The nature of peer response

In conclusion, the students of Junior High School are expected to be able to communicate in English well in both oral and written language. They are expected to be able to comprehend and express the meaning of simple transactional and interpersonal conversations, short functional and monolog texts, simple functional texts and short essays in the form of descriptive, procedure, narrative, recount and report. Meanwhile the second year students are expected to be able to comprehend and express the meaning of simple transactional and interpersonal conversations, short functional and monolog texts, simple functional texts and short essays in the form of descriptive, narrative and recount.

3. Peer Response

a. The nature of peer response

Peer response is also called peer review, peer revision, or student feedback. Peer response is a viable technique among writing teachers in L2 writing classrooms. Through the peer response, students can gain more effective comments from a collaborative learning process to incorporate the written commentary into their subsequent drafts. Whereas it adopts a positive stance on the scaffolding of writing and plays a vital role in revising papers. Murcia 2001: 228 defines peer response as “…the idea of having students read andor listen to teach others’ papers for the purpose of providing feedback and input to each other as well as helping each other gain a sense of audience.” It is a technique used in writing class. Students are assigned to write a composition or essay when they finish their writing work; and exchange their writing with their peers. The peers read and make comments on the writing first draft so that those students can improve their own written work Nelson Murphy, 1993. It can be used either in the forms of pairs or small groups. It is a way of giving feedback to students. Feedback itself is defined as any comments or other information given to students in order to assist them on learning tasks or tests Richards Schmidt, 2002: 199. The role of feedback is to assist students to solve their problems in doing taskstests. Ferris 2003:85 argued that feedback from both teachers and peers may impact the revision process and writing quality, but possibly in different ways. Its importance is that students give comments to other students on their writing drafts so that the students may get a role of audience and work toward improving their writing works. It is a pedagogical cooperative learning technique commonly associated with teaching of writing using the process strategy, in which students provide feedback on their friends’ written drafts, receiving the comments to improve their own writing in return Nelson Murphy, 1993; Paulus, 1999 in Kitchakarn 2009. According to Liu and Hansen in Kitchakarn 2009, peer response is the way of interaction between students to share or exchange information with each other. Peer response plays an important role in writing. Peer’s comments can lead to the meaningful source of information in the revising stage. Peer’s comments from revision can be used to develop vocabulary, organization and content of writing. Writing teachers used the peer response to encourage students to revise their writings. The definitions above show that peer responses is a way of collaborative learning in which students respond to one another’s work of writing. The responses can be a comment to help another students get a better development in writing process.

b. Importance of Peer Response