Abusive Swearing Types of Swear Words

21 point of view related to everything, people will have different ways of speaking in expressing themselves using different lexicons, grammatical structures, etc. Hence, linguistic motives of swearing are not directed to others. It just appears to emphasize what someone wants to say.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section synthesizes major theories that help the researcher in conducting the research and answering the research questions. Moreover, in analyzing the data and answering the research questions, the researcher uses some related theories as the groundwork. The main theories used in this study are mostly related to taboo, taboo words, and swear words. The researcher aims to investigate two important points of the objectives. The types of swear words and why the main characters in 21 st Jump Street movie swear. Specifically, Jay 1992 have categorized types of swear words into 6 types, namely cursing, profanity, blasphemy, taboo or obscenity, insult and slurs, and scatology. By referring to Jay 1992 the researcher aims to find out types of swear words in 21 st Jump Street movie. Moreover, using swear words in 21 st Jump Street movie has three major reasons as they are all explained by Andersson 1985 , there are three reasons for swearing. The first reason is psychological motives. The second one is social motives. The last reasons for swearing is linguistic motives. Further, the researcher also wants to find out whether or not those three reasons are found in 21 st Jump Street movie. . 22


This chapter presents a rationale for the method of this research and analysis. This chapter comprises six parts, namely the research method, the research setting, the research source, the instrument and data gathering technique, the data analysis technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher conducted this research using a qualitative method. According to Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh 2002, “Qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in the study” p. 22. Moreover, qualitative research gives deep understanding of the phenomenon rather than only shows numerical data. Qualitative research focuses on the meaning of something, as Merriam 2014 states that qualitative researchers are interested in understanding the meaning that have constructed. To be more specific, there are some methods that can be used in conducting qualitative research, for examples content analysis, case study, and discourse analysis. The researcher used a discourse analysis. Fasold and Linton 2006 describes discourse analysis as the analysis of language above and beyond a mere the accumulation of sounds, morphemes, words, clause, and sentences. Specifically, this method focuses on a power, domination and construction, and reproduction of power in texts and conversations, language in social contexts, and interactions Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011. The researcher used a discourse