32 Table 4.1 List of Alex’s and Gigi’s Conversational Style Table 4.1 presents the list of conversational styles used by Alex and Gigi in their conversations. From the obtained data, the researcher identified that Alex used qualifiers, controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, compound requests, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping, and talk domination. Meanwhile, Gigi used qualifiers, controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping, talk domination, and silence. 11 conversational styles out of 12 were used by Alex and Gigi in their conversations. The use of conversational style by Alex and Gigi in He’s Just Not That Into You movie will be elaborated further. No. Conversational Style Characters Alex Gigi

1. Qualifiers

 

2. Controlling the Topics

 

3. Verbal Fillers

 

4. Intensifiers

 

5. Swear Words

 

6. Compound Requests

 X 7. Tag Questions  

8. Questions

 

9. Interruptions

 

10. Overlapping

 

11. Talk Domination

 

12. Silence

X  33

1. Qualifiers

The researcher discovered that qualifiers were more frequently used by Gigi rather than Alex in their conversations. Alex used qualifiers 12 times, while Gigi used qualifiers 25 times. Both of them used qualifiers or hedges in order to soften their statement. Some examples of using the qualifiers by Alex and Gigi in their conversations are described as follows: [1] Gigi : See when I said meeting someone I guess that was kind of a broad term, kind of a wide interpretation of the word meeting. In example [1], Gigi used qualifiers three times in her utterance see Appendix A, p. 56, item 7. She used the words guess and kind of to soften her statement about meeting someone. In this case, she tried to explain to Alex that women have the different interpretations of the word “meeting”. [2] Alex : Or maybe he just didnt call because he has no interest in seeing you again. For the same purpose, Alex also used qualifiers as in example [2]. He used qualifiers twice by saying the words maybe and just in order to explain to Gigi that there was a possibility of the man whom they talked about, had a specific reason to not call Gigi see Appendix A. p. 58, item 24.

2. Controlling the Topics

The speakers who are powerful in their conversations mean that the speakers have the ability in controlling the topics. The analysis data reveals that Alex tended to control the topic more than Gigi. He controlled the topic 12 times while Gigi only PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 eight times. In this case, Alex was the powerful speaker who can switch more topics in their conversations. [3] Gigi : Im really sorry to bug you. I thought you had some really good insights and I wanted to ask you a question. Alex : Okay, look, now I need to be harsh with you, Conor ’s never gonna be interested in you, Gigi. The situation of the conversation above was Alex thought that Gigi would talk about Conor on their beginning part of their conversation see Appendix B, p. 60, items 38- 39. Alex directly gave his opinion about Conor when he said “Conor’s never gonna be interested in you, Gigi ” without asking Gigi what question she wanted to ask. In other words, Alex as a man speaker tended to switch the topic of their conversation. [4] Gigi : You wont let me go out with guys who dont like me. Its kind of limiting. Alex : I was just gonna leave a message, Im having a party at my place next weekend. You should come. On the other hand, Alex called Gigi and kept controlling the topic on their beginning part of the conversation as in example [4]. He directly asked Gigi to come to his party when he said, “I was just gonna leave a message, Im having a party at my place ” see Appendix E, p. 69, items 115-116. [5] Alex : Yeah. Hes a friend of my brothers. Bill. Well all meet for a drink, itll be good. Gigi : So, Im in his bathroom right now. What do I do? 35 When Gigi controlled the topic as in example [5], she switched the topic by asking what she should do to Alex “So, Im in his bathroom right now. What do I do? see Appendix C, p. 64, items 76-77.

3. Verbal Fillers

In order to avoid silence, both Alex and Gigi used verbal fillers in their conversations. The following examples that portray the use of verbal fillers by Alex and Gigi are described as follows: [6] Alex: Well, I‟m just trying to help. In example [6], Alex used the word well as verbal fillers in the beginning part of his utterance see Appendix B, p. 62, item 58. He just wanted to help Gigi when said “…I’m just trying to help”. When he still thought about his statement, he used a verbal filler in order to fill the pause in front of his utterance. [7] Gigi : Because there were, you know, signs. Gigi used the words you know as verbal filler in the middle of her utterance as in example [7] see Appendix G, p. 74, item 142. In other words, Gigi tried to keep the conversation with Alex by using verbal filler you know. Based on the data, Pearson‟s 1985 theory which claims that women tend to use more verbal fillers in cross-sex conversations are not proved see Chapter II, p. 11. Alex used verbal fillers 13 times while Gigi used verbal fillers eight times. In this case, the male character, Alex, was used more verbal fillers rather than Gigi in cross-sex conversations.