Creativity Perceived Growths in Relation to Entrepreneurship Skills

47 also be seen in the way the members accepted one member who was felt not having enough ability. A said Nah ini kan karena Marvy ini didirikan pada awalnya karena kita semua temen, jadi kalo misalnya teman antar teman kadang-kadang ada rasa segan waktu kita ber.. apa ya? bekerja dalam suatu kelompok. Tapi kalo ini hal ini kita bekerja dalam suatu kelompok tapi kita sudah berani mencoba di dunia kerja nyata itu kan risikonya besar sekali. At first Marvy was established because we were all friends, so sometimes when we worked together in a team there was a time when we found something to consider as a friend. We realized that it had a big risk since we had eagerness to work in a real world not just in a campus. A explained that in Marvy, one of the risk takings was when she found a case of a member Z. Z had never got any job yet during the year because she was transferred from learning media division to translation. A found a fact that Z usually made use of google translate to translate her task which was a report on Service Program Design. To prevent such thing, A tried to communicate it with all members. A asked for the members‟ opinion without making Z feel intimidated because the speaking was not addressed to Z but generally. It was to maintain good relationship in order not to make Z feel bad since her mistake was not in Marvy but in her SPD group. The members wanted Z to still stay in Marvy but they also wanted the products of Marvy to be the best ones. The meeting resulted on a decision that there was a new system of translation. To maintain the good quality of the translation product, a proposed mechanism on the editorship and proofreading was justified. The quality control was important to make the clients feel satisfied. 48 The members of Marvy had faced some situations which needed their bravery to take risk. Risk taking is indeed a challenge for entrepreneurs.

c. Managerial Skill

There were some points in managerial skill. As seen in Marvy, the members showed communication skill, human relation, marketing, finance, quality control, and also negotiation. The first was communication skill. The members of Marvy had a good way of communication. When they faced problems, they always communicated with other members. They communicated the problem to the division first and then opened in the general meeting. The chairperson maintained good communication to the members by always checking the division s‟ progress. All members were friends so they did not find any difficulty in communicating with each other although sometime reluctance was needed to be faced. The good way of communication leads to the human relation. The relation was well maintained because they had good way of communication. They did not find any crucial problem of it. Once, they faced a problem about the minimum contribution of a member Y. Y had never got any job during her affiliation in Marvy and she rarely came to Marvy meetings. The coordinator of the division where Y was in I had already contacted her about her limit presence. The way to communicate with Y was relaxing like a friend to a friend. There was no intimidation or judgment. The coordinator I stated in the FGD that Y had been contacted in a good manner. It was difficult to meet Y so I contacted by texting her. I always reminded the Marvy agenda in order to invite Y to make contribution in Marvy. 49 However, Y always had reasons not to come. Then I asked the chairperson to contact Y. There was no positive answer. Finally, after being discussed in the general meeting, I sent a text to Y inviting to a meeting. Y then replied by saying that she could not join Marvy anymore because she felt that she had not enough capability and time. It was validated by I who said: Setelah di sms, dia malah mengundurkan diri dengan bilang kurang lebih seperti ini “maaf, aku keluar aja dari Marvy soalnya aku belum ngerasa mampu”. After we sent her a text message, she resigned from Marvy and said, “ Sorry, I am better resigned from Marvy because I think I am not capable enough for it At the end, Y officially quitted from Marvy. However, there was no hatred. All was good because Marvy still believed in the good way of communication. Like other business institutions, Marvy also had effort to promote its existence. The marketing strategy used by Marvy was via online, brochure and posters. The online advertisement was done by putting the logo and poster of Marvy in all social media owned by the members. The members promoted the services to their peers who were their colleagues and also their neighbors. Then, the brochures were distributed to some schools in Yogyakarta starting from elementary schools until senior high schools. The posters were put on the announcement boards of some universities in Yogyakarta. All were inside Yogyakarta because Marvy had not had an office to give the service especially for teaching. In Yogyakarta, the service could be done by coming to the clients. Financially, Marvy tried to be professional by making the financial report. Although there was no member having a skill in accounting, the treasurers could