Classification D: Translation by using common word or phrase of similar

lx There are 21 data or 9.91 translated applying this strategy of translation classification C, as can be seen in the table below: Table 3 Translation by Using Common Words or Phrase of Similar Referential Meaning but dissimilar Expressive meaning NO Data Number American slang expression Indonesian translation 1. 8 Yeah Ya 2. 9 pass up kehilangan 3. 10 rubbers. karet pengaman 4. 23 ROTC guys atlet 5. 24 JV jocks yang kaya 6. 28 unfriendly black hotties anak-anak hitam tak ramah 7. 35 scam on some poor mengoda gadis lain 8. 36 go shave your back now. Cukurlah punggungmu 9. 38 Shut up. Shut up. diam 10. 42 hang out berteman 11. 51 Irregardless off-limits Tak peduli. Dilarang 12. 57 boob job buah dada palsu 13. 60 guys kalian 14. 76 bleak. menyedihkan 15. 83 love you Aku cinta kalian 16. 102 high-status man candy PriaPendamping manis 17. 107 to hook you up menyatukanmu 18. 147 bust tak berhasil 19. 176 Yeah Take your top off Buka bajunya 20. 187 a big lesbian crush on you. Suck on that lesbian yang suka padamu.Rasakan itu. 21. 189 shove it right up taruh di

4. Classification D: Translation by using common word or phrase of similar

expressive meaning but dissimilar referential meaning. This classification consists of data that are translated using common word or phrase of similar expressive meaning but dissimilar referential meaning. In this lxi strategy, the translator tries to translate some expressive words or phrases with other words or phrases which have similar expressive meaning but consist of different lexical items. This strategy can be done due to the process of translation which transfers slang expression in SL into TL slang expression reflecting the same meanings and equivalent degree of obscenity. Although they represent the differential meanings, their emotional situations are expressed in the context. Thus, it will maintain the message of slang expression in TL. Example 1: 40. ST: Regina George: Coolness TT: Bagus The data above is found when the speaker Regina invited Cady to join into her group the plastic and have lunch with them for a week. Regina was a person who never wanted to be rejected. That is why, before Cady answered that invitation, Regina already said “coolness”. The words “coolness” is an expression that is used to show agreement or approval. Here, the speaker Regina uttered the word “coolness” to express her satisfaction because Cady could not reject her. The expression bagus and coolness both use and show the same expressive meaning which are satisfaction and approval. Lexically, coolness means calm. Here, the expression coolness is not used as the word with its lexical meaning anymore, but it is used as approval expression and can stand by itself. It is directed towards others. The use of this expression shows ignorance to what the other speaker’s saying or opinion. lxii There are 33 data or 15.57 translated applying this strategy of translation classification D, as can be seen in the following table: Table 4 Translation by Using Common Word of similar Expressive Meaning but dissimilar Referential Meaning. NO Data Number American slang expression Indonesian translation 1. 2 weirdly religious fanatik 2. 5 too gay to function feminin 3. 7 New meat Murid baru 4. 12 a regulation hottie gadis menarik 5. 13 Own it Betul 6. 34 skeez menyebalkan 7. 40 Coolness Bagus 8. 43 mess me up membingungkan 9. 44 crush menyukai 10. 45 hit me like a big,yellow school bus. mengejutkanku 11. 59 hump day minuman 12. 75 social suicide mengucilkanmu 13. 80 play it. caranya 14. 81 bitchy thing tak pantas 15. 84 totally lost bingung 16. 89 slut seronok 17. 91 the slut rule peraturan liar 18. 94 crush menyukaimu 19. 117 blow her off batalkan 20. 139 jugs dada besar 21. 140 Coolness. Baiklah 22. 152 Just get rid of her Sudahi saja 23. 158 cool people popular 24. 162 blowing me off mengacuhkanku 25. 164 dirty little liar pembohong 26. 170 made out bercinta 27. 173 Too gay to function feminin 28. 185 big pile of girls. kerumunan wanita 29. 191 cherry on top hal terbaik 30. 198 some 99-cent lip gloss on her snaggletooth pelembab bibir murahan. 31 203 kick-ass roll into Hebat memakainya 32. 206 asshole menyebalkan lxiii 33. 208 the jock girls gadis di tim

5. Classification E: Translation by using common word or phrase of dissimilar