Research Setting Data Gathering Techniques Data Analysis Technique


B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta from October 2012 to January 2013.

C. Research Participants

There were two groups of participants involved in this research: First, the participants were involved in needs survey. And second, the participants were participated in the validation process.

1. The Participants of the Needs Survey

To design the over-sized Snake-Ladder game, the researcher first gathered some information by conducting an interview with the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta and by making field notes during the class observation. The participants of the class observation in class B of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta are between five to six years old. The researcher observed the process of teaching and learning. The researcher took notes of everything that happened in the process such as setting up the process, the teaching method, the students’ characteristics, and the class management. The researcher wrote down everything in the form of field notes. Those field notes were provided in the appendix C.

2. The Participants in the Experts’ Validation

The researcher involved the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, the English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and the English 41 practitioner at kindergarten international school in the validation process of the designed game. All of them have an educational background regarding young learner education for either the bachelor or the master degree.

3. The Participant of Trial Game Evaluation

The researcher distributed a questionnaire as same as the experts’ validation. The participant is the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta. It was used to evaluate the process of trial game.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

To gather the data, the researcher used three instruments, namely interview, field notes, and questionnaires. A deeper description of these instruments could be found in the following sections:

1. Interview

Ary et al. 2002 states that interviews are used to gather data on a subject’s opinions, beliefs, and feelings about the situation in their own words p.434. In this study, interviews were used to gather data from the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta. The researcher interviewed the English teacher to gather more information about the English teaching and learning process in class B. The questions of the interview covered some areas such as what topics should be taught in class, what kinds of vocabulary should be used and taught in class, and what kinds of media have been used to support the teaching and learning process. 42 The researcher interviewed the English teacher in Bahasa Indonesia so that it would be easier for the English teacher to answer the questions more accurately. The researcher provided an interview guideline to keep the interview going and to focus on the topic that should be discussed. The researcher recorded the interview in order to have all information protected. Moreover, the questions involved the 5W + 1H method such as the questions of What, Where, When, Who, Why, and How see appendix B.

2. Field Notes

The second instrument of this research was field notes. Field notes were brief notes which were made during the observation. Afterward, the researcher develops his or her reports of the observation Ary et al, 2002, p. 430. Ary et al. states that field notes have two components p.430 as follows: a. The descriptive part consists of the description of the setting, the people, their reactions and interpersonal relationships, and a report about the research who, when, what was done. b. The reflective part consists of the observer’s personal feelings about the research, comments on the research method, decisions and problems, a record of ethical issues, and speculations about the data analysis. Moreover, Ary et al 2002 notes that field notes should include photographs and audio and video recordings as supporting data p. 430. In this research, field notes as the instruments were mainly used by the researcher for the needs survey. By making field notes, the researcher explored 43 the overall process of English teaching and learning, both the descriptive and the reflective part see appendix C.

3. Questionnaire

Elliot states that a questionnaire is a list of questions that asks for people’s opinion as cited in Widyasarastri, 2010, p.41. Additionally, Ary et al notes that there are two types of questionnaires, namely the structured or closed form and the unstructured or open form as cited in Widyasarastri, 2010, p.41. In this study, the researcher used both types of questions. Open-ended and closed-ended questions were combined in the questionnaire. To validate the over- sized Snake-Ladder game, the researcher provided a questionnaire for the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, the English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and the English practitioner at kindergarten international school see appendix D.

E. Data Gathering Techniques

In this study, the researcher obtained the data from two main sources. First, the researcher conducted interviews and class observations. The researcher interviewed the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta to gather the data about the teaching and learning processes, the students’ characteristics, the materials, the students’ assessment, the methods, and the media. The observation of grade B of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta focused on gathering deeper information about the students’ characteristics, the processes, and the facilitation practices of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta that were held 44 to improve the teaching and learning activities. Second, the researcher found several theories from books relevant to this study. The most important theories concerned on teaching vocabulary, Theories of Learning, Instructional Media, Multiple Intelligences, and Young Learner Characteristics. Furthermore, after research and information collecting and planning step were done, the researcher provided a questionnaire for the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, the English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and the English practitioner in kindergarten international school to validate the designed game. In the questionnaire, both open and closed-ended questions were used.

F. Data Analysis Technique

First, the researcher held class observations to find out more about the students’ characteristics, the students’ interests, the students’ needs. The researcher made field notes to gather the data. Second, the researcher conducted an interview with the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta. The interview questions were designed to gather data about the suitable game to teach the students of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta. The researcher analyzed the data and then, presented the data into a descriptive analysis. Third, the researcher provided a questionnaire for the English teacher of TK Kanisius Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, the English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, and the English practitioner in kindergarten international school. The results of the questionnaires helped the researcher to create the final design of the 45 over-sized Snake-Ladder game. The researcher analyzed the data of the questionnaire in two ways. First, the researcher used the degree of agreement scale in the questionnaire. The description of the degree of agreement could be found in the table below: Table 3.1 Points of Agreement Points of Agreement Score Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neither agree nor disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Disagree 5 The final score for the degree of agreements was calculated by using the central tendency of the single scores. The formula to get the mean value was the sum of the scores divided by the number of respondents. The formula to calculate the mean value could be illustrated as follows: Figure 3.3 The Formula of Central Tendency M= Mean ∑= the sum of the scores x= single scores n= the number of respondents ∑x M = n 46 The results of the central tendency scores mean as follows: 1-2 = BAD, means that the researcher needs to change the product completely. 3 = FAIR, means that the researcher needs to revise and improve the product. 4-5 = GOOD, means that the researcher should keep the product the way it is.

G. Research Procedure

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