Narrowing Tone placement The Undiscovered Word-Formation Processes

132 The writer concluded, it occurred because the characters did not use any abbreviation slang.

c. Generified Word

Generified word is a word-formation process by using specific brand name of product as names Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer Harnish, 2010. Through this process, new lexical can enter to Standard English. The example of generified word in English is laid on klenex. At first, it is a popular brand of tissue but now klenex is used widely to denote tissue. The writer did not find the application of generified word to English slang in “The Inbetweeners”. However, the writer was sure generification process existed to build English slang. For example, it was exemplified by a name of Area in United Kingdom, East ham . It is a slang word which means „nearly mad‟. Edinburgh fringe was the example of generified word as well. It was a compound word from fringe and Edinburgh. The second base, Edinburgh, was a name capital city of Scotland. It was rhyming slang for minge which is applied to denote „a female pubic hair‟.

d. Narrowing

Narrowing is defined as a process of taking a more restricted meaning than before Radford, Atkinson, Britain, Clahsen Spencer, 2009. It is exemplified by meat which was used to call „any solid consumable food‟ Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer Harnish, 2010. Now, its meaning is narrowing and only it is only used to denote „an edible animals‟ solid flesh‟. 133 In first season of The Inbetweeners television series, the writer did not find narrowing phenomena that form English slang. However, the writer believed it might occur in English slang because English slang follows the standard English word-formation process. Since the limited sources, the writer could not mention the examples of narrowing process in slang.

e. Tone placement

Tone placement is a process of using pitch to create a new meaning in a particular word. According to O‟Grady, Archibald, Aronoff, and Rees-Miller 2010, tone placement only occurs in the language which pitch affects the meaning of the words. Since, the meaning in English was not affected by pitch, tone placement occurrences did not exist in English slang. It is only applied in tonal language, such as Thai and Burmese. 134


The fifth chapter describes the conclusion of the study on English slang word-formation in the first season of The Inbetweeners. This chapter also presents the implication of this study and provides any possible suggestions for students, future researchers, and English teachers.

A. Conclusions

This study aims at answering two research questions related to word- formation processes in English slang which are discovered in the first session of The Inbetweeners television series. The first research question is “what types of word-formation are used to form English slang words in first session of The Inbetweeners television series?” The second research question is “what is the distribution of word-formation in English Slang discovered in the first session of The Inbetweeners television series?” To answer those questions, the writer conducted document analysis study on a British sitcom series entitled The Inbewteeners. Through the study, the writer draws conclusions that English slang in The Inbetweeners television series had 19 types of word formation, namely: coined word, clipping, blending, proper noun, borrowing, internal change, suppletions,