Statute Description of Marvy

37 help for his friends to translate their abstracts. His friends then became the clients of Marvy.

g. The Members’ Definition of Marvy

Marvy could not be separated from entrepreneurial creativity of some ELESP students. Marvy was a true example of entrepreneurship of the students. From the description of Marvy ‟s progress, it could be said that Marvy brought positive meaning to entrepreneurship. Then, the researcher would like to present how each research participant gave definition of Marvy in hisher own words. The data were obtained from the reflection paper of the research participants and supported with the result of the FGD. Table 4.2 Definitions of Marvy according to the members No. Member Definition of Marvy 1. A A place to translate knowledge and theories got in campus into real work challenges 2. B A very good opportunity to put hope of utilizing her knowledge into something real 3. C A facility to get better changes in characteristics 4. D A means to train her to be a better person in any ways. 5. E A facility to teach her achieve what she had been dreaming 6. F A place to learn how to run a business along with organization 7. G A source of knowledge to implement professionalism 8. H A positive chance to make some improvements 9. I A learning medium to see glow and dark sides at the same time The table showed the definitions of Marvy according to the research participants in their own words. The researcher simplified their sentences to become one meaningful conclusion of each participant. As seen in the table, there were some members who agreed in one definition of Marvy. In the point of Marvy as a facility to hand on theories into real work, there were A, B, and E in one 38 agreement. They believed that Marvy really gave them a good way to implement what they had got in campus into real work. Previously, they felt that they had got enough knowledge particularly in English but it would be wasteful if they did not make use of it. As what A said: Sebelum ada Marvy, sumber ilmu yang saya dapat secara dominan hanya sekedar berasal dari teori-teori yang saya dapat di bangku perkuliahan. Bahkan sebelumnya, tidak ada pikiran terlintas di benak saya untuk mulai belajar berbisnis. Before Marvy, almost all my knowledge was dominantly from the theories that I got in the class. In fact, I never thought to learn about business before. Mr. X the FGD facilitator confirmed by saying: Kalau saya boleh memahami apa yang A coba sampaikan, di Marvy ini kamu mencoba untuk mendaratkan apa yang kamu peroleh dibangku kuliah dengan tantangan nyata, itu yang pertama. Kedua, di Marvy ini kamu menyadari bahwa bekal kamu kurang, begitu ya. Jadi kamu merasa bangku kuliah teoritis tapi tidak cukup membekali begitu ya I am trying to understand what A wants to convey. First, in Marvy you tried to apply your knowledge that you‟ve got in the class in a real challenge. Second, in Marvy you realized that your ability and knowledge are not enough to face the challenges. You feel that the theories that you‟ve got in the class are not applicable enough. A answered yes. It meant that Marvy really gave her a place to make her knowledge got down to earth. The claim was supported by what B and E said. B said: Saya hanya berangan-angan mungkin ini suatu saat, suatu hari mungkin saya bisa bergabung dalam suatu komunitas, mungkin komunitas mengajar atau suatu komunitas yang lebih menguntungkan bagi saya dan itu saya masih bingung bagaimana caranya. I thought maybe someday I could join into a community, a learning community or profitable community that could give me some benefits. But I don‟t know how to do it.