Profanity Types of Swear Words in 21

35 11 Porsche driver : Im on a call here, jackass. Jenko : Thats right. Go to sleep, bitch. 01:11:51 Dialogue 11 was the example of insult and slurs found in 21st jump street. The dialogue happened when Jenko wanted to take someone‟s Porsche to the highway when a gang chased after them. However, the Porsche‟s owner got angry to Jenko and said Jackass. Moreover, the word jackass was considered as insult because it showed Jenko‟s mental quality. 12 Schmidt : Sir, if I have to suck somebodys dick, I will. Its just... Id prefer not to. Deputy Hardy : I think you idiots are perfect. Youre officially transferred. Schmidt + Jenko : All right. Yeah. Thats great. 00:10:55 Dialogue 12 was part of conversation among Schmidt, Deputy Hardy, and Jenko. Deputy Hardy thought that it would be perfect if he transferred Schmidt and Jenko to 21 st Jump Street division. Deputy Hardy said that Jenko and Schmidt were idiots, so they were perfect to join 21 st Jump Street. Swear word idiots belonged to insult because it sho wed Schmidt and Jenko‟s mental quality. 13 Jenko : Okay, those are Goths. Those are nerds. I dont know what they are. What the fuck are those things? Im so confused right now. 00:23:14 Monologue 13 was another example of insult and slurs. In that monologue, Jenko identified the groups of students. He said there were some groups like goths and nerds. Swear words goths and nerds belonged to slurs because they showed the stereotype of the targets. 36

6. Scatology

The last type of swear words found in 21 st Jump Street movie was scatology. Jay 1992 describes scatology as a term that refers to human waste products and processes. It means scatology term has strong relation with feces. The following dialogues are some examples of this type of swearing. 14 Schmidt: This kid was actually talking to a tree this morning. Capt. Dickson: Cut the bullshit I want to know whos the supplier. Schmidt: We dont know. Thats why theres a question mark on his face. 00:40:14 Dialogue 14 was part of conversation among Captain Dickson, Schmidt, and Jenko. Captain Dickson listened to Schmidt‟s explanation about the drug dealer, but Schmidt and Jenko still did not know who the supplier was. Captain Dickson was angry and swore bullshit to Schmidt and Jenko. Swear word bullshit was categorized as scatology because it had a strong relation with feces since bullshit ‟s meaning was bull‟s feces. 15 Jenko : What kind of bullshit do they say about a covalent bond in this school? Delroy : They say its when two atoms share both their electrons. It helps them to stick together. I could help you out if you want, tutor you for the test. 00:42:02 Dialogue 15 was an example of scatology. In that dialogue, Delroy tested Jenko‟s understanding about chemistry. He asked Jenko what covalent bond was, and Jenko did not know the answer. Jenko asked Delroy about what covalent bond was. Jenko said that covalent bond was such a bullshit. Swear word bullshit was considered as scatology because it had strong relation with feces and human excretory since bullshit ‟s meaning was bull‟s feces.