30 1 Schmidt: Do you guys really think this is a police matter? To get your Frisbee back? Jenko: Get your own fucking Frisbee. 00:05:20 Dialogue above happened when several men asked Schmidt and Jenko to take their Frisbee which fell to the lake. However, Schmidt and Jenko got angry because they thought it was not their job as a police. Jenko even said “Get your own fuckin g Frisbee” to express his anger. The swear words fucking Frisbee belonged to cursing type because Jenko said that word intentionally to reject the guys‟ request and also to attack them verbally. 2 Jenko: You got the right to... Give me that You got the right to... to suck my dick, motherfucker 00:08:13 This monologue happened when Schmidt and Jenko caught a gang that hid weeds in their motorcycle. However, Jenko forgot about the Miranda rights a right to silence warning given by police of the U.S to criminal suspects in police custody. Instead of saying the Miranda rights, Jenko said “suck my dick, motherfucker”. The words suck my dick belonged to cursing because Jenko said those word deliberately to attack the guys verbally. 3 Schmidt: No, watch my moms shit, man Im gonna fucking kill you Youll knock over my moms vase Sanders: Fuck your moms vase Schmidt: Fuck this 00:51:57 The dialogue 3 was a part of a conversation between Schmidt and Sander when they were fighting at Schmidt‟s house. At that time, Schmidt was very angry because Sanders wanted to break his mom‟s vase. Schmidt said “I‟m gonna fucking kill you” to make Sanders not break his mom‟s vase. The words fucking 31 kill was included in cursing because the words were purposefully used to fear Sanders so that he would not break the vase.

2. Profanity

The second type of swear words found in 21 st Jump Street movie was profanity. As Bastistella 2005 stated in Chapter II, profanity can be categorized as religious cursing because it usually includes the use of something sacred. The followings are the examples of profanity used in 21 st Jump Street movie. 4 Schmidt: Shit Shit, dude. Eric: Are you okay, man? Hey, what the hell? Are you serious? Jenko: Well, turn that gay-ass music off. 00:24:26 Dialogue 4 occurred when Schmidt and Jenko went to school on the first day. Schmidt and Jenko walked in the parking lot and they saw a group of students who stood in the parking lot. Accidentally, Jenko was angry and punched a student‟s face because the student asked Jenko to shut up when Jenko was talking to Eric. Eric was shocked and said “what the hell”. The swear words what the hell belonged to profanity type because it included hell word which was a sacred thing. 5 Capt. Dickson: Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier Jenko: But if we find the supplier first, we dont have to worry about the dealers. Capt. Dickson: God damn. Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier. 00:16:43 In dialogue 5, Captain Dickson gave an instruction to Schmidt and Jenko to infiltrate the drug dealers and find the drug supplier. However, Jenko was trying to give his opinion to his Captain. Captain Dickson was angry because he did not like his opinion debated by his subordinate. Captain Dickson said “God 32 damn ” to show that he did not like his opinion debated. The swear word God damn was categorized as profanity because the word God was something sacred. 6 Eric: Come on, you guys. Come on. Please. Jesus. Some messed up shit went down yesterday. Yeah, after we made the exchange, our potential business partners got followed by some fucking cops. Schmidt: Thats insane, man. 01:19:58 Dialogue 6 happened among Eric, Schmidt and Jenko. At that time, Eric asked Jenko to come to him quickly. Eric swore the word Jesus to make Schmidt and Jenko rush. Jesus word belonged to profanity because it was something sacred in Christian belief.

3. Blasphemy

The third type of swear words found in 21 st Jump Street movie was blasphemy. As stated by Jay 1992 in Chapter II, blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence of God. Blasphemy and profanity are almost similar, but they are actually different. Profanity talks about religion cursing, while blasphemy talk about religion attack Jay, 1992. The following is the example of blasphemy found in 21 st Jump Street movie. 7 Schmidt: Im really freaked out about going back to high school. It was just so fucking hard the first time. I know we havent made our first arrest, or maybe Im not the best cop. Korean Jesus, I just really dont want to fuck this up. Im sorry for swearing so much 00:17:25 The monologue was taken when Schmidt was thinking out that he had to go back to high school in disguise. He was afraid of bullying as what he had ever got in high school previously. Schmidt called the Jesus statue as Korean Jesus when he was desperate of his condition, and Jesus statue‟s eyes were slanted. 33 Swear words Korean Jesus was categorized as blasphemy because it was considered religion attack.

4. Taboo or Obscenity

The fourth type of swear words found in 21 st Jump Street movie was taboo or obscenity. As has been stated in Chapter II, taboo or obscenity are classified as one because all obscene language are taboo expressions that restricted in public use. Jay 1992 states that obscene words are most offensive words. Moreover, obscene words usually include some sexual organs or excretory terms. The followings are the examples of taboo or obscenity found in the study. 8 Jenko: Okay, now, chemistrys the one with the shapes and shit, right? Schmidt: Fuck. 00:26:10 The dialogue happened when Schmidt and Jenko were arguing their undercover identities; they thought their identities were swi tched. Schmidt didn‟t know how to fight and Jenko did not know how to deal with Chemistry subject. Therefore, Schmidt swore the word fuck to express the unfairness he got. The word fuck was categorized as taboo or obscenity because it was related to sexual terms since its meaning was copulation. 9 Schmidt : We gotta throw up. That kid, Billiam, died. We got to throw up. Just think of something gross. Think of something gross. Jenko : You fucking think of something. Schmidt : Okay, all right, all right. Your grandmas vagina, and theres a dick going into it. Jenko : What the fuck are you saying? I dont know Schmidt : Im just trying Im trying my best Im just trying Jenko :Fuck Come on, man 00:33:21 Dialogue 9 was part of conversation between Schmidt and Jenko. Schmidt and Jenko argued about how to throw the drugs out. Schmidt asked Jenko to think