Selecting Teaching and Learning Activities and Resources Evaluating-Preliminary Field Testing

part provided the writer with comments and suggestions to revise the designed material. The evaluation was conducted to one lecturer of Sanata Dharma University, one English lecturer of Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing STBA LIA, and one English teacher of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Yogyakarta. The evaluation was aimed at getting the respondents’ opinion and suggestions toward the design in order to revise and improve the designed materials.

B. The Development of the Website

This part discusses about the development of the application which is the website. The website in the study was developed through several steps; they were Flowcharting, Collecting materials, Defining object properties, and Scripting.

1. Flowcharting

Flowcharting is the way the learning task is conducted in the application, in this case in the website. Flowcharting will provide information on how the activities are carried through linking system. There are four buttons Home, Exercise, Help, and Contact. The exercise menu provides eight 8 units and four 4 sections in each unit. The four buttons are linked to each other so learners or users can go to any of the four buttons through one of the buttons, as you can see on figure 4.1. These four buttons will be the main buttons to access the website. These four main buttons also provide learners or users with the basic information about the design. In the exercise menu, there are eight 8 units which are linked to the four main buttons. There are two linking system here, the first is the linking system 66 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI from the exercise unit to Home and Exercise buttons. This linking system is made in a way that learners or users can go to the exercise unit through Home and Exercise and they can go back to Home and Exercise menus from the exercise unit. The second system is the link from the exercise unit to Help and Contact. The linking system for these two main buttons is different from the previous one, learners or users can go to Help and Contact menus from the exercise unit, but they cannot go to exercise unit through the two buttons. The design uses four sections in each exercise unit; they are Presentation, Vocabulary Focus, Learning from Input and Output and Reflection. The four sections are linked to each other through Content and Next button. The two buttons allow learners or users to go back to the exercise unit and vise versa. To understand more about flowcharting, see figure 4.1 on page 68.

2. Collecting Materials

Materials are important in developing the website since it will determine the look of the website. To develop the website, the writer divided the materials into picture, recording, and animation. Picture is one of the main components in the website since picture will enable the writer to create a more attractive website. The pictures in the website were used as items in the exercise units and an image in Help button. The pictures used in the exercise unit were taken from the Cooking Academy game by Fugazo and the image in Home and Help button was created by the writer using Corel Draw 12™. Recordings also play important role in the website. They were used as listening materials to fulfill one of the skills in English. The recordings were taken 67 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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