Message versus Metamessage The Factors of Misunderstanding in Alex’s and Gigi’s Conversations

50 Meanwhile Gigi as a female speaker used qualifiers, controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping, talk domination, and silence. The researcher identified that Gigi controlled the topics eight times and dominated the conversations twice. She also used verbal fillers and intensifiers eight times, swear words twice, questions nine times. Moreover, she used one of tag question, interruption, and overlap. The second research problem related to factors affecting misunderstanding between Alex and Gigi in their conversations. The factors are involvement versus independence and message versus metamessage. The researcher identified two cases that represent involvement and independence and also two cases that represent message versus metamessage. 51


This chapter is intended to conclude and give recommendations based on this research. The conclusions are revealed based on the findings of the research which have been explained on Chapter IV. For the second section, recommendations are presented in order to help those who have an interest in the similar topic.

A. Conclusions

There are two main points as conclusions of this research. The first conclusion deals with the first research question; which conversational styles are used by Alex and Gigi in He’s Just Not That into You movie? The researcher discovered the conversational styles used by Alex, as a male character in the cross-sex conversations were qualifiers, controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, compound requests, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping, and talk domination. Meanwhile, the conversational styles used by Gigi were qualifiers, controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping, talk domination, and silence. In this case, the researcher identified that Alex had the higher frequency in using controlling the topics, verbal fillers, intensifiers, swear words, compound requests, tag questions, questions, interruptions, overlapping and talk domination. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 Based on the obtained data, Alex did not use silence in the whole conversations. Gigi, on the other hand, had the higher frequency in using qualifiers and silence. In this part, the researcher did not discover any compound requests on Gigi’s utterances. The second question deals with the factors that affect the misunderstanding in Alex ’s and Gigi’s conversations. They were involvement versus independence and message versus metamessage. The researcher identified two cases that represent involvement versus independence and two cases that represent message versus metamessage.

B. Recommendations

This research is dealing with the analysis of the language used by men and women in their social life. In other words, this research can be beneficial for the societies who want to learn their social phenomenon in sociolinguistics perspective. What is more, this research can also be helpful for every man and woman to understand the different styles of conversations so that they can minimize the misunderstanding phenomena, especially in cross-sex conversations. In the education field, this research can be beneficial for some learners and teachers as follows: 1. English Language Education Study Program ELESP Students This research can be a useful reference for students in the English Language Education Study Program who want to learn the influence of gender in sociolinguistic perspectives. They can expand their knowledge about the use of language by men and women in their social life. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 2. English Teachers In the teaching-learning process, the English Teachers need to improve their skills in communication so that they can make successful conversations to their students. Moreover, English teachers also need to understand gender different styles in making conversations. This research can be one of the useful references for the English Teachers who want to enrich their knowledge about gender and communication. Besides, they can apply their knowledge in their teaching-learning process. 3. Future Researchers This research can help the future researchers who conduct research related to the conversational style of men and women. From this research, the future researchers can deepen their research in one of the conversational styles. Besides, they can deepen one of the factors of misunderstanding in cross-sex conversations. Furthermore, the future researchers can analyze other media in order to get the data source since this research used the movie as the data source.