28 Table 3.2 Observation Checklist of Alex’s and Gigi’s Conversational Styles Table 3.2 represents the list of possible conversational styles used by Alex and Gigi in their conversations. After completing the table 3.1, the researcher identified the conversational styles that are used by placing a thick sign √ and the conversational styles that are not used by placing a cross sign X.

F. Research Procedure

This section summarizes the procedure of this research. There were four steps which are conducted by the researcher to accomplish this research namely selecting research problem, reviewing the theories, analyzing research data, and concluding research results. 1. Selecting research problem The beginning process of this research was selecting the problem of the topic, conversational styles of men and women. By observing the source of this research, No. Conversational Styles Characters Alex Gigi

1. Qualifiers

2. Controlling the Topics

3. Verbal Fillers

4. Intensifiers

5. Swear Words

6. Compound Requests

7. Tag Questions

8. Questions

9. Interruptions

10. Overlapping

11. Talk Domination

12. Silence

29 Hes Just Not that into You movie, the researcher was curious to know the social phenomenon which appears through the use of conversational styles by men and women. Besides, the researcher was also curious to explore the factors that trigger misunderstanding in cross-sex conversations. 2. Reviewing the theories In order to conduct this research successfully, the researcher reviewed some theories from the experts which are related to the research topic. In this step, the researcher reviewed some theories about men’s and women’s conversational styles and factors that affect misunderstanding in cross-sex conversations as the fundamental theories to answer the research questions. Besides, the researcher also used the theories from several experts in order to support the research analysis. 3. Analyzing research data In this step, the researcher divided two ways of using the instrument. First, the researcher collected the data by downloading the movie, He’s Just Not That into You. Besides, the researcher also made the transcript of the dialogue so that it would be analyzed easily. Second, the researcher analyzed the data on the use of conversational style by Gigi and Alex on the movie. In this case, the researcher also identified misunderstanding which happened in their conversations. 4. Concluding research results The result of data analysis would be concluded by the researcher in order to answer the formulated questions. The validity of the answer would be checked by the researcher to improve the research validity. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI