Type of writing activities

driving, typing or cooking. It means that a lot of practice will make a better writing. In other words, writing is something that can be learned. Thus, to be a good writer, students must learn writing because it is not acquisition like speaking or listening. In reference to the explanation above, a learning process that is related with the method and techniques used in the classroom activity contributes to students’ writing skill. An appropriate choice of teaching method, techniques, and activities affects the students’ writing skill in the teaching and learning process.

b. Type of writing activities

Choosing appropriate activities is important to do in teaching- learning activities. According to Harmer 2004: 61, the activities have to be attractive and a lso relevant to the students’ life. Engaging writing activities are substantial for students because these will encourage them to write. Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic inputs can be used to stimulate the students’ creativity. Music and pictures are attractive inputs that will encourage students to activate their cognition and psychomotor. Of course, the activities should be relevant to their life. Relevant activities can be activities which are often found by students in their daily life such as writing diaries, short stories, and letters. Harmer also formulates writing activities into two: collaborative writing and writing to each other. 1 Collaborative writing Collaborative writing is a kind of writing activities that can encourage students to learn each other including knowledge and ideas. There are some ways to make successful collaborative writing. First, the teacher asks students to write on the board. The advantage of this technique is that it promotes self-confidence. Second, the teacher asks students to write in groups or pairs. The advantages are one of students can concentrate on language and the other students can focus on developing ideas. The examples of activities that can promote successful writing in groups or pairs are rewriting sentences, writing instructional texts, and story reconstructions. 2 Writing to each other This activity can encourage students to be involved in real writing. By writing to each other, students have a different sense in the purpose. They write for a real situation in which they create sentences in order to tell stories or information, not only for the teacher but also for their peers. They get a real purpose of writing by doing activities such as e- mails, live chat or letters. In addition, to increase self-confidence, the teacher has to create a conducive environment to effective writing Urquhart McIver, 2005. It can be created by giving sufficient time and assistance in the writing process. Time and assistance allow students to write in comfortable situation. The factor of confidence is significant for students because they who write with confidence will be more open to strategies that allow them to express their written voice Tom Romano, 2004: 20 in Holbrook et al., 2005.

c. Characteristics of Junior High School students