the equivalence that occurs in transferring a message from SL into TL. The study also considers that it is important to analyze some methods that are used to find the equivalence. By discovering what the type of equivalence and the method that are used, the researcher found out the rank of the readabality in aircraft safety manuals. Furthermore, the researcher expects that this research can be a reference for another researcher to make a further analysis dealing with this topic.

B. Problem Formulation

There are some problems of this research that are analyzed. The problems are formulated as follows:

1. How is the equivalence of Indonesian translation in the safety manuals in the three different aircrafts?

2. How is the readability of the translation in the aircraft safety manuals?

3. What methods have been used to translate the safety manuals of three different aircrafts?


C. Objectives of Study

Accordingly, there were three objectives of this study. Firstly, this study tried to see and understand how the pattern of the equivalence of Indonesian translation of three different aircraft safety manuals. Secondly, this study was to know what extent the readers understand about the translation in aircraft safety manuals. Thirdly, it was to find what methods are used to translate the safety manuals in three different aircrafts.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid the misunderstanding of concept about the topic, this is important to give some definition of terms, these are:

Equivalence. Bell states that “the meaning of equivalent is when the message of the SL text is equivalently transferred into the TL text.” (1991:6). This statement means that the translation does not only change word by word. It also transfers a message which exists in the SL. In order to get a close meaning in the TL, the similar concept can be used as long as the meaning is not different. The equivalence of the translation can be seen in the transferring a meaning in the TL.

Readability. Richards and Richard state that “readability is the way how easily written materials can be read and understood.”(1985: 238). It means that something that is written makes the reader understand the meaning immediately. Another proposed by Sakri defines readability as follows:

Readability represents the degree of easiness of a writing to comprehend. Writings with high readability are far easier to comprehend rather than


low ones. In a contrast, writings with low readability are more difficult to read (Sakri,1994: 165)

Based on the statement above, the readability also considers the diction of the word that is used in the writing. The writing that uses special words is hardly to be understood. On the other hand, the writing that uses simple words is easy to be understood.

Aircraft Safety Manuals. The guidelines of safety information are written in the paper for the passengers. They are used to help the passengers understand deeper what they should do in the usage of safety equipment and what they should do if there is an accident. The aircrafts whose manuals were analyzed were Boeing 737-500, Airbus A320-2 00, and ATR 72/500-600.




A. Review of Related Studies

In this chapter, the researcher aims to show the different discussions provided by Pratama‟s, Trimulyana‟s, and the Asmara‟s thesies. This chapter provides the research that has similar topics which are done by two other researchers. This study has similarities with Pratama‟s and Trimulyana‟s.

1. Pratama’s thesis “Indonesian Translation of Tea and Juice Drinks Labels: A Study on the Accuracy, Readability and Strategies Applied”

Pratama‟s discusses the translation of tea and juice drinks labels into Indonesian. Pratama focuses on the accuracy, readability, and strategies applied in translating from SL to TL. Pratama uses correspondents to find out the level of accuracy and readability. The data are taken from a linguistic expert and a professional translator in order to see the accuracy of the translation.

There are three points that Pratama‟s focuses on. Firstly, Pratama‟s study tries to find out the accuracy of the translation from English to Indonesia in tea and juice drinks labels. Secondly, it tries to show how readability may affect on this translation study from the drink labels. Thirdly, Pratama‟s study analyzes what translation strategies applied by the translator when he translates tea and juice drinks labels in order the translation can fulfill the message from the SL.


This present thesis has different focus from Pratama‟s. It discusses the equivalence of the aircraft safety manuals sentence while Pratama‟s discusses the accuracy applied in translating tea and juice label into Indonesian.

2. Trimulyana’s thesis The Culinary Term Translation in Enak: Jogja Culinary Guide: A Study on The Relation between Acceptability and Translation Strategies Applied”

In this research, Trimulyana discusses about the translation of the culinary term in Enak: Jogja Culinary. Trimulyana tries to find out the relation between acceptability and translation strategies applied. Trimulyana‟s research analyzes the data through questionnaire and library research.

There are three points that Trimulyana‟s focuses on. Firstly, the acceptability of culinary terms in Indonesian food articles in the magazine. Secondly, the translation strategies applied in translating culinary terms on Indonesian food articles in the magazine. Thirdly, the relation between acceptability and translation strategies applied in translating culinary terms on Indonesian food article in the magazine.

This current thesis is different from Trimulayana‟s thesis. The difference lies on the focus of the analysis. Trimulyana‟s thesis focuses on the relation between acceptability and translation strategies, while this present thesis focuses on the methods that are used to find out the equivalence and the readability from SL to TL.


B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theories of Translation

Bassnett states the definition of translation which is,

What is generally understood as translation involves the rendering of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but no so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted. (1991:2)

Translation is the activity in transfering a message by changing a language. Besides changing the language, translation also considers a similarity in transfering a message and meaning from SL into target language.

Moreover, according to Bell, translation is “the expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another SL, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences”(1991:5). The translation considers the choice of words and the translator‟s language style. It is important to avoid the ambiguity when transfering a message from SL to TL. In other word, translation is the way to make TL equivalent with SL.

2. Translation Methods

By discussing about the equivalence of translation, there are some strategies that are used when translating a word or sentence from SL into TL. This strategy is needed to be a guidance for translators in translating sentence from SL to TL. Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003:67) categorize the translation strategy into two types. They are structural and semantic strategy.


a. Structural Method

The structural strategy is the strategy that relates with sentence structure. It is categorized into three strategies. There are addition, subtraction, and transposition. (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 67-69)

i. Addition

The strategy is used to add some words to adjust the sentence structure in TL. It is needed to make the structure in TL is accepted by the reader. As the result, this strategy is not the optional, but it is a must. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: Ayahku dokter. TL: My father is a doctor.

The word is and a must be added to make the structure in TL to be accepted.

ii. Subtraction

Subtraction is the omitting of structure element in the TL. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: My father is a doctor TL: Ayahku dokter

Based on the example above, the stucture element is and a in SL are omitted in TL.


iii. Transposition

Transposition is the translation strategy which changes the sentence structure from SL to TL in order to get the same meaning. The changes can be occured from singular to plural, adjectives phrase, and whole sentence.

SL : Musical instruments can be divided into two groups. TL : Alat musik bisa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dasar.

According to the example, the transposition occurs in the word instruments and alat. The word instruments (plural) is translated into alat (single) (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 68-69).

b. Semantic Method

The semantic strategy is the strategy that considers to the meaning. This strategy can be applied in the word, phrase, or sentence. There are nine strategies that are included into semantic strategy. They are borrowing, omission, expansion and reduction, cultural equivalence, addition, modulation, descriptive equivalence, synonym, official translation (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 70-76).

i. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation strategy to keep the origin word from SL then used in the TL. The main reason of this translation strategy is that does not have equivalence between SL and TL. There are two steps of borrowing. They are transliteration and naturalization.


The first step is transliteration. It is a translation strategy that keeps the SL word in its origin. The second step is naturalization. It is the next step after transliteration. Naturalization adjusts the word‟s sound and spelling into the TL. Table 1. The Example of Transliteration and Naturalization

SL Transliteration Naturalization

Mall Mall Mol

ii. Omission

Omission means deletion of word of the SL text in the TL text. The word in SL is not translated in the TL. It occurs because certain element in SL is not really necessary to be translated. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: “Sama dengan raden ayu ibunya,” katanya lirih. TL: “Just like her mother,” she whispered.

Based on the example above, there is an omission in the word raden ayu and only translated into like her mother (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 75).

iii. Expansion and Reduction

Expansion is a translation strategy that expands the TL component word. For instance, the word Whale is translated into Ikan Paus in Indonesia. The word ikan is important. If it is not added, it will make a different meaning. The meaning will be changed become the pope. Meanwhile, reduction is the opposite of expansion. Reduction means reducing the SL word component.


iv. Cultural Equivalence

Cultural equivalence is a strategy that considers the SL and TL culture. It aims to avoid the missunderstanding between SL and TL. By using this strategy, the translator translates the SL cultural word with the TL cultural word. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: Nasi sudah menjadi bubur TL: Don’t carry over spilt milk.

v. Addition

This strategy is different with the structural strategy. In this strategy, the translator gives an additional information to more emphasize the message in TL. It can be found in the text, at the end of the text, or at the bottom of the text (footnote).

vi. Modulation

Modulation is the strategy which is used for translating phrase, clause, or sentence by changing the point of view. The change occurs when the literal translation does not transfer a message properly. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: I broke my leg. TL: Kaki saya patah.

The translator takes a point of view from the object (kaki). The translator does not focus on the subject (saya).


vii. Descriptive Equivalence

Descriptive equivalence is the strategy that is used to describe the SL word based on its meaning and function. For the example is gado-gado. In English, gado-gado is described as the food that contains some vegetables mixed with peanut sauce.

viii. Synonym

The strategy that is used when TL words does not have more or less the same meaning with SL words. The example can be seen as follows:

SL: What a cute baby you’ve got! TL: Alangkah lucunya bayi anda!

According to the example above, the word cute is translated into lucu. Cute means an attractive child and lucu means child who is attracting people to get their attention. They are included synonym because both of them have a meaning as an attractive child to get someone attention (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 73-74).

ix. Official Translation

Official translation is the strategy that used for formal translation. When translator translates a text from another language to Bahasa Indonesia, the translator needs to have a manual book “Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing” published by Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Depdikbud R I. For instance, read-only memory is translated into memory simpan tetap (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 74)


3. Theories of Equivalence

Equivalence is an approach that is used to find the similarity meaning. It is transferred from source language into target language. Translation is a reproduction of a meaning, form, and message in both source and target language. Equivalence is a way to make a meaning as close as possible between source and target language. It is explained by Nida as follows:

The concept of equivalence as one of the key words in translation studies is called the closest natural equivalent.(1) equivalent, which points toward the source language message; (2) natural, which points to the receptor language; and (3) closest, which binds the orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation. (1974: 164)

According to Nida, there are two types of equivalence. They are formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. The first type is formal equivalence. It focuses on the form and the meaning of SL. It is supported by Nida‟s statement which is:

Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content. It distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language (1964:159).

This type translates word by word from SL to TL. Moreover, the translations also adjust the structure pattern in TL, for instance is “today is very hot”. It is translated into “hari ini sangat panas”. According to the example, the translation keeps the structure and the form of SL. It also adjusts the structure pattern in TL.

The second type is dynamic equivalence. It focuses on the effect when the text is translated from source language into target language. Nida argues her opinion about the dynamic equivalence as follows:


Dynamic equivalence is based on „the principle of equivalent effect‟, where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message (Nida 1964:159)

The change of structure sentence is allowed as long as the meaning of the text is still same. Dynamic equivalence does not focus on the form, but it focuses on the effect of the meaning from SL to TL. For instance is “I‟m hungry” is translated into “saya mau makan”. It can be seen that the translation from SL to TL is different, but they have a same effect.

