Acronym Alphabetic Abbreviation Generified Word

130 were able to build new sense. Besides, the new combinations could express the old sense in the new and various way as well. Compounding process was able to build many words with numbers of variation. This did not only occur in standard English but also in English slang. It is exemplified by the combinations of head and other words. The word head could be formed a meaning „a stupid person‟. It could be attached by „dick‟ so it became dickhead either it could be combined with mutton, as in „muttonhead‟ to denote „a stupid person‟‟. It also followed „block‟ to create blockhead or „bone‟ to form „bonehead‟ with the same meaning. In addition, a sense of „a stupid person‟ was also found in word butterhead formed from „butter‟ and „head‟. Thus, through the instances which were mentioned above, it could be concluded that the same sense might be built by various words combination.

2. The Undiscovered Word-Formation Processes

The writer analyzed there were four types of word-formation process that were not found in slang words in the first season of The Inbetweeners television series. The writer‟s finding claimed, acronym, alphabetical abbreviation, generified word, narrowing, were not discovered.

a. Acronym

Acronym is the use of the the first letters of a sequence of words to spell a new word Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer Harnish, 2010. It can be said that acronym is an abbreviation which can be read like an usual word. It is a common 131 word-formation process in Standard English or English slang. Acronym is exemplified by AIDS which stands of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The example also lays in word UNESCO originating from United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. The phenomenon of acronym was not applied to form English slang in first season of The Inbetweeners television series. However, it did not mean slang words could not be created from acronym. Some slang words absolutely were able to be formed by acronym. It was exemplified by MILF that is created from „Mother I Love to Fuck‟. The acronym denoted to „a very sexy mother‟. It was also applied in a military slang, FUBAR: „Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition‟ Matiello, 2007. The writer concluded acronym was not discovered because acronym-based-slang was not employed by the characters of The Inbetweeners.

b. Alphabetic Abbreviation

Alphabetic abbreviation is a word formation process by using abbreviations but each letter is pronounced separately Katamba, 1994. According Mattiello2008, this process can be applied to form English slang. For example it occurs in WTF: „What the Fuck‟. It is also exemplified by WTH which is formed from „What the Hell‟. Moreover, Mattiello2008 reveals alphabetic Abbreviation is instantiated by SOB which stands from „Son of a Bitch‟. Although alphabetic Abbreviation was proven formed slang words, the writer still did not discovered the process was applied to create slang words in The Inbetweeners. 132 The writer concluded, it occurred because the characters did not use any abbreviation slang.

c. Generified Word

Generified word is a word-formation process by using specific brand name of product as names Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer Harnish, 2010. Through this process, new lexical can enter to Standard English. The example of generified word in English is laid on klenex. At first, it is a popular brand of tissue but now klenex is used widely to denote tissue. The writer did not find the application of generified word to English slang in “The Inbetweeners”. However, the writer was sure generification process existed to build English slang. For example, it was exemplified by a name of Area in United Kingdom, East ham . It is a slang word which means „nearly mad‟. Edinburgh fringe was the example of generified word as well. It was a compound word from fringe and Edinburgh. The second base, Edinburgh, was a name capital city of Scotland. It was rhyming slang for minge which is applied to denote „a female pubic hair‟.

d. Narrowing