Identifying Learners’ Characteristics The Elaboration of the Steps in Designing the Materials

stated in chapter III, the information gathered from the questionnaire will provide useful information in order to design the materials. The questionnaire was conducted to 35 respondents; there were one English teacher of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Yogyakarta and 34 first grade students of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Yogyakarta grade X. From the questionnaire the writer found the information about the respondents, there were 1 female teacher 100 who had S1 degree, 17 female students 50, and 17 male students 50. The age of the female teacher is 55 years old while for the students the age range from 14-17 years old. There were ten 10 questions that were being asked in the questionnaire. The first question was about the implementation of vocabulary teaching in class, does your teacher teach vocabulary in class? The result was 30 88 answered ‘Yes’ and 4 12 answered ‘No’. The teacher respondent answered ‘Yes’ they teach vocabulary in class. The second question was what activities does your teacher used to teach vocabulary in class? 10 29 answered through Listening, 16 47 through Reading, 24 70 through Speaking, and 20 58 through Writing, while the teacher responded through Reading, Speaking, and Writing. Third question was the obstacles that students have when they learn vocabulary, 12 35 answered the materials are not various, 9 26 answered that they do not have much time to practice, 17 50 answered the exercise is not continuous, and 1 3 answered there are no recording in the exercise. The teacher answered time to practice vocabulary is not enough. Question number 4 was do you know website? 34 students 100 answered ‘Yes’ and the teacher also answered ‘Yes’. 57 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Question number five was what website do you ever visited to learn English, Most of the students answered Wikipedia, Google, and, while the teacher answered,, and Wordpress. Question number six, do you ever used website to learn vocabulary, 15 44 answered ‘Yes’ and 19 56 answered ‘No’, the teacher answered ‘Yes’. Question number seven was about the obstacle students have using website to learn vocabulary, 10 30 answered the navigation is difficult, 0 0 answered there are too many exercises, 4 11 answered that the exercises are not various, 1 3 answered that the language is difficult and the connection is slow. The teacher answered finding the appropriate address. Question number eight was the criteria for a good vocabulary exercise website, 23 67 answered the materials have to be various, 21 61 pictures are included in the materials, 24 70 easy to use, 17 50 the design includes the element of game, 21 61 the use of audio in the exercises, 1 3 answered can be accessed through mobile phone. The teacher answered that pictures are included in the materials. Question number nine was the sources that can be used in learning vocabulary through website, 32 94 songs, 11 32 recording about dialogue, 13 38 news, 10 29 recording about story, 13 38 students’ book, 19 55 magazines, 10 30 newspaper, 26 76 Internet, 1 3 films, the teacher answered, recording about dialogue, news, recording about story. Last question was the use of website to help students learning English vocabulary, 33 97 answered that website can help them to learn vocabulary and 1 3 answered ‘No’, the teacher answered ‘Yes’ website can help them to teach vocabulary to students. 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

2. Formulating Goal, Topics, and General Purposes

The goal of the design is to help the first grade students of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Yogyakarta to learn English vocabulary through a motivating and interesting learning activities using website. The website itself was designed using Macromedia Dreamweaver™ as the programming software. The materials used in the design were based on School Based Curriculum or KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan in order to maintain the output of the students, the four language skills were also being included in the materials, and they were Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. There are eight 8 topics which were used in the study, they were: Unit 1, topic: Education Unit 2, topic: Religious and Moral Education Unit 3, topic: Floods Unit 4, topic: Pollution Unit 5, topic: Tree Families Unit 6, topic: How to do it? Unit 7, topic: Bills, Bills, Bills Unit 8, topic: History of Medical Sciences The general purpose of designing a set of web-based English vocabulary supplementary materials for the first grade students of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 9 Yogyakarta is to enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery. 59 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. Specifying Learning Objectives

The design constructed eight 8 topics which were based on School Based Curriculum or KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Since the design was based on the present curriculum, there were two main objectives that need to be fulfilled; they were the Competence Standard CS and the Basic Competence BC. The goals of KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan are: a. To develop spoken and written communicative competence to reach the stage of informational literacy. b. To have the awareness of the importance of English language to increase the nation’s competence in global society. c. To develop the students’ understanding on the relationship between language and culture. The learning objectives are listed in the table below: No Topic CS BC 1 Education Students acquire new vocabulary used in education The students are able to: a. Read the vocabulary used in education and understand the part of speech b. Understand the vocabulary used in education c. Comprehend passsage about education d. Write a dialogue about their school e. Use present tense and correct puctuation f. Speak the dialogue about their school g. Reflect about their learning achievement 2 Religious and Moral Students acquire new vocabulary The students are able to: 60 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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