Meanwhile, Koller divides the equivalence into 5 types. The first is formal equivalence. In this type, SL and TL words have similar orthographic or phonological features (1979:187). The word internet in English is translated to internet in Bahasa Indonesia. The second is denotative equivalence. Here, SL word is replaced by TL word that refers to the same thing (1979: 187). The third is connotative equivalence. It is the opposite of denotative equivalence. Here, the SL and TL word triggers the same or similar associations in the mind of speaker of the two languages (1979:187). The word sugar daddy has the same meaning in Bahasa Indonesia as pria hidung belang. It cannot be described literally because of its context.

The fourth is text-normative equivalence. SL and TL word being used in the similar contexts in their respective languages (1979:188). The fifth is pragmatic equivalence. The other name of pragmatic equivalence is dynamic equivalence. The SL and TL word has the same effect on their respective reader (1979: 190). It will bring the effect on TL reader which close to that experienced by the ST reader. The sentence “We need enough air to take a breath” shows that


the room is hot. That sentence can be translated in Bahasa Indonesia to “Tolong buka jendelanya”. Even though the sentence is not translated word by word, it still maintains the meaning that the room is hot.

4. Theories of Readability

Richard in Nababan (1999:62) states that “readability is how people can simply understand the meaning of a text”. Moreover, Elkins states the readability is “readability is simply how your masterpiece is easily comprehended” (2001:1). From the definitions above it is clear that a text is considered as readable if the reader does not get confused when they read the text.

C. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the first problem that shows how the equivalence of Indonesian translation in the safety manuals in three different aircrafts, the reasearcher used Nida‟s theory in determining that the translation uses formal or dynamic equivalence. It is important in order to unite a concept of the meaning in the target language.

The researcher used questionnaire to find the readability in three different aircrafts. Then, the researcher used the translation method in the theories of translation to find out what changes happen from SL to TL.



In this research, the researcher focused on the comparison of translation between target text and source texts. The researcher analyzed the data from aircraft safety manuals by using grammatical and semantical features. By focusing on the grammatical and semantical feature, this research aimed to focus on the sentence construction and the meaning of each word in SL and TL.

Translation involved the textual comparison of translation from the Source Texts as an original source. This might deal with several translations, that might be understood by the readers of the Target Text. Not all topics could deal with every possible aspect of the texts. Thus the translator might choose what the closest or match with the original (Chesterman, 2002:7).

. The researcher aimed to find out the pattern of Indonesian translation in aircraft safety manuals. By finding the pattern, the researcher was able to emphasize the readability of aircraft safety manuals. As the result, this research aims to make the reader understand the meaning of aircraft safety manuals.

B. Object of the Study

The object of this research study was the Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals provided by three different aircrafts, which were Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR72-500/600.


C. Methods of the Study

The methods used in this study were the combination of three kinds of research. Those were library research, explicatory research and survey research. Firstly, library research was done to find out the theory of translation, equivalence, readability, and method to determine the equivalence. Secondly, explicatory research focused on the equivalence that occured in the sentence of the aircraft safety manuals. By using this method, the researcher tried to find out the readability of the sentences. Thirdly, the survey research was used to find the ranking of the equivalence of Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72-500/600 safety manuals through questionnaires. Furthermore, by using this questionnaire, the researcher tried to determine the rank of the equivalence of the aircraft safety manuals from Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72-500/600.

D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data

The kinds of data are divided into two categories. They are objective and affective data.

a. Objective Data

The data analyzed were taken from aircraft safety manuals provided by Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR72-500/600. The researcher collected thirty data. Each aircraft company provides ten safety instructions. Furthermore, the data in the safety manual were selected and analyzed.


b. Affective Data

The affective data were collected from the respondents using questionnaires. There were twenty respondents that were involved in this study. In the term of readability, the respondents were chosen randomly with some criteria, among others are they have ever boarded a plane and minimum age is seventeen years old. The researcher chose the respondent that ever boarded a plane because it showed the respondents‟ understanding about aircraft safety manual. The questionnaire does not provide the SL of safety manuals. In this questionnaire, it consists of the TL only and the respondents were asked to answer the questions by giving a sign (√) in the appropriate sentences.

2. Data Collection

First of all, the researcher chose the aircraft safety manuals. The data were obtained from three different types of aircraft. They are ATR72-500/600, Boeing 737-500, and Airbus A320-200. The data then were coded and classified in the falling.

Table 2. Example of the data coding

Code Source Text Code Target Text

1/ST/B Door Operation 1/TT/B Cara Membuka Pintu

How to Read the Data Coding 1 : The number of data ST : Source Text


1 : The number of data TT : Target Text

B : Boeing 737-500

Here, the phrases and sentences would be analyzed based on respondents‟ responses. In order to know the understanding from the passenger about the explanation of aircraft safety manuals, the researcher collected data gathered from Indonesia translation.

Table 3. The Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Instructions

No Text A No Text B No Text C

1/B Cara Membuka Pintu

1/A Cara membuka Pintu dan Jendela

1/Ab Pengoperasian Pintu

How to Read the Data Coding 1 : The number of data B : Boeing 737-500 1 : The Number of data A : ATR 72-500/600 1 : The number of data Ab : Airbus A320-200

In the terms of readability, it can be seen whether from Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals can be easy to read by the consumers or not. Twenty respondents were chosen to answer the question by choosing the best Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals.


3. Population and Sample

The data population of this study is thirty sentences or phrases in aircraft safety manuals of English and Bahasa Indonesia that have been collected. This research does not take any sample. The researcher analyzes all population.

4. Data Analysis

In this study, the researcher would analyze the phrases and sentences based on the respondents. By using questionnaire, the researcher was able to know whether from Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals could be easy to read and understand by the consumer or not. The analysis was divided into three steps.

