Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

28 14. The researcher re-wrote the written data gathered from the research participants. 15. The researcher analyzed the data. 16. The researcher got all data needed for archival data research from Marvy. 17. The researcher drew the conclusion from the data gathering and presented in narrative one. 18. The researcher let the research participants read and at some times the researcher shared the result to them both formally by letting them read and informally by having conversation. 19. The researcher consulted the data with the thesis advisor. 20. The result was tested in the thesis defense. 29


This chapter discusses the research results and the discussion based on the findings to answer the research questions. There are two sections being discussed in this chapter. The first is the results of the archival data analysis which is the description of Marvy and the analysis of the focus group discussion. The second section discusses the result of the analysis which shows the process of the attainment of entrepreneurship skill.

A. Research Results

There are two things which are presented in the research results. The first is the description of Marvy and the second is the involvement seen in the perceived growths in relation to entrepreneurship skills.

1. Description of Marvy

In the part of the description of Marvy, there are some aspects to be presented. The data presented were obtained from archival data gathering.

a. History

Marvy is a non-governmental organization which was founded by a group of second-year or sophomore students of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University in December 2013. Firstly, the students felt that they needed a place to implement their skills along together to raise more money on their own. The idea was also supported by the academic advisor of the Marvy members. The students who were the core founders of Marvy were seven 30 people. After that, the founders invited some of their classmates to join Marvy. There were 11 new members. Therefore, the total number of Marvy members was 18 at first. This organization provided two main services. They were English course and translation. The name “Marvy” came from the slang word marvelous, which meant extremely good. This name contained the organization‟s dream to be extremely good in English, especially in two aspects: teaching English and translating English to Indonesia or vice versa. Marvy had 17 members after one member quitted. They were divided into two divisions: teaching and translation. Teaching division had seven members and translation division had 10 members. Marvy had a slogan which was “English for Excellence”. Excellence stood for experience, creativity, skills, and intelligence. The members of Marvy were supposed to strive English for those four pillars. Through Marvy, the members were expected to be able to experience the real working world. The members would get the experience to implement the knowledge and skills they had gotten in college to the real working world. Since the members had to compete with other organizations which provided the same services, the members were expected to be more creative to attract people to choose Marvy. Thus, the members should develop many skills, not only English skills but also other soft skills needed in the real working world. Besides, through Marvy the members were expected to develop intelligence by showing the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments or have opinions based on reason. All members were responsible for the development of the organization so that all members had to cooperate well.