Identifying the Topic to be Studied Formulating Research Problem Conducting a Library Study Designing Research Protocol Collecting and Classifying the Data


4. Concluding According to the Finding

In this stage, the writer made a conclusion about the finding of morphology analysis. This step also determined the distribution of word- formation processes in The Inbetweeners TV series.

E. Research Procedure

To conduct the study, the researcher had several procedures. They were described as in the following.

1. Identifying the Topic to be Studied

First, the topic of the study was identified. The writer chose to organize the study in English word-formation process. The topic focused on the word- formation process in English Slang which occured in the first season of The Inbetweeners television series.

2. Formulating Research Problem

After identifying the topic, the writer formulated two research problems. First, the writer proposed “What types of word-formation that is used to form English slang in The Inbetweeners television series?” The second research question was “What is the distribution of the word-formation in English Slang found in The Inbetweeners television series?” 86

3. Conducting a Library Study

The writer conducted a library study to answer those research problems. The writer read the related and supported theories, namely: sociolinguistics, language variation, language change, slang, and word-formation. In this process, the writer used the theories about slang characteristics from Dumas and Lighter 1978 and the theories related to word-formation process from Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer, Harnish 2010 and O‟Grady, Archibald, Aronoff, Rees-Miller 2010.

4. Designing Research Protocol

In this step, the researcher designed the research protocol that would help the writer to elicit and analyze the data. Table 3.1 was one of the examples of research protocol that was created in this study. Then, the writer designed another table to help the researcher in answering the second research problem. It is exemplified by table 3.2. The table functioned to display the distribution of word- formation in the slang in The Inbetweeners television series.

5. Collecting and Classifying the Data

In this process, the writer collected the data by the protocol which is table 3.1. The writer gave codes of slang characteristics to make sure the selected words were slang. Next, the writer analyzed the word-formation process. In addition, the writer noted the distribution of word formation processes that were found in table 3.2. 87

6. Reporting and Concluding