The first step categorized the target language between formal and dynamic equivalence by using Nida‟s theory.

Table 4. The Type of Equivalence in Indonesian Translation of Aircraft Safety Instructions

Code Source Text Code Target Text Nida’s

Equivalence 5/ST/A Emergency Exit 5/TT/A Pintu dan Jendela



2/ST/B Explanation of Symbol

2/TT/B PenjelasanTanda Formal

Based on Nida‟s theory, the first sentence Emergency Exit to Pintu dan Jendela Darurat was included dynamic equivalence. The sentence could be dynamic equivalence because the word Exit was translated to Pintu and Jendela. The translator did not translate in word for word. The translator tries to change the


idea of word exit in SL, but it still maintains the origin meaning. Meanwhile, the second sentence Explanation of Symbol to Penjelasan Tanda was included formal equivalence. It could be formal equivalence because the form of the translation from SL to TL does not change.

The second step looked at the readability based on the respondents respond in the questionnaire.

Table 5. Example of Questionnaire

The table above had a function to find out the readability from the reader. The respondents chose the text A, B, or C based on their perception. It aimed to find out which text was more readable. As the result, the researcher accumulated the numbers of readability of each aircraft safety manual.

The third step was what methods that were applied in order to find the equivalence in the aircraft safety manuals. The example can be seen on the next page.

No Text A No Text B No Text C A B C

5/B Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap

dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk

penumpang selanjutnya

5/A Mohon kartu ini jangan dibawa pulang

5/Ab Jangan pindahkan dari pesawat


Table 6. The Method in Translating Aircraft Safety Instruction

Code Source Text Code Target Text Method

1/ST/A Take Off and Landing

1/TT/A Waktu Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat

Addition Semantic

The strategy which was applied in this translation was addition semantic. The word Waktu was added in the TL. Based on the example, there was an additional word in the TL in order to emphasize the meaning and make the reader more understand.

In order to support the analysis result, the researcher related the theories to the data. The research aimed to find out the patterns that were easily understood by the readers. Moreover it looked the way how the sentences in aircraft safety manuals were translated. By giving the questionnaire, it helped the research to find the rank of the readability towards aircraft safety manuals.





This chapter discusses equivalence, readability, and methods that are applied in aircraft safety manuals. There are three points that will be analyzed. The first point is to analyze the Indonesian equivalence of aircraft safety manuals. It answers the first problem formulation of the study. The second point is to analyze the readability of aircraft safety manuals. It answers the second problem formulation. The last point is to determine the methods that are applied in the translations of aircraft safety manuals. It answers the last problem formulation.

A. The Equivalence of Aircraft Safety Manuals

The research aimed to see the Indonesian equivalence found in certain aircraft safety manuals. There are thirty English – Indonesian translations from Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72-500/600. Each aircraft has ten English – Indonesian translations. The results of analysis show what types of equivalence that are most used in the aircraft safety manuals.

The type of equivalence which is found in the Indonesian translation at aircraft safety manuals is analyzed based on Nida‟s theory. There are two types of equivalence. They are formal and dynamic equivalences. The types of equivalence are applied toward the example of data.

There are four points discussed in this chapter. The first point is the result of formal and dynamic equivalence in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. The second point is the discussion of formal and dynamic


Formal Dynamic

equivalence in Airbus A320-200. The third point is discussion of formal and dynamic equivalence in Boeing 737-500. The last point is discussion of formal and dynamic equivalence in ATR 72/500-600.

1. The Proportion of Formal and Dynamic Equivalence of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts.

The diagram above is the result of the formal and dynamic equivalence in three different aircrafts. Based on the diagram, there are 77% of formal equivalence that occurs in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. In Airbus A320-200 there are nine translations that are included in formal equivalence. In Boeing 737-500 there are six translations that are included in formal equivalence. In ATR 72/500-600 there are eight translations that are included in formal equivalence.

Meanwhile, according to the diagram there are 23% of dynamic equivalence. In Airbus A320-200 there is a translation that is included in dynamic equivalence. In Boeing 737-500 there are three translations that are included in



dynamic equivalence. In ATR 72/500-600 there are three translations that are included in dynamic equivalence. This result shows that most of the aircraft safety manuals translations that occurs in Boeing 737-500, Airbus A320-200, and ATR 72/500-600 use formal equivalence.

2. Airbus A320-200

The first data were compiled from Airbus A320-200. The analysis is shown from the table as follows:

Table 7. The Results of Equivalence in Airbus A320-200

No SL TL Formal Dynamic 1/Ab Safety Instruction Petunjuk Keselamatan

2/Ab Emergency Landing Pendaratan Darurat

3/Ab Decompression Dekompresi

4/Ab Life Vest Baju Pelampung

5/Ab Do Not Remove From The Aircraft

Jangan Pindahkan Dari Pesawat

 6/Ab Emergency Door


Pengoperasian Pintu Darurat

 7/Ab Emergency Window


Pengoperasian Jendela Darurat

 8/Ab Emergency Landing

On Terrain

Pendaratan Darurat Di Daratan

 9/Ab

Evacuation Route When Cabin Full Of


Rute Evakuasi Saat Kabin Penuh Asap

 10/Ab Take Off And Landing Tinggal Landas dan



Based on the data above, there are nine translations that are included into formal equivalence. All of them focus on the lexical meaning. There are two processes of transferring data from SL to TL. The processes are words by words and transliteration. In the formal equivalence, the changing occurs on phrases and sentences.

a. Formal Equivalence

The first process is transposition. It occurs on the numbers of 1/Ab, 2/Ab, 5/Ab, 6/Ab, 7/Ab, 8/Ab, 9/Ab, and 10/Ab. The translation finds out the similar characteristic of semantic properties between SL and TL. The example of the data is Safety Instruction. The words of Safety and Keselamatan have the same characteristics that refer to avoid the danger. Furthermore, the words of Instruction and Petunjuk have similar characteristics that refer to information to do.

