Cursing Types of Swear Words


c. Humorous Swearing

Actually, humorous swearing has a similarity with expletive, which is abusive. The difference between humorous and abusive swearing is the function. Humorous just means to be fun while abusive means to insult someone. Humorous swear words usually take forms of abusive swear words, but they serve opposite functions, humorous swear words are playful rather than offensive. The examples of humorous swearing are You asshole., You bastard., and Go to hell.

d. Auxiliary Swearing

Swear words can also be auxiliary. It is directed toward people, but it is not intended to insult others. Auxiliary swearing is the way of speaking, and it is called as “lazy swearing” since it does not have any meaning or non-emphatic. The examples of auxiliary swearing are This fucking X, and Bloody Y The researcher is conside ring Jay‟s and Anderson and Trudgill‟s classification of swear words types are similar. The researcher uses Jay ‟s classification as the basic theory to answer the research questions about the types of swear words because Jay‟s classification is more suitable to classify types of swear words in 21 st Jump Street movie.

5. The Reasons for Swearing

There are several reasons why people swear. The main reason for swearing is people want to express their emotive feeling as Ljung 2011 states that swearing is emotive language which its primary function is to express the speaker‟s feelings. Beside of that main reason, Andersson 1985 categorizes 19 reasons for swearing into three parts which are psychological motives, social motives and linguistic motives as cited in Karjalainen 2002, p.24.

a. Psychological Motives

Almost everybody has experienced that sometimes the reality, does not always come the same as what heshe has planned before. Something can always go wrong Anggawati L., personal communication, 2014. That sentence is a reflection that everything may be not as beautiful as what have planned before. Mobile phone drop into the water, late to go to schooloffice, lost some money, hit the knee on the table, etc. In these situations, people have different reaction toward the situations. People may release their feelings with different expression. One of expression that may be used is swearing. As Montagu 1967 states, swearing is the verbal expression, or venting, of the aggressiveness which follows upon frustration. Therefore, the desire to swear will always be experienced under conditions which give rise to the frustration-aggression syndrome as cited in Karjalainen 2002, p.26. People not only swear to insult, but also to express their happiness, surprise and frustration. As Jay 2009 states, swearing can be used to express someone‟s emotion or feeling, for instance anger, frustration, joy, and also surprise. That statement is supported by Montagu 1967 that states crying can develop into swearing when the child acquires language as cited in Karjalainen 2002, p.25. Those statements reflect that swearing is a reaction to express someone feeling about something. Based on the discussion above, emotional feelings which are