Data and Data Sources Method of Data Collection

xlvii CHAPTER III RESEARCH METODOLOGY A. Research Method It is a descriptive qualitative study. It is descriptive since the researcher describes the object of the study without generalizing the result of the study. It is qualitative, since the researcher describes phenomena in words instead of numbers or measurement. Cresswell states, “Qualitative research is descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process, meaning and understanding gained through words or picture” 1994:145.

B. Data and Data Sources

The data source of this research is a teenager’s movie entitled “Mean Girls”, the dialogue script of the movie and its translation. This movie was produced in 2004 and released by Paramount Pictures. The researcher chose this movie because this movie was one of the most interesting movies that contain slang expression. The other data source in this research were the three raters who have both Indonesian and English competence, communicative competence and translation competence, who provided data in relation to the quality of the translation. The data of this research were the slang expression found in the movie “Mean Girls” in both English and Indonesian versions and the result of questionnaires of quality assessment. This data were analyzed to find out the xlviii strategies of translation, and the impact of the strategy toward the quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability of the translation.

C. Method of Data Collection

1. Content Analysis In this research, the researcher carried out content analysis by: a. Watching the movie”Mean Girls”, and compared the dialogue script of the movie and its translation. b. Determining the strategies applied in translating the dialogue of the movie in the target language. c. Founding out the quality in term of accuracy and acceptability in translating the movie dialogue. d. Founding out the impact of the strategy toward the quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability of the translation 2. Questionnaire In this research, the researcher used close format and open ended questionnaire. This questionnaire means that three raters determine the accuracy and acceptability of the translation based on the classification determined by the researcher, and they were given the opportunity to give reasons or information related to each question. The raters had to rate the accuracy and acceptability of the data based on scales determined by the researcher. The scale for accuracy is as follows: xlix Scale Description 3 Accurate If the result of the translation can convey or express the message strong emotion from the speaker which is implied from the slang expression in source language. 2 Less Accurate. If the result of the translation has been replaced by less expressive words, so that the message implied in the source language slang expression cannot be felt. 1 Inaccurate. If the meaning of the slang expression in source language is not conveyed or expressed at all. Because the translation is wrong or the slang expression are not translated deleted. The scale of acceptability is as follows: Scale Description 3 Acceptable. If the result of the translation uses common Slang expression in Indonesia. 2 Less Acceptable. If the slang expression used in translation is rarely used as Slang expression in Indonesia. 1 Unacceptable If the slang expression used in translation is never used as Slang expression in Indonesia.

D. Technique of Data Analysis The technique of analyzing data carried out as follows: