Principles f Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

do for you?, indicating purpose as in go for a walk, indicating destination as in Is this bus for Chicago?, indicating reason as in Please take care of her for my sake, etc. Compare the word for with the word glee, it is used to express a feeling of great delight that makes one want to laugh, for example He chuckled with glee at the little joke he was about to make Hornby, 1995, p.459 and 502. Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way. Focusing on the strategy in le 2 arning vocabulary can be a good way using word parts, guessin 3 order for learners to be able to involve communicatively on the four strands listening, reading, speaking, and writing. to achieve more vocabulary. Those strategies are g from context, using word cards, and using dictionaries. Using word parts like prefixes and suffixes to help learner to understand low frequency words. The next strategy is guessing from context. Using high frequency words, the learners are able to guess the words which are included in low frequency words. Cards can also be used to learn vocabulary, learner may use card to write the vocabulary on one side and the other side is for the translation. Then the card is kept and can be used anytime learners want to read or learn the vocabulary. The last strategy is using dictionaries to acquire vocabulary. Give attention to the high frequency word across the four strands of a course. The four strands in English should pay attention the high frequency words in 4 Encour rning. “Taking the of options

c. Selec

selecting what words to teach. The selection is done on the idea that the words should be appropriate and useful for their English easily test e.g. a, the, of, then to choose every tenth word if this will give age learners to reflect on and to take responsibility for learning. The final principle suggests learners to be responsible on their own learning since they are the main part of vocabulary lea responsibility requires 1 the knowledge of what to learn and the range for learning vocabulary, 2 skill in choosing the best options, and 3 the ability to monitor and evaluate progress with those option” Nunan, 2003, p.140. ting Vocabulary The initial step for conducting the vocabulary teaching and learning is which students will learn language acquisition. Selecting the vocabulary used in the exercises need careful attention because it will affect the output of the design. In order to have good selection of words, we need to pay attention to the following steps as proposed by Nation: 1 First, we must exclude all the words that cannot be, etc. In fact the test will be easier to make if we test only nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. 2 Second, after we have excluded the words we cannot test, we must find a good way of choosing the test items from the words left. The best way is to number the words and us enough words for the test

d. The

ard the use of students’ native language in the vocabulary learning. It says that teaching vocabulary using students’ native ther tongue takes time which could b unimportant word in a reading text. When teacher’ goal is to help the the unimportant word in text, translation 2 various types of words will be easier ber of translation to help students to 3 they have understood something which was presented in another way. The Importance of Students’ Native Language There are some criticisms tow language will be a waste of time “The use of the mo etter be spent in using English” Nation, 1990, p.52-53. It surely states that using students’ mother tongue will cut the time allocation used to teach vocabulary. Despite the criticism above, Nation has found some advantages of that using the students’ native language to teach vocabulary. Those advantages are: 1 Translation can de done quickly The speed of translation is an advantage if teacher wants to pass over an students by avoiding explaining using students’ native language will be a good way because teacher can save time used to explain the unimportant word so the important word will have greater time to be explained. Translation is not limited It can be used to explain many different types of words. Using students’ native language the teaching of because it allows unlimited num understand the English vocabulary. The teacher can ask the learners to respond by using translation to see if

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