Classroom observations Questionnaire Research Instruments

materials. The description of the participants who evaluate the designed materials was presented in table 3.1. Table 3.1: The Description of the Participants of Preliminary Field Testing Blank Group of Participants Sex Educational Background Teaching Experiences years F M D3 S1 S2 5 5 - 10 10 English Teacher English Lecturer

C. Research Instruments

This study employed three research instruments to gather data and information needed in conducting the Research and Development study. The three research instruments were classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire.

1. Classroom observations

The observation meant in this study was nonparticipation observation. In the nonparticipation observation, the writer was not directly involved in the situation observed and was not intentionally interact with the object of the observation Gay, 1992: 234. Further, the nonparticipation observation implied in obtaining this study was naturalistic observation. In conducting the naturalistic observation, the condition and the certain behavior were observed as they occurred naturally Gay, 1992. The observation was employed to gather information in gaining some answers of the question number one of problem formulation. Since from the observation, the writer was able to sense and perceive directly as well PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI unintentionally the problem and the object being observed. The observation itself employed both of observation checklist as well observation note-taking. The observation checklist was applied to focus on specific elements observed. Meanwhile, the observation note-taking was employed to obtain the detail and complete data about the interaction being observed and some occasions unnoticed. Classroom observation was mainly obtained to indentify the situation occurred in the classroom. It included the interaction between the teacher and the students during the teaching-learning activity, the teacher’s technique in teaching materials, the atmosphere created in the class and the students’ respond and participation toward teaching-learning process and learning materials. Further, the data and information gathered played as the supporting data in analyzing the need analysis. Moreover, the data and information of need analysis was needed as the basic principle to design and develop the instructional material model based on the Natural Approach.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was proposed to lecturers and teachers as the evaluator participants, and students of fourth grade of Elementary School as the participants to gather data on need analysis. The questionnaire was conducted to collect some data and information related to answer the questions number one and two of problem formulation. There were two questionnaires employed in this study. They were questionnaire for pre-design survey and post-design survey. The participant of the pre-design survey consisted of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri II PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Sumberejo. Meanwhile, the participant of the post-design survey consisted of English lecturers and an Elementary School English teacher. The questionnaire given to the fourth grade students of Elementary School was a simple form of the closed-ended questions of the questionnaire which consisted of several numbers of questions. The questionnaire conducted was employed to identify specific item related to need analysis, then, the gathered data were studied and considered. Further, the data and information were used to design the preliminary form of the instructional material design. Further, the questionnaire which is proposed to the fourth grade students would be presented in Indonesian language. The presented questionnaire asked about English subject in general such as whether they liked English subject or not, the difficulties in learning English, their participation in the learning process, and the learning situation they desired in the classroom. Besides, it also asked about their like in learning English for instances the topic they liked in learning English, and kind of learning activities they wanted. Then, the questionnaire presented to the evaluator participants was taken from both of the open-ended questions and the closed-ended questions of the questionnaire. The obtained data of the closed-ended questions would be in the form of scores. The scores were gained from the opinions and the evaluations on the designed materials which were provided in the questionnaire. Afterward, participants were provided five possible points of agreement as the assessment of the evaluations in the close-questions of the questionnaire. The participants would decide the score of each opinions and evaluations based on the materials PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI evaluated. Further, the score of the questionnaire were calculated to find the central tendency or average. Table 3.2: Degree of Agreement Degree of agreement Meaning 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Uncertain 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree In the other side, in the open-ended questions form, the participants could write down their opinion freely. The open-ended questions of the questionnaire were conducted to gather elaborated opinions and feedback from the evaluator participants. After all, the result of the calculation in the closed-questions and the elaborated opinions in the open-ended questions played as the further feedback and evaluation of the material design presented, and would be used to develop and improve the instructional material design.

3. Interview

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