Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Research Objectives

comprehension of input, minimizes learner anxiety, and maximizes learner self-confidence. Richard and Rodger, 2001: 186 Observing the reasons of choosing the approach as the best way to teach English vocabulary, the writer has selected an Elementary School as the subject of the study. The study was conducted in SD Negeri II Sumberejo. There are some reasons why the writer selected SD Negeri II Sumberejo as the subject of the study. These reasons are based on the informal observation and interview with the English teacher. The first reason in choosing the school is that the students of SD Negeri II Sumberejo learn about English vocabulary more frequent than other skills of English. Another reason is that SD Negeri II Sumberejo is located in the edge of the town. As the location of the school, it influences students’ background knowledge. Besides, it also influences the teaching-learning styles and the teaching-learning process in the class. Therefore, it will affect students’ competence of English, in this case is students’ input of English vocabulary. The other reason in choosing SD Negeri II Sumberejo is that the teaching-learning process in this school is generally teacher-centered. This is considered appropriate with the Natural Approach in which the teacher plays as the source of the learners’ input. Therefore, the teacher should create such interesting and stimulating classroom activities to motivate the students to learn, so it can improve the students’ vocabulary skill.

B. Problem Formulation

The problems of the study can be formulated as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1. How is instructional material of English vocabulary based on the Natural Approach for the fourth grade students of SD Negeri II Sumberejo designed? 2. What does the design of the instructional material look like?

C. Problem Limitation

There are some limitations in this study. First, the study was about designing a set of instructional material. The study focused on developing materials to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Because the study was to design vocabulary instructional material, therefore, the main concern of the teaching-learning process was the process of vocabulary teaching and learning. Second, the study applied the Natural Approach theory in designing the materials. The Natural Approach gave opportunity for the students to learn English in low personal anxiety and low classroom anxiety to maximize the learning process. Third, the study was designed for grade IV students of SD Negeri II Sumberejo. The reason of choosing the fourth grade students of Elementary School was that they were more familiar with English and they had had more knowledge of English language than those of previous grade. Fourth, the study was conducted in SD Negeri II Sumberejo. It was chosen because the students there needed more opportunities and facilities to learn English.

D. Research Objectives

Considering the problem which had formulated, this study elaborated two main objectives. They are presented as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1. The study attempts to find out how a set of instructional material to teach English vocabulary based on the Natural Approach for the fourth grade students of SD Negeri II Sumberejo is designed. 2. The study also attempts to present the design set of English vocabulary instructional material based on the Natural Approach for the fourth grade students of SD Negeri II Sumberejo.

E. Research Benefits

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