Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

11 addressee shocked or angry. Akmajian, Derner, Farmer, and Harnish 2001 state that taboo words are the words that should not be said when the speaker and the listenerthe addressee in a formal situation. It means to avoid any misunderstanding, people should not speak any taboo words that can make the listenerthe addressee shocked especially in a formal conversation. Allan and Burridge 2006 state that taboo words arise in cases where the individual‟s acts can cause discomfort, harm or injury to himself or herself and to others. From those statements, it can be concluded taboo words are completely prohibited in formal conversations. Most people exactly want to have more friends, not enemies. If someone uses taboo words in formal situation, heshe will make the listenerthe addressee shocked and maybe will make the listenerthe addressee hates the speaker. Normally, the definition of a taboo is just the same, but in several cultures the definition might be different. Allan and Burridge 2006 state that sometimes a community recognizes a taboo, while others not. That statement is similar to Fakuade 2003 that states that the level of taboo words prevention in every language is different because each culture has different cultural views and beliefs. That means the “taboo” point of view from one culture may be different from another culture, although they have similar taboo words. Trudgill 1974 observes that western culture makes some words that have relation to sex, excretion, and Christian religion as taboo. Taboo words which are related to religion become severe because they are related to supernatural things. Some words examples are damn, and Jesus Christ. Then, words that are related to 12 sex become taboo because they usually used to insult sexual orientation or sexual habit. Some examples of this expressions are fuck, pussy, and dick. Then, taboo words which denote body function and excretion also become the strongest words since they incite the feeling of disgust due to the fact that some irresistible diseases can be carried from one person to another via body excretion, for the examples are shit and asshole. People who use taboo words usually have a certain reason to utter the taboo words. Wardhaugh 2006 states that taboo words have some functions like to draw attention to oneself, to show contempt, to provoke, and to mock authority, and below are the description of those functions completed along with the examples. a. To Draw Attention to Oneself Sometimes, people want to get attention if they are talking with someone. Mc Guire 1973 states that the speakers should gain the interest through the use of strong, powerful language whose connotation can stimulate an instant reaction from the audience. Therefore, people may use taboo words to get the listener‟sthe addressee‟s attention because of its strong connotation. b. To Show Contempt Taboo words can be functioned to show contempt. Contempt means the impression when a person is totally useless and ignored. Therefore, people may use taboo words to insult the listenerthe addressee by using taboo words that can offend the listener‟sthe addressee‟s pride. 13 c. To Provoke Fitzgerald 2007 states that verbal obscenity can be the most efficient symbolic process offered to someone intended for inviting chaotic reaction. That statement is relevant that taboo words have function to provoke someone. Taboo words can be very provocative because of its strong connotation, so people may use taboo words to provoke someone. d. To Mock Authority People m a y use taboo words when they want to deliver their protest against governments or country institutions. McGuire 1973 states that verbal communication can be used as a rebellion against power. In other words, people used taboo words because they want to express their disappointment about reality that different from what they have expected.

3. Swear Words

After regarding the concept and definition of taboo and taboo words, it can be said if taboo words and swear words are almost similar. As Karjailanen 2002 states that even though every swear word is taboo, not every taboo words is swear words. For the example is Cannibalism. Cannibalism is taboo in some cultures, but cannibalism is not a swear word. No one swears using cannibalism word. Ljung 2011 also states that swear words are words which are considered as having bad connotation in both their content and form. For the example is shit word. The word shit is considered as something that has bad content, and its form is also said to be disgusting. Therefore, the word shit was used as a swear word in many languages and cultures. On the other hand, feces and poop are words that