Questions The Conversational Style Used by Alex and Gigi

43 The example [26] shows that Alex explained to Gigi that a guy will never do the same thing like a girl in terms of keeping the relationship , “trust me, if a guy is treating you like….” He tended to dominate the conversation because he knew exactly the thing about the guy. Alex, in addition, acted as an expert because he used men‟s perspective in giving an advice to Gigi “I know what blowing off a woman looks like. ” see Appendix A, p. 59, items 29-30.

12. Silence

The researcher identified 4 times of silence that occurred in the conversation was only done by Gigi. This case indicates that woman speaker was silent more than man speaker. [27] Gigi : Im Gigi. Conor and I went out last week. And I just … silence..I thought if I ran into him …silence…I dont know. Im gonna go. Example [27] shows that Gigi was silent when she was unsure of Alex‟s reaction to her comment see appendix A, p. 57, item 16. There was a long space before she continued to share her personal problem. When she told her feeling about Conor, she was silent again then decided to not continue her problem when said “…I don’t know. I’m gonna go.” [28] Gigi : Like, it was good to hear from me. You talked to me even when you were with a girl and …silence…I felt something. For the same purpose, Gigi was unsure about Alex‟s reaction when she wanted to express her feeling see Appendix G, p. 74, item 144. She was silent before she said, “I felt something.” 44 [29] Gigi : Thank you ....silence…Youve given me a lot to think about. The conversation above happened when Gigi was silent when she thanked Alex who gave her advice about her problem see Appendix A, p. 59, item 33. There was a long space before she explained more about the effect of Alex‟s advice to Gigi “Youve given me a lot to think about.”

B. The Factors of Misunderstanding in Alex’s and Gigi’s Conversations

In this section the researcher analyzed and interpreted which factors of misunderstanding that happened in Alex‟s and Gigi‟s conversations.

1. Involvement versus Independence

To prove this factor, the researcher analyzed the following conversations as represented in example [30] and [31]: Example [30] Gigi : Im Gigi. Conor and I went out last week. And I just ….I thought if I ran into him ….I dont know. Im gonna go. Alex : Look, you seem like a cool girl, so Im just gonna be honest with you, Conor is never going to call you. Gigi : Oh really? How do you know? Alex : Because Im a guy. Its just how we do it. The conversation above happened when Alex and Gigi met to each other for the first time see Appendix A, pp. 57-58, items 16-20. In this part, Gigi tried to share her personal problem to Alex “Conor and I went out last week. And I just….I thought if I ran into him ” because she knew that Conor is Alex‟s friend. Here, Gigi saw an opportunity where she could tell what had happened between her and Conor.