Naturalization is in the second process in formal equivalence. It occurs on the data number of 3/Ab. The process gets influenced by the borrowing process from SL. It means that the translated phrase of SL maintains the origin form from SL. Meanwhile, the translated word adjusts the pronunciation in TL.

b. Dynamic Equivalence

The second type is dynamic equivalence. It occurs on the number of 4/Ab. The other name of life vest is life jacket. In the literal meaning, life vest or life jacket is a jacket without sleeves, that can be filled with air, designed to help float


if fall in water (Oxford Advanced Learning’s Dictionary). Meanwhile, in Bahasa Indonesia, the meaning of Pelampung is the lightweight item that hold from drowning (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). As the result, there is a similarity in the term of function of life vest and pelampung.

The word baju is added to emphasize the object in TL. It means the clothes that cover upper body (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). The translator does not choose rompi in this translation. The word rompi means the undershirt without sleeves. (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) Based on the definition of baju and rompi, there is a different between them. If the translation uses rompi, it will make a different meaning. In order to adjust the message and the context in SL and TL, there are two possibilities why the translator chooses word baju, that are the word baju is more appropriate and general in this context.

3. Boeing 737-500

The second data were compiled from Boeing 737-500. There are nine English-Indonesian safety manuals translation. The data are presented as follows: Table 8. The Results of Equivalence in Boeing 737-500

No SL TL Formal Dynamic

1/B Door Operation Cara Membuka Pintu

2/B Take Off and Landing Waktu Lepas Landas & Mendarat

 3/B Emergency Landing on

Water Mendarat Darurat di Air


Based on the data above, there are four translations that are included to formal equivalence and three translations that are included to dynamic equivalence. Moreover, there are three processes that contribute to the analysis.

a. Formal Equivalenve

The first process is transposition. It occurs on the numbers of 1/B, 3/B, 7/B and 10/B. The translation of SL adjusts the grammatical structure in TL. Moreover, the transposition process does not change a meaning when it is transfered into TL. The example of the data is For Your Safety. The words For and Untuk have same function as a preposition. They have similar properties that concerns to someone who receive something

No SL TL Formal Dynamic

5/B In Case of Emergency Landing

Jika Terjadi Pendaratan


6/B In Case of Rapid Decompression

Jika Pesawat Kehilangan

Tekanan Udara

7/B For Your Safety Untuk Keselamatan Anda

8/B Infant Life Vest Alat Pelampung Bayi

9/B Emergency Light Lampu Petunjuk Dalam Keadaan Darurat


When Finished reviewing this card please return it to the

seat pocket for next passenger

Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap dikembalikan ke kantong

kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya


The second process is addition semantic. The translation occurs on the numbers of 2/B, 5/b, and 6/B. The example is take off and landing. The addition lies on the word waktu in TL translation. The word waktu is added to emphasize the action of the airplane to take off and landing.

b. Dynamic Equivalence

The second type is dynamic equivalence. It occurs in the number of 4/B, 8/B, and 9/B. The script Life Vest is translated to Alat Pelampung. In the literal meaning alat is the tools that is used to do with purpose (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). There is a possibility that the translator generalizes the function of the object. The translator translates the phrase Life Vest to Alat pelampung in order to show the equipment that help the passenger float on the water.

In the number of 9/B, the addition lies on the words Lampu Petunjuk Dalam Keadaan Darurat to emphasize the function of the object that is used in the emergency situation. In the literal meaning, light is the form of energy that makes it possible to see things, the brightness produced by the sun, by fire, a lamp (Oxford Advance Learning’s Dictionary). Meanwhile, lampu is the tools that is used to brighten something (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). The translator chooses word lampu because in the TL people lampu is known as the tools to produce a light. The word lampu has generalized the point of light in aircrafts.


4. ATR 72/500-600

The third data were compiled from ATR 72/500-600. There are ten English – Indonesian translations of safety manuals. The data are presented as follows:

Table 9. The Results of Equivalence in ATR 72/500-600

Based on the data above, there are seven translations are included into formal equivalence. The data focus on the lexical meaning. The translation occurs on the phrases and sentences. There are three processes that occur in formal equivalence.

No SL TL Formal Dynamic

1/A Safety Instruction Petunjuk Keselamatan  2/A Explanation Of

Symbol Penjelasan Tanda

 3/A Take Off And


Waktu Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat

 4/A Emergency Landing


Posisi Dalam Keadaan Darurat

5/A Emergency Exit Pintu Darurat

6/A Door Operation Cara Membuka Pintu  7/A Emergency Light Lampu Petunjuk Dalam

Keadaan Darurat

8/A Life Vest Baju Pelampung

9/A Emergency Landing

On Water Mendarat Darurat Di Air


Please Do Not Remove From


Mohon Kartu Ini Jangan Dibawa Pulang


a. Formal Equivalence

The first process is transposition. It occurs on the numbers of 1/A, 4/A, 6/A, 9/A, and 10/A. The example of the data is Door Operation. The translator transfers the word Door Operation become Cara Membuka Pintu. There is a change of structure from SL to TL. The change occurs on the head of the text. In SL the head is put on the right side, while in TL text the head is put on the left side.

