Silence The Conversational Style Used by Alex and Gigi

47 The researcher analyzed three main parts in the example [33] that lead Alex and Gigi to get misunderstanding. Example [33a] Alex : Thanks for staying and helping clean up- but I really gotta get to bed, though. Gigi : Is that an invitation? Alex : What? Gigi : Yes I knew it. I knew it. The best relationships grow out of friendships. The example [33a] happened when Alex did not understand why Gigi interpreted his utterance as an invitation see Appendix G, pp. 73-74, items 134-138. He just told that he wanted to go to sleep “I really gotta get to bed, though.” In contrast, Gigi thought that it was an invitation for her to get the closer relationship with Alex “Is that an invitation?” Example [33b] Alex : Now you and I are in a relationship? Gigi : Well, Id say if were not at relationship station--ship, were at least on the track. Alex : And why exactly would you think that? Gigi : Because there were, you know, signs. Alex : Really? Like what? Gigi : Like, it was good to hear from me. You talked to me even when you were with a girl and…silence…I felt something. Gigi tried to explain what she thought about their relationship when Alex still did not understand as in the example [33b] see Appendix G, p. 74, items 139-144. She said that she felt the signs where it was about feeling something different from Alex “Like, it was good to hear from me. You talked to me even when you were with 48 a girl and …I felt something.” Here, she also connected Alex‟s previous interaction with her. Example [33c] Alex : What are you talking about? What have I been saying since I met you? If a guy wants to date you he will make it happen. He will ask you out. Did I ask you out? Gigi : No. Alex : Why would you do this? Oh shit. Alex : Why do women do this? Why do they build this stuff up in their minds, take each little thing a guy does and twist it into something else? It‟s insane. The example [33 c] portrays that Alex was deeply disappointed at Gigi‟s explanation see Appendix G, pp. 74-75, items 145-149. He tried to explain that he really did not want to have a closer relationship with Gigi. All he had done to Gigi was only helping her in solving her personal problem “If a guy wants to date you he will make it happen …” Moreover, he expressed his disappointment by complaining Gigi about women‟s attitude “Why do they build this stuff up in…” Example [33] clearly shows the real differences between Alex and Gigi when they interpreted their relationship see Appendix G, pp. 73-75, items 134-149. In this part, they were focusing on two different things, message and metamessage. When focusing on metamessage, Gigi connected Alex‟s previous utterances with Alex‟s previous interaction with her. In this case, she thought that Alex treated her differently from the other girls. She saw that the relation between Alex and her was not in an ordinary relationship any longer. Conversely, Alex, as a male speaker focused on the message only without seeing any signals behind the message. Gigi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI