The Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

use of students’ native language will help teacher to decide whether the teaching process of vocabulary is successful or not, because using students‘ From greate langua tudy the writer made use of principles in teaching and learning as cited by Gargiulo, Cpg=PA208lpg=PA208dq=curriculum3Bdefniti onsou native language, students will be easier to give respond and comment to the teacher. the above advantages it is clear that learning English vocabulary will have r chances to be acquired by students if the usage of students’ native ge is considered important in the teaching and learning process. In the s vocabulary proposed by Nation. The theory will be the basis in developing the materials in the design

3. English Curriculum

“A series of carefully planned and designed activities, events, and experiences intentionally organized and implemented to reach specified objectives and goals…” Dunst books?id=Qkdp_O35Xig rce=blots=SDwJp7jQf2sig=Gj0iAm-WQIepmgCua9y60C9Vwhl=id ei=ete1SeiYJpz-6QOl7ZSiCQsa=Xoi=book_resultresnum=5ct= result. Curriculum plays major role in learning process because curriculum provides constraints and rules to design syllabi which will be used to develop learning. In designing a syllabus, we need to refer to curriculum in order to create a design which appropriate to the curriculum’s objectives and the level of students. The latest curriculum is the School Based Curriculum or the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP. This curriculum requires schools to develop their own curriculum which is appropriate to their schools’ condition, this to create an effective curriculum because each school has different condition and demand. By using their own curriculum, the schools can achieve the objectives of learning. KTSP also demands the learning process to be more student-centered, meaning that the materials and activity is directed to help students to be more active and independent. The purposes of KTSP are to develop communicative competence in written and spoken to achieve informational literacy level, to understand the importance of English in order to enhance competitiveness in the global society, and to develop students’ understanding on the correlation between language and culture. From the purpose above we can conclude that KTSP is directing material designers to help learners to understand English language merely not as a new input to their knowledge of language but it is more on how the language connects them to the real world and to broaden their knowledge about the variety of cultures the English language has. KTSP also helps the teaching and learning activities of English to be more effective by not only focusing on how to us English in written and spoken but it gets deeper to that the learners will learn the basic construction of English language through its culture and its use in global scope. Teaching vocabulary in school using computer as the assisted exercise media will be based on the objectives of KTSP. The implementation of the design will help the students gain more vocabulary which will help them learn English better. The program is designed in order to help students to have more attractive materials which will help them to motivate themselves in learning vocabulary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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