Qualifiers Controlling the Topics

37 [10] Alex : The spark thing is bullshit. In example [10], Alex gave his statement to Gigi about the “spark” that they talked about. Here, he tried to say that he did not believe about “the spark” see Appendix D, p. 67, item 95. [11] Alex : Why would you do this? Oh shit. In a different situation, Alex did the swearing Oh shit to show his disappointment over what Gigi had done as in example [11] see Appendix G, p. 74, item 147. His question “Why would you do this?” represented that he did not really understand why Gigi thought that Alex was run into him. [12] Alex : Trust me, if a guy is treating you like he doesnt give a shit. He genuinely doesn‟t give a shit. No exceptions. When Alex wanted to explain to Gigi about guy rules as in example [12], he uttered the taboo words, doesn’t give a shit see Appendix A, p. 59, item 30. In other words, he wanted to explain that if the man who treated Gigi were not interested in her, it means that he really was not interested in Gigi. [13] Gigi : I may do a lot of stupid shit, but I know Im a lot closer to finding someone than you are. Example [13] shows that Gigi also did the swearing by using the words stupid shit to express her disappointment over Alex see Appendix G, p. 75, item 154. Gigi recognized that she had done the stupid thing to Alex but she defended herself that what she had done was still right. [14] Gigi : You think youve won because women are expendable to you? You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way, but you dont fall in love that way, either. 38 In example [14], Gigi also did the swearing when she wanted to express her emotional feeling to Alex when she said “You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way ” see Appendix G, p. 75, item 153. In this case, Gigi was angry to Alex and thought that Alex would not get hurt and even made himself as a foolish.

6. Compound Requests

The researcher identified Alex was the only one speaker who used compound requests in his utterance. He used it when he tried to ask Gigi to do some things in the party like in the example [15]. [15] Alex : Listen, I gotta go make a liquor run. But it looks like the food could use some refreshing. Would you mind helping and refilling the chips? From the example above, it shows that Alex used the words would you mind to soften his request to Gigi see Appendix F, p. 72, items 128-129. By using the words would you mind Alex seemed to show his politeness to Gigi.

7. Tag Questions

The conversations that represent the use of tag questions by Alex and Gigi are explained as follows: [16] Alex : I thought I better come up with some really great excuse to get over here. That how its done, isn’t it? In example [16], Alex used formal tag question which seemed that he did not need a certain answer of his statement to Gigi see Appendix H, p. 76, item 160. [17] Alex: Over a week went by, okay? Gigi, he didnt call you. 39 Example [17] indicates that Alex used informal tag question to show his feeling of unsure to Gigi “Over a week went by, okay?” see Appendix A, p. 58, item 22. [18] Gigi : Arent these man secrets like why men need to watch televised golf? Gigi used tag question once when she wanted to ask about man secrets to Alex, as in the example [18] see Appendix A, p. 59, item 31. The obtained data shows that Alex used tag questions three times while Gigi only used one tag question. The interesting part of this case is that the female character, Gigi, used fewer tag questions than the male character , Alex. In other words, Lakoff‟s 1975 theory that mentions women use more tag questions than man was not proved in this research see Chapter II, p. 12. Both of them used tag questions in order to show their feeling of unsure about the things they talked about.

8. Questions

The researcher analyzed that Alex asked 22 questions to Gigi in the whole of conversations. Meanwhile, Gigi asked 19 questions less than Alex. [19] Alex : Conors not coming in tonight. Did he forget he was supposed to meet you? Gigi : See when I said, meeting someone I guess that was kind of a broad term, kind of a wide interpretation of the word meeting. Example [19 ] indicates that Alex tried to propose the possibility of Conor‟s forgetfulness by asking Gigi see Appendix A, p. 56, items 6-7. In this point, he PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI