Specifying Learning Objectives The Elaboration of the Steps in Designing the Materials

Education used in invite others and respond a. Read the vocabulary used in invite others and respond and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in invite others and respond c. Comprehend to a passsage and the vocabulary about invite others and respond d. Write a dialogue about invite others and respond e. Speak the dialogue about invite others and respond f. Reflect about their learning achievement 3 Floods Students acquire new vocabulary used in express sympathy and respond The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in express sympathy and respond and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in express sympathy and respond c. Comprehend passsage about express sympathy and respond d. Write a dialogue about express sympathy and respond e. Speak the dialogue about express sympathy and respond f. Reflect about their learning achievement 4 Pollution Students acquire new vocabulary used in offer something to someone The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in offer something to someone and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in offer something to someone c. Comprehend passsage about offer something to someone d. Write a dialogue about offer something to someone with several cases e. Speak the dialogue about express 61 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI sympathy and respond f. Reflect about their learning achievement 5 Tree Families Students acquire new vocabulary use in offer help and respond The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in offer help and respond and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in offer help and respond c. Comprehend passsage about offer help and respond d. Write a dialogue about offer help and respond e. Speak the dialogue about express offer help and respond f. Reflect about their learning achievement 6 How to do it? Students acquire new vocabulary use in write procedure of making something The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in write procedure of making something and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in write procedure of making something c. Comprehend a passsage and the vocabulary about write procedure of making something d. Write the procedure in making a food e. Speak about the food the students have made f. Reflect about their learning achievement 7 Bills, Bills, Bills Students acquire new vocabulary use in express disbelief and surprise The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in express disbelief and surprise and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in express disbelief and surprise c. Comprehend passsage about express disbelief and surprise 62 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI d. Write a dialogue about express disbelief and surprise e. Speak the dialogue about express disbelief and surprise f. Reflect about their learning achievement 8 History of Medical Sciences Students acquire new vocabulary use in Make and cancel an appointment The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in Make and cancel an appointment and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in Make and cancel an appointment c. Comprehend a passsage and the vocabulary about Make and cancel an appointment d. Write a dialogue about express disbelief and surprise e. Speak the dialogue about Make and cancel an appointment f. Reflect about their learning achievement Table 4.1: the Competence Standard CS and the Basic Competence BC

4. Listing Subject Content

This part presents the subject content used in the design. Subject content is the activity that the students take when they are using the design, it also determine the kind of activities in the design. The subject content in the study is based on Nunan’s vocabulary theory, they are: a. Preparation This section presents the vocabulary that the students will learn in the exercise. The vocabulary was presented in the table to ease the students in reading and learning the vocabulary. When using this section, the student will need to read 63 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the vocabulary listed in the preparation table and they have to be carefully paying attention to the part of speech of each of the vocabulary. b. Vocabulary Focus This section will help the students to understand the vocabulary that they have learned in the previous activity. In this section, students will learn the vocabulary using two kinds of activities, on the first activity Indonesian equivalent was being used to help the students to get the idea of the vocabulary which they are learning. The second activity was using English equivalent, it was hoped that after learning the vocabulary using Indonesian equivalent, the students will be able to recognize the vocabulary in English. c. Learning from Input and Output This section is aimed at helping the students to learn vocabulary using the Input Listening and Reading and Output Speaking and Writing. The activity in this section will lead the students to enhance their vocabulary through listening, writing and speaking. The first activity will be listening; the students will listen to a recording and practice using the exercise. After learning the vocabulary through several activities, the students will go to the writing part, in the writing part the students will have to do the written task based on the vocabulary and the topic they are learning. The last part is the speaking part, the students will have to perform or practice their written work. d. Reflection This section allows students to reflect on their vocabulary achievement. Through reflection, students will share their experience or comments to the 64 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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