The Concept of Taboo

13 c. To Provoke Fitzgerald 2007 states that verbal obscenity can be the most efficient symbolic process offered to someone intended for inviting chaotic reaction. That statement is relevant that taboo words have function to provoke someone. Taboo words can be very provocative because of its strong connotation, so people may use taboo words to provoke someone. d. To Mock Authority People m a y use taboo words when they want to deliver their protest against governments or country institutions. McGuire 1973 states that verbal communication can be used as a rebellion against power. In other words, people used taboo words because they want to express their disappointment about reality that different from what they have expected.

3. Swear Words

After regarding the concept and definition of taboo and taboo words, it can be said if taboo words and swear words are almost similar. As Karjailanen 2002 states that even though every swear word is taboo, not every taboo words is swear words. For the example is Cannibalism. Cannibalism is taboo in some cultures, but cannibalism is not a swear word. No one swears using cannibalism word. Ljung 2011 also states that swear words are words which are considered as having bad connotation in both their content and form. For the example is shit word. The word shit is considered as something that has bad content, and its form is also said to be disgusting. Therefore, the word shit was used as a swear word in many languages and cultures. On the other hand, feces and poop are words that 14 have bad content also, but their forms are considered to be neutral. For this reason, these words feces and poop do not acquire swear word status. It can be said that a word will acquire swear word status if that word has bad content and bad form. Pinker 2007 states that swear words are divided into many classifications, but the main root of swear words is religion. The words that have connection with religious matters, for the examples are God, Jesus, and hell. Therefore, nowadays swear words are very massive. Swear words are developed into the other roots, such as reproductive organs, excretory organs, taboo breaking behavior, racialethnic slurs, and blasphemy.

4. Types of Swear Words

As the researcher said above, there are several types of swear words. Each of swear word types has its own uniqueness and characteristic that make it different each other. Jay 1992 categorizes types of swear words into six types, namely cursing, profanity, blasphemy, taboo or obscenity, insult and slurs, and scatology.

a. Cursing

Jay 1992 states that the purpose of cursing is to harm people using words or phrases. Cursing expression acts like verbal assault where the speaker wishes harm, pain or other evil consequences to the listenerthe addressee. This indicates that people who curse want to make the cursed person verbally hurt. Usually, the speaker uses cursing expression such as eat shit and die According to Jay 1992 people who curse usually use 2 types of curse, religious curse and non-religious curse. Religious curse exists because religion has