The Results of the Research

more enthusiastic to write and they were able to follow and to focus on the lesson well. The improvement on the students’ writing ability wa s proven by the students’ writings that improved better and the decreasing of the mistakes that the students made after they got the peer response technique. From, the interviews, it can be seen that the students also felt the improvement by themselves. It is also supported by the writings scores. As the result of the better improvements of the students ’ writing skills, the researcher and the English Teacher as the collaborator decided to stop the cycle.

C. The Results of the Research

The qualitative and the quantitative data gathered during the research will be presented in this part. The qualitative data are in the form of the general findings of the research. While the quantitative data will be in the form of the writing scores of the pre-test, the Cycle 1, the Cycle 2, and the post-test. The general findings of this research in each cycle are described below. 1. Cycle 1 a. Dealing with the content, some students were able to develop their writing relevant to the topic. b. Dealing with the organization, most students were able to produce the recount text in a better organization. c. Dealing with the vocabulary, most students were able to use the correct and appropriate words. d. Dealing with the language use, the students’ mastery in the language use had a bit improved. e. Dealing with the mechanics, some students were able to use the correct punctuation and capitalization. f. Dealing with the student’s motivation, some students’ motivation in writing had improved. 2. Cycle 2 a. Dealing with the content, the students were able to develop their writing relevant to the topic adequately. b. Dealing with the organization, the students were able to produce the recount text in a good organization. Their texts were cohesive. The ideas were clearly stated and supported. c. Dealing with the vocabulary, the students were able to use the correct and appropriate words. Their vocabulary mastery had improved. d. Dealing with the language use, the students were able to use the correct tenses. Their grammar mastery had improved. e. Dealing with the mechanics, the students were able to use the correct punctuation and capitalization. Their mistakes in spelling had also decreased. f. Dealing with the student’s motivation, the students’ motivation in writing had improved. They were also more confident in writing. The writing scores of the students in this research in each cycle are described below. This part presents the results of the students’ score from the pre-test, the cycle 1, the cycle 2, and the post-test. The results deal with the mean of the students’ score related to the five aspects of writing which are the content, the organization, the vocabulary, the language use and the mechanics. The following tables present the mean scores in the five aspects. Table 5: The Students’ Mean Score in the Content Aspect Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Content 2.10 2.60 2.75 3.07 The students’ mean score in the content aspect improved after the actions during the implementation of the peer response. The students gain score is 0.97. It is obtained by comparing the mean score in the pre-test and the post-test. Table 6: The Students’ Mean Score in the Organization Aspect Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Organization 1.62 2.38 2.73 3.12 The table above shows the mean score of the organization aspect achieved by the students. In the pre-test, the mean score is 1.62 and in the post-test the mean score is 3.12. Therefore, the gain score is 1.50. Table 7: The Students’ Mean Score in the Vocabulary Aspect Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Vocabulary 1.83 1.90 2.45 2.79 In the vocabulary aspect, the students also make some improvements. In the pre-test, the mean score is 1.83. After doing the actions in the cycle 1, the mean score improved into 1.90. It continues improving in the cycle 2 in which the mean score is 2.45. In the post-test, the mean score reaches 2.79. The gain score obtained is 0.96. Table 8: The Students’ Mean Score in the Language Use Aspect Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Language Use 1.33 1.78 2.52 2.95 The result of the mean score in the language use aspect presented above in the table also shows a significant improvement. In the pre-test, the mean score is 1.33. It improves in the Cycle 1 in which the mean score is 1.78. The mean score after conducting the Cycle 2 is 2.52. In the post-test, the mean score is 2.95. The gain score is 1.62. Table 9: The Students’ Mean Score in the Mechanics Aspect Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Mechanics 1.50 1.78 2.95 3.10 The table above presents the mean score in the mechanics aspect. The mean score in the pre-test is 1.50 and the mean score in the post-test is 3.10. The gain score is 1.60. It shows that an improvement had been achieved in the mechanics aspect. The overall improvements achieved b y the students’ of VIII D class at SMP 3 Berbah are presented in the following chart. Chart 1: The Students’ Mean Scores in the Five Aspects of Writing In reference to the discussion above , the students’ writing ability improved in the five aspects of writing which are the content, the organization, the vocabulary, the language use and the mechanics. Here, the 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 PRE-TEST CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 POST-TEST general findings of the students’ scores in those five aspects of writing from the pre-test, the cycle 1, the cycle 2, and the post-test as are also presented as follows. Table 10: General Findings of the Students’ Score from Pre-test, Cycle 1, Cycle 2 and Post test Component Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Post-test Mean of Total Score 8.00 9.48 13.41 14.34 The scores are obtained from the accumulation of the students’ scores in those all five aspects of writing in the pre-test, the cycle 1, the cycle 2, and the post-test. In the pre-test, the mean of the total score is 8.00. It improves into 9.48 in the cycle 1. In the cycle 2, the mean of the total score is 13.41. It is higher than the cycle 1. It keeps improving in the post-test in which the mean score is 14.34. The gain from the pre-test to the post test is 6.34. The following chart shows the obvious improvements made by the students. Chart 2: General Findings of the Students’ Score from Pre-test, Cycle 1, Cycle 2 and Post test 5 10 15 Pretest cycle 1 cycle 2 postest Mean of Total Score These findings are said to be valid and reliable because the process was done in line with the concept of process validity, outcome validity, time triangulation and theory triangulation. It means that there are some improvements which are supported by the data sources. Besides, there are more than one observer that are involved in the research.

D. Research Discussion