The second process is addition semantic. The process occurs on the number of 3/A, 7/A, and 10/A. The example of the data is please do not remove from the aircraft. When the sentence is translated into TL, it gets the addition of the word kartu. This addition is used in the translation because it aims to emphasize the object that is prohibited to be taken home.

The last process is substraction. The process occurs on the number of 2/A. The substraction occurs on the preposition of. The translator ommits the preposition of without changing the SL meaning.

b. Dynamic Equivalence

The second type is dynamic equivalence. It focuses on the contextual meaning. The type occurs on the number of 5/A and 8/A. The example of the data is Emergency Exit. The problem in this translation in the word Exit is translated into Pintu. Literally, exit is a way out of public building or vehicle (Oxford

Advance Learning’s Dictionary), while the word Pintu means the way that is used to go out or entrance (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). Because of there is a similar concept of the object, the translator translates exit to pintu.


The sum of respondents

’ choice

The notice of emergency exit is written on the door of the airplane. Based on the context, there is a possibility the translator translates Emergency Exit to Pintu Darurat. It aims to emphasize the specific object to make the passengers understand the way out in emergency situation.

B. The Readability of The Aircraft Safety Manual in Three Different Aircrafts

In this part the researcher discusses about the readability of the Indonesian translation of aircraft safety manuals in three different aircrafts. Twenty Indonesian translations are provided. Each aircraft has seven Indonesian translation to be choosen. It aims to find out which aircraft that its safety manual is easy to be understood.

There are four points discussed in this chapter. The first point is the percentages of the readability of aircraft safety manuals in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. The second point is the discussion of the most readable safety manuals in Airbus A320-200. The third point is discussion of the most readable safety manuals in Boeing 737-500. The last point is discussion of the most readable safety manuals in ATR 72/500-600.

1. The Readability Proportion of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Airbus A320-200 ATR 72/500-600 Boeing 737-500


The diagram above shows the rank of the readability of aircraft safety manuals in three different aircrafts. The data were taken from twenty respondents. There are seven numbers of Indonesian translations that were provided. Each respondent chose seven numbers in the questionnaire. Each number consists of three different types of aircrafts. Furthermore, the accumulation numbers of the highest rank of the Indonesian translation in the questionnaire is one hundred forty from each text of three different aircrafts. The result of the questionnaire can be seen as follows:

No Text A No Text B No Text C A B C 1/B Cara Membuka

Pintu 1/A

Cara membuka Pintu dan Jendela


Pengoperasi-an Pintu 6 6 8

2/B Waktu Lepas Landas dan Mendarat 2/A Waktu Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat 2/Ab Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat

13 4 3

3/B Mendarat

Darurat di Air 3/A


Darurat di Air 3/Ab

Pendaratan Darurat di Air

2 2 16

4/B Alat Pelampung 4/A Baju Pelampung

4/Ab Baju

Pelampung 4 8 8

5/B Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya

5/A Mohon kartu ini jangan dibawa pulang

5/Ab Jangan pindahkan dari pesawat

9 10 1


Based on the diagram and the table, the highest rank is Boeing 737-500 that has sixty one. The second rank is Airbus A320-200 that has forty six. The last rank is ATR 72/500-600 that has thirty three.

2. Airbus A320-200

Based on the result of the questionnaire, there are three Indonesian translations of Door Operation, Emergency Landing on Water, and Life Vest that are readable according to the respondents. The discussion are presented on the table as follows:

Table 11. The Readable Indonesian Translations in Airbus A320-200

No TL Respondents

1/Ab Pengoperasian Pintu 8

3/Ab Pendaratan Darurat di Air 16

4/Ab Baju Pelampung 8

No Text A No Text B No Text C A B C 6/B Jika Pesawat

Kehilangan Tekanan Udara

6/A - 6/Ab Dekompresi

17 - 3

7/B Jika Terjadi Pendaratan Darurat

6/A Posisi Dalam Keadaan Darurat

6/Ab Pendaratan

Darurat 10 3 7


The first Indonesian translations is pengoperasian pintu. According to the respondent, the translations is easy to understand. The phrase door operation is translated to pengoperasian pintu. The word pengoperasian helps the reader to focus on how to operate the door in the airplane. Moreover, the word pengoperasion is appropriate to use in the aircraft.

The second Indonesian translation is pendaratan darurat di air. It is translated from emergency landing on water. Based on the questionnaire, there are sixteen from twenty respondents assume that the sentence is appropriate. The usage of word pendaratan is more appropriate than mendarat. It shows the process to land (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). On the other hand, mendarat means the process of landing while the object has been on terrain.

The word emergency shows a danger or bad situation that needs immediate action to deal with it. As the result, the sentence emergency landing on water is more appropriate to be translated becomes pendaratan darurat di air than mendarat darurat di air.

The third Indonesian translation is baju pelampung. Most of the respondents choose baju pelampung rather than alat pelampung. The word baju is more appropriate in the context. It emphasizes the reader what kind of the safety equipment is.


3. Boeing 737-500

The most Indonesian translations in Boeing 737-500 tend to adjust with the context in TL. There are four Indonesian translations that readable in Boeing 737-500. They are Take Off and Landing, When Finished reviewing this card please return it to the seat pocket for next passenger, In Case of Rapid Decompression, and In Case of Emergency Landing. The translations can be seen on the table below:

Table 12. The Readable Indonesian Translations in Boeing 737-500

No TL Respondents

2/B Waktu Lepas Landas dan Mendarat 13


Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk

keselamatan harap dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya


6/B Jika Pesawat Kehilangan Tekanan Udara 17

7/B Jika Terjadi Pendaratan Darurat 10

The first Indonesian translation is waktu lepas landas dan mendarat. According to the respondents, lepas landas is more readable than tinggal landas. In Indonesian, the word lepas landas has been used for several times. It influences the reader in translating take off and landing. Furthermore, the addition word waktu emphasizes the time to take off and landing.

