Research Limitation Research Objectives



This chapter presents three sections which consist of review of related theories, review of related studies, and theoretical framework. The first section presents the relevant theories which related to the main topic. The second section explains the previous studies which are developed by the researcher. Meanwhile, the third section discusses the relation between the theories and the research itself.

A. Theoretical Description

There are four parts of the main theories that will be discussed in this section. Those parts describe language and gender, the conversational styles, misunderstanding in cross-sex conversation, and discourse analysis.

1. Language and Gender

In general, language is used by the human being as media to facilitate communication. By using language, people can deliver ideas, information and even knowledge to the others. Eckert and Ginet 2006, state that “language is a highly structured system of signs or combinations of form and meaning”. In this case, gender has a deep relation with the use of language where it is considered as the system of sign for making communicative practice in different ways. In the other words, “Gender can be the actual content of a linguistic sign” p. 60. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 Gender is something which cannot be avoided in social life because Wardhaugh 2010 argues, “Gender is a key component of identity” where it becomes a part of the way in which societies are doing interaction p. 334. It is supported by Holmes 2008 that men tend to keep their masculinity while women tend to keep their femininity in terms of using language. Both men and women have different purposes and also different ways in expressing their utterance through the use of language.

2. Conversational Styles

This section elaborates the definition and the types of conversational styles by reviewing some theories in order to support this research. a. The Definition When people interact, they create communication through conversation. In a conversation, someone will talk when his or her partner has finished talking and vice versa. According to Tannen 1986, the conversation is “a turn-taking game” p. 47. Furthermore, style in a conversation is considered as a part of criteria which is used to judge the personality on each person itself. Sapir and Mandelbaum 1985 define style as “an everyday facet of speech that characterizes both the social group and the individual” p. 542. The conversational styles are the way of how people express their utterance. Every person, especially in different genders, has different characteristics in sharing what they really want to talk about. Tannen 1995 mentions that “aspects of