Taboo Words Theoretical Description

14 have bad content also, but their forms are considered to be neutral. For this reason, these words feces and poop do not acquire swear word status. It can be said that a word will acquire swear word status if that word has bad content and bad form. Pinker 2007 states that swear words are divided into many classifications, but the main root of swear words is religion. The words that have connection with religious matters, for the examples are God, Jesus, and hell. Therefore, nowadays swear words are very massive. Swear words are developed into the other roots, such as reproductive organs, excretory organs, taboo breaking behavior, racialethnic slurs, and blasphemy.

4. Types of Swear Words

As the researcher said above, there are several types of swear words. Each of swear word types has its own uniqueness and characteristic that make it different each other. Jay 1992 categorizes types of swear words into six types, namely cursing, profanity, blasphemy, taboo or obscenity, insult and slurs, and scatology.

a. Cursing

Jay 1992 states that the purpose of cursing is to harm people using words or phrases. Cursing expression acts like verbal assault where the speaker wishes harm, pain or other evil consequences to the listenerthe addressee. This indicates that people who curse want to make the cursed person verbally hurt. Usually, the speaker uses cursing expression such as eat shit and die According to Jay 1992 people who curse usually use 2 types of curse, religious curse and non-religious curse. Religious curse exists because religion has 15 made some special words in language. The examples of religious curse are damn you, goddamn you, damn your hide, and to hell with you. Furthermore, the examples of non-religious curse are Eat shit and die, I hope you break your neck, and You should rot in jail for that crime

b. Profanity

Jay 1992 describes profanity as something which is based on religion distinction. To be profane that means to be ignorant or intolerant of the religious belief. To support Jay ‟s description, Batistella 2005 also describes that profanity can be categorized as religious cursing because it usually includes the use of something sacred. Profanity maybe a little bit similar with religious curse, the differences is the aim of curse and profanity. Curse aims to harm people, but profanity does not. People who use profanity maybe just swear to himselfherself or to something. The examples of profanity are Jesus Christ, For the love of Christ get off the phone , and Does the pope shit in the wood?

c. Blasphemy

Blasphemy and profanity are almost similar, but they are actually different. When profanity talks about religion cursing, blasphemy talks about religion attack. According to Jay 1992, blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence of God. That statement is supported by Levy 1995 that defines blasphemy as speaking evil of something sacred. Those statements clearly define that blasphemy is different from profanity, because blasphemy can also mean insult religions or faith. The examples of blasphemy are Screw the 16 pope, Shit on what it says in the bible, and The church can stick their new fund drive.

d. Taboo or Obscenity

Obscene means something disgusting to the senses. Taboo or obscenity are classified as one because all obscene languages are taboo expressions which are restricted in public use. Taboo expressions are restricted both in explicit and implicit way. In the other words, taboo words are not supposed to be used anywhere and anytime. Jay 1992 states that obscene words are the most offensive words. Obscene words become the most offensive words because almost all of obscene words have strong meaning. People who use obscene words usually use sexual organs or excretory terms. The examples of obscenity are fuck, motherfucker, cocksucker, cunt, and tits.

e. Insult and Slurs

Generally, insult and slurs have a same purpose, which is to attack someone verbally. Usually the speaker uses the insult or slurs word alone. Insult or slurs words are totally different with another category, because they have no relation with religion or taboo things. Insult and slurs words usually come from the image of the target. As Jay 1992 states that Insult and slurs do not gain their powers from denoting something sacred, but they are denoting real or imagined characteristics of the target. Insult may show physical, mental or psychological qualities of the target, while slurs may be racial, social or indicate the stereotype of the target. The examples of insult are pig, dog, bitch, jackass, whore, slut, 17 homo, and bastard. Furthermore, examples of slurs are fatty, bubble but, dumb, weirdo, fag, liar, dago, honkey, nigger, and grease ball.

f. Scatology

Jay 1992 describes scatology as a terms that refers to human waste products and processes. It means scatology terms has a strong relation with feces. Usually American children use this terms to insult someone, but adult may use it too. The words used by children are different compared to adults for the same referent. The examples of scatology are poo poo, poop, crap, shit, shit ass, piss, piss off, and fart. Besides, Anderson and Trudgill 1992 categorize swear words into four types. They are expletive swearing, abusive swearing, humorous swearing, and auxiliary swearing as cited in Lindahl, 2008, p.4.

a. Expletive Swearing

Expletive words are not directed towards others, because sometimes expletive words are a reflexive reaction to something that happened unexpectedly to the spaker. Expletive words are usually used to express emotions, like anger, disappointment or frustration. The examples of expletive swearing are Hell, Shit, and God damn it.

b. Abusive Swearing

When expletive swearing is not directed toward others, abusive swearing is directed toward others. Abusive swearing includes name calling, and another expressions that are offensive and able to insult someone. The examples of abusive swearing are You asshole, You bastard, and Go to hell.