The second Indonesian translation can be seen above. The sentence translated into setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya. Most of the respondents assume that the translation is the best from the others. The instruction explains what should the passengers do clearly.


The third Indonesian translation is jika pesawat kehilangan tekanan udara. It is translated from in case of rapid decompression. The respondents choose this translation because it is easy to understand. According to the respondents, the word decompression is not familiar with the reader in TL. If the word decompression translated into dekompresi in Bahasa Indonesia, it will make missunderstanding to the reader who does not know what decompression is.

The fourth Indonesian translation is jika terjadi pendaratan darurat. The respondents choose that the word pendaratan is more appropriate. Furthermore, the addition word jika terjadi more emphasizes the explanation of the instruction.

4. ATR 72/500-600

There are two readable Indonesian translations in ATR 72/500-600. They are life vest and please do not remove from aircraft. The data are presented on the table as follows:

Table 13. The Readable Indonesian Translations in ATR 72/500-600

Based on the questionnaire, the Indonesian translation of baju pelampung is understandable. It is readable because of the reader assume that the translation has a direct point to the object. By choosing word baju, it helps the reader to know what kind the life vest is.

No TL Respondents

4/A Baju Pelampung 8

5/A Mohon Kartu Ini Jangan Dibawa


The second Indonesian translation which is readable is mohon kartu ini jangan dibawa pulang. According to the respondent, this translation is simple and easy to understand what should passengers do. By adding the word kartu in TL, it helps the reader to know the object that it addressed.

C. The translation methods of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircraft

The research aims to analyze the methods that are used in translating aircraft safety manuals. There are thirty data of English – Indonesian translation from Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72-500/600. In this research, there are four methods used in translating aircraft safety manuals. They are transposition, addition semantic, transliteration and naturalization (borrowing), and subtraction.

There are four points discussed in this chapter. The first point is the percentage of translation methods in Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, and ATR 72/500-600. The second point is the discussion of translation methods that are applied in Airbus A320-200. The third point is discussion of translation methods that are applied in Boeing 737-500. The last point is discussion of translation methods that are applied in ATR 72/500-600. The results of analysis show what methods are mostly used in translating the aircraft safety manuals.


The Number of

Indonesian Translations

1. The Proportion of Translation Methods of Aircraft Safety Manuals in Three Different Aircrafts

The diagram above shows the rank of the use of applied methods in thirty translations in aircraft safety manuals in three different aircrafts. There are transposition, addition semantic, naturalization, and subtraction. Based on the diagram, it can be seen from the highest rank lies on transposition. It has fifteen translations of the methods that are commonly applied in aircraft safety manuals. The second rank lies on addition. It has twelve translations of the methods that are commonly applied in aircraft safety manuals. The third rank lies on subtraction. It has two translations of the methods that are applied in aircraft safety manuals. The last rank lies on naturalization. It has one translation of the method that is applied in aircraft safety manuals.

There are two methods that are most frequently used. They are transposition and addition semantic. There are two main reasons that show why transposition and addition semantic are frequently used in translating aircraft safety manuals. Firstly, it can be seen from the structure pattern it is important in

0 5 10 15 20

Transposition Addition (Semantic)

Naturalization Substraction


adjusting the language structure in TL. In this case, the TL is Bahasa Indonesia, so the translator uses transposition method to adjust the language structure in Bahasa Indonesia in order the text is accepted to the reader. Secondly, addition semantic method is also important. By giving an addition word in TL text, it is has a function to emphasize and make clear the message in the SL to TL.

2. Airbus A320-200

There are four methods that are applied in the translations. They are transliteration and naturalization (borrowing), transposition, addition semantic, and subtraction. The analysis and discussions are presented as follow:

a. Transliteration and Naturalization (Borrowing)

The third method is transliteration and naturalization. There is one translation that is categorized in this method. The translation is presented as follows:

Table 14. The Example of Transliteration and Naturalization in Airbus A320-200

There are two steps in borrowing. First step, SL‟s sound and spelling is maintained in TL. Second step, the word adapted from the normal pronunciation of SL and transferred phonologically into TL. It influences the sound from SL into TL. The Decompression /di:kəm‟pre∫n/ changes into Dekompresi /dékomprési/.

No SL TL Method

3/Ab Decompression Dekompresi Transliteration and Naturalization


b. Transposition

The first method is transposition. This method is transfering a message from SL that maintains the structur in TL. Based on the data, there are six translations that are applied by literal translation. The examples are:

Table 15. The Examples of Transposition in Airbus A320-200

No SL TL Method

1/Ab Safety Instruction Petunjuk Keselamatan Transposition 2/Ab Emergency Landing Pendaratan Darurat Transposition 7/Ab Emergency Window


Pengoperasian Jendela Darurat


The examples above show that the translation considers the grammatical structure on TL. Even though the structure changes,the translation in TL maintains the origin meaning. Transposition is applied in this translation. It has a function to be accepted by the readers in TL.

c. Addition (Semantic)

The second method is addition. Based on the data, there is one translation uses this method. The example can be seen on the table as follows:

Table 16. The Example of Addition (Semantic) in Airbus A320-200

No SL TL Method

4/Ab Life Vest Baju Pelampung Addition

(Semantic) The translation gets an addition in TL. There is an addition of word baju to emphasize the reader in TL. It is added to explain to the reader that the life vest in is worn in the upper of body.


