Taboo or Obscenity Types of Swear Words in 21

37 16 Schmidt: This is my parents bedroom. Schmidt‟s friend: What the fuck, bro? Some privacy Shit, shit, shit Schmidt: And that is a really gross three-way. 00:49:34 Dialogue 16 wanted to show his house to Molly. Unfortunately, when he opened his parents ‟ bedroom he got his friends were going threesome promiscuity. His friends were shocked as well, because they never expected that Schmidt would come to the room. By seeing that, Schmidt said shit, shit, shit. Swear word shit belonged to scatology because it had strong relation with feces, since shit ‟s meaning was feces.

B. Reasons for Swearing

The second objective in this research is dealing with the reasons for the main characters in the 21 st Jump Street movie to swear. In analyzing the data, the researcher used theories which discuss reasons for swearing from Andersson 1985. Andersson 1985 categorizes the reasons for swearing into 3 motives. They are Psychological Motives PM, Social Motives SM, and Linguistic Motives LM.

1. Psychological Motives

People tend to swear when something happened. As what Jay 2009 states in Chapter II that swearing can express someone‟s emotion or feeling, for instance anger, frustration, joy, and also surprise. That statement meant that swearing was a reaction to express someone feeling about something. Emotional feelings which are included in psychological motive were joy, anger, frustration, 38 joy, surprise, and sorrow. The following dialogues are some examples of psychological motives. 16 Schmidt: Now we have the wrong identities, you dumb-ass. Im in drama. I suck at drama. Its girly and embarrassing Jenko: Oh, my God. Relax, dude. Who cares? I can fake my way through band practice and app chemistry for a few weeks Schmidt: AP Chemistry. AP Chemistry. And, no, you cant, because you dont even know what its actually fucking called Jenko: Its going to be fine. You go to my classes, and Im going to go to yours. 00:25:50 It could be seen from dialogue 16 that Schmidt and Jenko argued about their wrong fake-identities. Schmidt was angry to Jenko because he was terrible at drama. He said that Jenko was a dumb-ass. Swear word dumb-ass was categorized as psychological motives because Schmidt said that Jenko was a dumb-ass when he was angry to Jenko. 17 Jenko: I know everything. Delroy: Really? Whats a covalent bond? Jenko: Fuck you, man. I dont need to tell you. 00:41:41 Dialogue 17 was another example of psychological motives. In that dialogue, Jenko said to Delroy that he knew everything about chemistry, then Delroy asked him about what covalent bond was. Jenko was angry to Delroy because he could not answer the question. Jenko said “fuck you” to Delroy. The swear word fuck you considered as psychological motives because Jenko said that swear word when he was angry because he could not answer the question from Delroy. 18 Schmidt : Oh, shit Hes got a gun Im going to throw this thing at him Jenko : Okay, you dont have to narrate everything Just throw it Schmidt : Okay Okay, okay 01:13:36