Clients Description of Marvy

40 establish Marvy, I thought I was starting to learn how to decrease those bad characteristics of mine. A confirmation was : Jadi sisi C adalah dari saya yang terfasilitasi untuk berubah. So from the side of C, C got himself facilitated to change. Previously, C saw himself as a person who was very selfish and uncooperative in teamwork. He also added that he was less focused, not confident, and pessimistic. As a result of joining Marvy, he was sure that Marvy became a way for him to decrease those bad characteristics. D said: Jadi sebelum Marvy itu, saya terlihat seperti orang yang membara, bersemangat dan berapi-api. Tapi yang saya lakukan sebenarnya nggak banyak. Jadi kayak talk only, no action. I am much controlled by emotion and mood. Nah semenjak di Marvy, disini saya belajar banyak tentang kerja di bawah tekanan. Before Marvy, I looked like someone who was always on fire and so enthusiastic. But actually the thing that I have done was not much. I looked like someone who talked only, no action. I am much controlled by emotion and mood. After I join Marvy, I learn a lot about how to work under pressure. A confirmation was: Kamu mau menegaskan bahwa diri kamu yang moody itu akhirnya belajar untuk mengolah perasaan, mengendalikan emosi, karena tampaknya kamu menyadari bahwa kamu harus bisa membedakan pekerjaan yang harus dikerjakan dan emosi. You want to emphasize that you who used to be moody finally can learn how to manage your feeling and control your emotion, because it seems that you have realized that you need to differentiate between a job that you must do and your emotion. D stated that she had got place to train herself to be a better person. She admitted that the working situation in Marvy enabled her to change from a person 41 whose life was controlled by her emotion and mood to be a person who could control them. Then, H said: Saya orangnya pasif dan cenderung hanya mendengarkan karena selama ini saya tidak pernah ikut kegiatan acara di kampus. Jadi kalau ada yang berbicara saya hanya diam mendengarkan. I was very passive and tent to be a listener because I never joined any organization or event at campus. So when someone was talking, I just kept silent and listened. H had the same thought that she identified herself as a passive person. Through Marvy she managed to change it. She began to follow the activity outside her campus life. Marvy then helped her. F, G, and I seemed to propose another definition of Marvy. They gave a definition related to business and its world. Their definition gave an insight how they had already started to obtain a sense of entrepreneurship skills. F began with: Pas ada rencana untuk membentuk Marvy itu kayak semangatnya keluar, rasa bisnisnya keluar, walaupun belum punya pengalaman tapi pasti terbentuknya ini saya bisa dapat banyak hal, mulai dari pengalaman kerja, berorganisasi, bekerja dalam team, jadi pas saya terlibat dalam Marvy itu saya sangat terdorong sekali untuk maju. When there was a plan to establish Marvy, I felt that my enthusiasm was out, the urge to do business was out, although I have no experience in business. I believe by establishing Marvy, I can learn a lot of things, like working experience, organization, and work in team. So when I join Marvy I have the urge to advance. He started to talk about business. His spirit to run a business helped him to realize it. He got high motivation to be successful in the business.