Data dibawah ini merupakan hasil terjemahan Petunjuk Keselamatan yang

terdapat dalam pesawat jenis Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-500, dan ATR


No Text A No Text B No Text C A B C

1/B Cara Membuka

Pintu 1/A

Cara membuka Pintu dan Jendela

1/Ab Pengoperasian Pintu



Waktu Lepas Landas & Mendarat


Waktu Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat

2/Ab Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat


3/B Mendarat

Darurat di Air 3/A


Darurat di Air 3/Ab

Pendaratan Darurat di Air Alasan:

4/B Alat Pelampung

4/A Baju Pelampung

4/Ab Baju Pelampung Alasan:

5/B Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap

dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya

5/A Mohon kartu ini jangan dibawa pulang

5/Ab Jangan

pindahkan dari pesawat


Jika ada terjemhana yang sama, dimohon untuk memilih salah satu

Appendix 5: The Result of Airbus A320-

200’s Equivalence and Translation


No SL TL Equivalencce Method

1/Ab Safety Instruction Petunjuk Keselamatan Formal Transposition

2/Ab Emergency Landing Pendaratan Darurat Formal Transposition

3/Ab Decompression Dekompresi Formal Borrowing

4/Ab Life Vest Baju Pelampung Dynamic Addition Semantic

5/Ab Do Not Remove From The Aircraft

Jangan Pindahkan Dari

Pesawat Forma Substraction 6/Ab Emergency Door


Pengoperasian Pintu

Darurat Formal Transposition 7/Ab Emergency Window


Pengoperasian Jendela

Darurat Formal Transpositon 8/Ab Emergency Landing

On Terrain

Pendaratan Darurat Di

Daratan Formal Transposition

6/B Jika Pesawat Kehilangan Tekanan Udara

6/A - 6/Ab Dekompresi


7/B Jika Terjadi Pendaratan Darurat

6/A Posisi Dalam Keadaan Darurat

6/Ab Pendaratan Darurat


No SL TL Equivalence Method


Evacuation Route When Cabin Full Of


Rute Evakuasi Saat Kabin

Penuh Asap Formal Transposition

10/Ab Take Off And Landing

Tinggal Landas dan

Mendarat Formal Transposition

Appendix 6: The Result of Boeing 737-

500’s Equivalence and Translation


No SL TL Equivalence Method

1/B Door Operation Cara Membuka Pintu Formal Transposition

2/B Take Off and Landing

Waktu Lepas Landas &

Mendarat Formal

Addition Semantic

3/B Emergency Landing

on Water Mendarat Darurat di Air Formal Transposition 4/B Life Vest Alat Pelampung Dynamic Addition


5/B In Case of Emergency Landing

Jika Terjadi Pendaratan

Darurat Formal

Addition semantic

6/B In Case of Rapid Decompression

Jika Pesawat Kehilangan

Tekanan Udara Formal

Addition Smenatic

7/B For Your Safety Untuk Keselamatan Anda Formal Transposition

8/B Infant Life Vest Alat Pelampung Bayi Dynamic Addition Semantic

9/B Emergency Light Lampu Petunjuk Dalam

Keadaan Darurat Dynamic

Addition Semantic


Appendix 7: The Result of ATR 72/500-

600’s Equivalence and Translation





Equivalence Method


When Finished

reviewing this

card please return

it to the seat

pocket for next


Setelah mempelajari

kartu petunjuk

keselamatan harap

dikembalikan ke

kantong kursi untuk



Formal Transposition

No SL TL Equivalence Method


Safety Instruction Petunjuk Keselamatan

Formal Transposition


Explanation Of


Penjelasan Tanda

Formal Subtraction


Take Off And


Waktu Tinggal

Landas dan Mendarat


Addition Semantic



Landing Position

Posisi Dalam

Keadaan Darurat

Formal Transposition


Emergency Exit

Pintu Dan Jendela



Addition Semantic


Door Operation

Cara Membuka Pintu

Formal Transposition


Emergency Light

Lampu Petunjuk

Dalam Keadaan


Dynamic Addition Semantic


Life Vest

Baju Pelampung

Dynamic Addition




Landing On Water

Mendarat Darurat Di


Formal Transposition


Please Do Not

Remove From


Mohon Kartu Ini

Jangan Dibawa


Formal Addition Semantic


Appendix 8: The Result of Readability’s Questionnaire

No Text A No Text B No Text C A B C

1/B Cara Membuka

Pintu 1/A

Cara membuka Pintu dan Jendela


Pengoperasi-an Pintu 6 6 8

2/B Waktu Lepas Landas dan Mendarat 2/A Waktu Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat 2/Ab Tinggal Landas dan Mendarat

13 4 3

3/B Mendarat

Darurat di Air 3/A


Darurat di Air 3/Ab

Pendaratan Darurat di Air

2 2 16

4/B Alat Pelampung

4/A Baju Pelampung

4/Ab Baju

Pelampung 4 8 8

5/B Setelah mempelajari kartu petunjuk keselamatan harap dikembalikan ke kantong kursi untuk penumpang selanjutnya

5/A Mohon kartu ini jangan dibawa pulang

5/Ab Jangan pindahkan dari pesawat

9 10 1

6/B Jika Pesawat Kehilangan Tekanan Udara

6/A - 6/Ab Dekompresi

17 - 3

7/B Jika Terjadi Pendaratan Darurat

6/A Posisi Dalam Keadaan Darurat

6/Ab Pendaratan

Darurat 10 3 7
